Three of the greatest pseudosciences


The current authoritative nightmares theory, motion sickness theory, and earthquake theory are typical pseudosciences that can neither be verified nor falsified.


Scientific theories can be confirmed. introducing several causes of a disease, a scientific researcher will further explain different consequences resulting from each cause to prove his opinion.For example, nightmares are caused by the symptoms of tachycardia. bradycardia or premature beat.and the most awful temporal brain ischemia cardiovascular diseases, which are also common in healthy people during the day. Correspondingly, dream of being chased or dream of attacked;dream of flying in the air or dream of falling down and the most awful sleep paralysis these three kinds of nightmares with different clinical manifestations will be caused.Motion sickness is caused by axis rotation,visually induced and low-frequency noise three main causes, with completely different symptoms. The corresponding axis rotation may cause symptoms of the most awful dizziness, visually induced may cause mild dizziness, and low-frequency noise may cause nausea, vomiting, and drowsiness. That is to say rumbling low frequency noise may cause carsickness, seasickness, and airsickness.

On the contrary, pseudoscience is confined to introducing the causes of nightmares and motion sickness, without further explaining each causes different clinical manifestations. Otherwise, the lie will be self-defeating.

Scientific theories can also be testable and make falsifiable predictions.For instance, a view holds, Carsickness is caused by special low-frequency rumbling noises. Hence people with acute hearing become sick easily, while deaf people who can’t hear any noise do not get carsickness. Also, even when people are standing near an airplane rather than riding on the car, the stimuli from the low-frequency rumbling of the airplane’s motor still triggers intense airsickness.We not get carsickness can’t hear the low dull rumbling sounds from the aircraft, trains, subways, trucks, motorcycles, tractors.People get carsickness on trains or subways running at the same speed when hearing low-frequency noise. If any evidence can be cited to prove that deaf people also get carsickness yet can avoid it by not riding any vehicles, this opinion can be invalidated. In reality, however, pseudoscience cannot be falsifiable predictions. For instance, a pseudoscience opinion that carsickness is caused by optokinetic stimulation cannot be overturned by the fact that the blind still gets carsickness.

At present, it can be verified through repeated experiments that there are only two causes of earthquake: gases explosion and meteoritic impact.

For the Tangshan earthquake in 1976, Wang Shencun, the Chinese scientist, first saw three flashes, heard a loud noise, and then saw three mushroom clouds rising, and then the major earthquake occurred. He believes that light, sound, air, and earthquake being homology is a unique phenomenon of the gases explosion. So he thinks the large earthquake is caused by the gases explosion. However, he thinks that it is wrong to think that gas of a major earthquake is water vapor.

Based on the phenomenon that the entire mountain top was blown up during the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, I think that the big earthquakes were caused by the explosion of the high temperature and high pressure gas rich contented in the lava which is homology to the volcano. It was not a steam explosion. There are many types of volcanic eruptions, and a major earthquake is one of special one.

Since a major earthquake is caused by a gases explosion, so before the earthquake, more and more high-pressure gas underground will inevitably increase the volume of the earth and slow down the rotation speed of the earth. After the earthquake, as the underground gas is released, the earth volume will get smaller, and the rotation of the earth will get quicker. If there are observations that can confirm that after a major earthquake, the earth’s rotation speed instead of becoming faster, but becoming faster, then my opinion can be falsified or overturned.

Of course, instead of a small earthquake, it must be a particularly large one can affect the rotation speed of the earth. At present, all scientific observations have now confirmed my prediction that the earth will rotate faster after a major earthquake. However, the pseudo-scientific theory that earthquakes are caused by faulting, the authoritative, has not yet proposed any scientific predictions to falsify or confirm its opinions.

General speaking, for a new scientific principle or scientific law, , its scientific result will be used immediately after being discovered by the human. For example, the scientific principle that gases explosions can cause earthquakes is confirmed, it is immediately widely used in wars to make bombs, exploits minerals from underground explosions, and prospect for petroleum by seismic waves generated by underground explosions, and so on. However, the authoritative scientific principle that earthquakes are caused by faulting has been put forward for decades, it has not been used in practice and has not been confirmed by repeatable experiments so far. So this theory is not even qualified for scientific hypothesis, and it is only called pseudoscience or primitive myth.

It has been proved that deaf people don’t get motion sickness.

