Gravity-time and Gravity-space.
We speak the word “time” without concrete scientific definition.
Therefore our knowledge about “time” is foggy.
But if we say “gravity-time” then the fog is disappeared because
for us there isn’t another “time” expect the “gravity-time”.
We don’t use light- travel- time
( so- called 1 Astronomical Unit) in our daily life.
The same “fog” is with the word “space”.
For us there isn’t another “space” expect the “gravity- space”.
We don’t use another spaces in our daily life.
The conceptions “time” and “space” are property of Gravity.
Without gravity there isn’t “time”, there isn’t “space”.
The discussion about “time” and “space” without Gravity is tautology.
The Quantum Fabric of Space-Time
“The smoothly warped space-time landscape that Einstein described is like
a painting by Salvador Dalí — seamless, unbroken, geometric.
But the quantum particles that occupy this space are more like something
from Georges Seurat: pointillist, discrete, described by probabilities.
At their core, the two descriptions contradict each other.”
The modern philosophy of physics is like an abstract art.
Abstract art is what happened when painters stopped looking at reality
of nature and expressed their own psychological feeling of it.
In this way physicists stopped looking at reality of nature and create
mathematical theories only for the sake of theories and then they say
“nature is paradoxical” and blame the nature in intricate complication.
Abstract cleverness of mind only separates the thinker from the nature of reality,
The Quantum Fabric of Space-Time "The smoothly warped space-time landscape that Einstein described is like a painting by Salvador Dalí — seamless, unbroken, geometric. But the quantum particles that occupy this space are more like something from Georges Seurat: pointillist, discrete, described by probabilities. At their core, the two descriptions contradict each other." ==. The modern philosophy of physics is like an abstract art. Abstract art is what happened when painters stopped looking at reality of nature and expressed their own psychological feeling of it. In this way physicists stopped looking at reality of nature and create mathematical theories only for the sake of theories and then they say "nature is paradoxical" and blame the nature in intricate complication. Abstract cleverness of mind only separates the thinker from the nature of reality, ===…I am not sure if I agree. Perhaps I am not grasping the implications of what you said, but I'll offer you an alternative way of looking at time. IMO, Time does not (cannot) exist as an independent continuum, it has no physical properties of any kind. Time itself is unmeasurable without resorting to circular thinking. How long is time? It depends on physical events, doesn't it? Time is a byproduct, a measurement of duration of change (an event). When there is a chronology of events the system acquires an accumulation of measurements, a time-line. When the chronology stops for a system, its associated time-line also vanishes, except for the measurable past. OTOH, Space is a dynamic ever changing physical thing, where everything in it undergoes change and creates individual timelines as well as a universal timeline. We even have names for sets of timelines. My timeline began when I was conceived and is thus very short in comparison to say the Sun's timeline, which is very small as compared to the Galactic timeline, which is very small as compared to the Universal timeline. I know the argument that space coordinates dictate the existence of time and that is true, hence spacetime. But remove the spatial aspects of space and time will disappear along with it. In the absence of change (at any level), time cannot exist as an independent construct. When there is nothing to measure, time is but an abstraction. Visualize: If the distance between two cities is 60 miles, how long would it take for me to get there when my car won't start? That scenario would result in zero traveling time, even as I may spend 15 minutes in starting time to try starting my car. If unsuccesful in starting the engine, the result would be zero starting time. Thus all we end up with a single event which duration "required" 15 minutes (in wasted time). (I don't think you could say he spent 15 minutes traveling at zero mph, or he spent 15 minutes in not starting his engine) To me that demonstrates the inextricable connection between "specific events" and the "required time" for the orderly chronological durations of events, simultaneously, for all . In this case time did not exist (was not a measurable result) for duration of travel; time did not exist (was not a measurable result) for duration of starting the car. Total (wasted) time "required" for the duration of that event was measurable as 15 minutes. Note: "required time" IMO, there is no time until it is required by physical change. What would be its purpose? Physical change cannot be instantaneous and simultaneous in the same place. Moreover, quantum itself requires time to complete. Thus physical change evokes (demands) the time required for this change to complete itself in an orderly (measurable) sequence. My personal viewpoint is that spacetime fabric is a permissive condition. It's physical existence is the generator of time within it, but its continuation as a universal wholeness just "requires" a mathematical permissiveness, granting what we call time. Our Universal timeline is some 14 billion years, but where did that time come from?? The Universe required it and it was mathematically permitted. To me that translates to; Time began as a result of the event responsible for the existence of the Universe. Before then, there was no time.