Trolled By A Moderator?

So am I to take from this that anybody could write:

“What have you been smoking? After bombing Iraq into submission, it was starved so that we can invade after everybody has died? Are you insane?”

and it would not be trolling? I’m afraid I’ve been a bit conservative here…
he then goes on:

“(as moderator) You are threading thin ice. We give lot of freedom in posting , but we do not have a lot of patience with Trolls. Make honest arguments instead of slinging mud, seeing what sticks.”

Is it in my prerogative to ask whether you have your head up your hat?
Or is this reserved speech for moderators?
You all certainly have established your class and prowess here.
You talk down to individuals here as if we are school children.
Worse, really, in the case of write4u.

This place has no regard for the truth.
The double jeopardy of write4u is as bad as it gets.
Imagine being on my side at what is supposedly the Center For Inquiry…
He’s stuffed words in my mouth, called me insane, and theatened me with censorship.
This is not a moderator’s behavior. Eliminate him.
Preferably now.