Trashing philosophy? Okay. Where Are the Women?

Touchy, touchy. So what 'Trashing of philosophy is this gentleman so upset about?

Do Philosophers ever take Evolution into account?
May '21

… when they dream up the questions and resolutions?
…Every once in a blue moon, the word Evolution pops up, but I’ve yet to hear anyone actually integrating it into the lessons they are espousing. So I toss it out, hoping someone can point me to a philosopher who’s …

Asking about Evolution, quite the trashing, guess philosophers are a sensitive clan.

Okay, if that was trashing, let’s try another question, see how tender that spot is. I’ve noticed it for a few years of occasionally cavorted through - WHY NO WOMAN?

But what do I know about it, nothing, so allow me to share from someone who does, Prof. Sarah Tyson.


Philosophy has not just excluded women. It has also been shaped by the exclusion of women. As the field grapples with the reality that sexism is a central problem not just for the demographics of the field but also for how philosophy is practiced, many philosophers have begun to rethink the canon.

Yet attempts to broaden European and Anglophone philosophy to include more women in the discipline’s history or to acknowledge alternative traditions will not suffice as long as exclusionary norms remain in place.

In Where Are the Women? , Sarah Tyson makes a powerful case for how redressing women’s exclusion can make philosophy better. She argues that engagements with historical thinkers typically afforded little authority can transform the field, outlining strategies based on the work of three influential theorists: Genevieve Lloyd, Luce Irigaray, and Michèle Le Doeuff.

Following from the possibilities they open up, at once literary, linguistic, psychological, and political, Tyson reclaims two passionate nineteenth-century texts—the Declaration of Sentiments from the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention and Sojourner Truth’s speech at the 1851 Akron, Ohio, Women’s Convention—showing how the demands for equality, rights, and recognition sought in the early women’s movement still pose quandaries for contemporary philosophy, feminism, and politics.

Where Are the Women? challenges us to confront the reality that women’s exclusion from philosophy has been an ongoing project and to become more critical both of how we see existing injustices and of how we address them.


Sarah Tyson is associate professor of philosophy and affiliated faculty of women and gender studies at the University of Colorado Denver. She was coeditor of Philosophy Imprisoned: The Love of Wisdom in the Age of Mass Incarceration (with Joshua M. Hall, 2014).

The question is ; “where are the women”?
Yes, where are they? Does anybody forbid women from jumping into the philosophical fray?

If I am engaged in discussion on a particular philosophical topic, I read all posts regardless of gender. I don’t look at the name and then read the post. I read the post and when the argument is sound in content and logical in presentation, then I look at the name .

If the author is a mind belonging to a female, I will respect that “mind” just as much as the same quality of mind belonging to a male.

I know there was a time when women were excluded from discussion about “important matters”. A perfect example is Hypatia, the first woman astronomer, mathematician and philosopher, who was torn to pieces by a mod of religious warrior monks.

In this day and age, if women want to participate in discussion on any topic no one stands in the way!

The point I am trying to make is that few women seem to be interested in philosophical discussion. In my experience, most women are not prone to dream of “what if”. They are oriented to “what is”. This is actually demonstrated by Sarah Tyson’s complaint.

Instead of blaming men, why not invite more women to partake in philosophical fora?

If that sounds prejudicial, I invite all women who are interested in philosophy to come forth and present their philosophical perspectives.

George Carlin said it best: (video set to the pertinent statement)