Travelling song banned

In a few cases, true.

I just started listening to this. Highly recommend it

I understand. My personal take on defining religion includes dogma and control of a population. Many of the spiritual journeys of the original indigenous people resulted from psychedelics like peyote. These individual journeys weren’t under the control of a church.

Later, Christianity was forced into the native American lives and that brought in corresponding dogma and control. So it gets confusing. I support letting native peoples continue their original journeys in the ways they did before “we” came along.

You are correct. I never heard of this. I’m familiar with WASP, but WEIRD is new to me. Accordingly, I truly am WEIRED. Nevertheless, I stand by what I wrote.

@thatoneguy I still say you have radical racist beliefs about people of colour, which makes what you say very invalid and not worth listening to.

Their beliefs are very much connected to nature. However, I find it difficult to accept smudging as a form of medicine. Sage and sweetgrass are nice, smell good, may help on relax in a diffuser as essential oil, but all that smoke with smudging is harsh on the respiratory system. I understand how they use sage, sweetgrass, cedar, etc the symbolism and everything, but the uses are underlain by science. A good Sweat is nice and does feel as though it gives you energy and cleanses a person, but it can make on very dehydrated if people aren’t careful. So, while I understand what they say about it, the symbolism, and the numinous feelings it gives, but when you apply the science, it just doesn’t quite hold up. It comes closer to the science than Xianity does though.

This is true, unless it is the Church of Peyote: .

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I wrote up some notes on this, from the book I posted above, then something came up and I forgot to add them to this thread. The comment was made:

Besides the obvious hypocrisy in how whites gave people something that they already had, it’s important to know when that happened. It was this case
Standing Bear v. Crook | Teaching American History

This is after the Civil War, after the 14th amendment, that left out Indians. It happened because an American military man who had fought many Indians had a change of heart. Note that it is Standing Bear, the Native, who is being allowed to bring the case against Crook, of the US military. Standing Bear was in jail, in 1877, and the case is that he should not be. That’s how long it took before that kind of justice could be “used against the Whites”.

This is from the judges opinion. It’s worth reading the article for Standing Bear’s words too,

“But in a country where liberty is regulated by law, something more satisfactory and enduring than mere sympathy must furnish and constitute the rule and basis of judicial action. It follows that this case must be examined and decided on principles of law, and that unless the relators are entitled to their discharge under the Constitution or laws of the United States, or some treaty made pursuant thereto, they must be remanded to the custody of the officer who caused their arrest, to be returned to the Indian Territory, which they left without the consent of the government. . . .”

So what? The point is Whites allowed it to happen. Nobody else does that.

Not all whites. There was a civil war. Most whites find slavery to be disgusting and what we did to Native Americans to be shameful. But yes, there are many other whites who see things differently.

I met the woman who worked for years to rename places from the slave owners and Indian killers whose names they had. She was the great granddaughter of Charles Eastman aka Oyesin. Look him up.

Interesting. When I was around 6 years old, my father and I joined the Indian Guides - a branch of the YMCA.

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