It was firstly proposed by a Chinese physicist of acoustics that motion sickness was caused by infrasound. After reflecting on this over and over again for years, I think this view is wrong. In my opinion, motion sickness is supposed to result from booming low-frequency noise. For instance, it is beyond doubt that extremely loud booming low-frequency noise is always heard inside vehicles which easily bring about motion sickness. Inside vehicles without such noise, motion sickness isn’t caused at all. In spite of loud noise of tractors, people don’t feel sick inside them because there is no booming low-frequency noise. The key reason consists in that the noise of tractors doesn’t distract people because they don’t impact their verbal communications due to differences between frequency of the noise and people’s voices. Some other evidences can prove that motion sickness just arises from the aforementioned noise: People with good hearing easily suffer from motion sickness, while the deaf and dumb who can’t hear don’t feel sick inside vehicles at all. The noise is louder inside fairly closed vehicles, so people easily get sick in highly closed luxury buses and cars. The noise is so penetrating that motion sickness can’t be avoided either even if ears are covered with something. The cause of such amazing trick is medical experts’ lack of knowledge about acoustics. They have only noticed that the tractor doesn’t cause motion sickness although it is rather noisy, so they have wrongly concluded that motion sickness doesn’t result from noise. In fact, they haven’t discerned that the noise of a tractor differs from the low-frequency noise which brings about motion sickness. Although they couldn’t figure out the cause of motion sickness, they were too hasty to reach a conclusion. As a consequence, they have scientifically tricked people that motion sickness is associated with many factors such as axis rotation, movement and visual motion.

@sgroclkc - At present, it can be verified through repeated experiments that there are only two causes of earthquake: gases explosion and meteoritic impact.

For the Tangshan earthquake in 1976, Wang Shencun, the Chinese scientist, first saw three flashes, heard a loud noise, and then saw three mushroom clouds rising, and then the major earthquake occurred. …

Mushroom clouds? Any references? “Verified through repeated experiments”? Any references? Sounds rather wild and fancy free.


In the days preceding the earthquake, people began to notice strange phenomena in and around Tangshan. Well-water levels rose and fell. Rats were seen running in panicked packs in broad daylight. Chickens refused to eat.

During the evening of July 27 and the early morning hours of July 28, people reported flashes of colored light and roaring fireballs.

Still, at 3:42 a.m. most people were sleeping quietly when the earthquake struck.

It lasted for 23 seconds and leveled 90 percent of Tangshan’s buildings. At least a quarter-of-a-million people were killed and 160,000 others injured. The earthquake came during the heat of midsummer, and many stunned survivors crawled out of their ruined houses naked, covered only in dust and blood.

The earthquake started fires and ignited explosives and poisonous gases in Tangshan’s factories. Water and electricity were cut off, and rail and road access to the city was destroyed.

Here’s how people who actually study geology speak about this event:


Seismogenic Tectonic Environment of 1976 Great Tangshan Earthquake: Results from Dense Seismic Array Observations LIU Qiyuan, WANG Jun, CHEN Jiuhui, LI Shuncheng, GUO Biao.



On July 28, 1976, the great Tangshan earthquake that shook the whole world took place in the Tangshan area of the Hebei Province, China. A big incomprehensible question is why such a tremendous earthquake took place in the Paleo-craton area in North China? It would be worth considering whether a similar event will reoccur in the Tangshan region.

In this study, using the receiver function inversion technique and teleseismic P waveform data recorded at the Capital Circle Seismic network and our movable seismic array, we investigated the 3-D S-wave velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle down to 60 km beneath Tangshan area.

Our results manifest that (1) the media beneath the Tangshan block cut by active faults are very different from the adjacent area, and all of the active faults surrounding the Tangshan block was through the whole crust;

(2) in the upper and middle crust, there exist obvious heterogeneous low-velocity media beneath the Tangshan earthquake region;

(3) the crust-mantle boundary has an obvious block uplift and, in comparison with both sides, the top anomalous uplift of the upper mantle beneath the Tangshan block reaches to 10 km, and the upper mantle beneath has an anomalous heterogeneous structure;

(4) beneath the Tangshan earthquake region, there are probably massive intrusions derived from the upper mantle, which form the low-velocity body in the upper and middle crust. Because of our results having much higher resolution than previous results, some new features of the crust and upper mantle velocity structure could be shown in this study;

(5) the locations of destructive earthquakes are not random and are related closely to their deep structure of the crust and upper mantle. This provides a possibility of correctly estimating the location of destructive earthquakes.

On the basis of our results, we discuss the dynamic genesis of the Tangshan earthquake. We consider that the main dynamic source for the Tangshan earthquake is the vertical movement of the upper mantle, which leads to the exchange of material and energy between the crust and the upper mantle.

The horizontal stress field plays only a subordinate role. This observation facilitates our understanding of why the Tangshan earthquake with the magnitude greater than 7.0 occurred within the Paleo-craton area of North China. A problem worth considering is whether there is a possibility that same magnitude events will reoccur in the Tangshan region. … (details follow)

There’s another one: www_researchgate_net/publication/248791163_The_Tangshan_Earthquake_Sequence_and_its_implications_for_the_evolution_of_the_North_China_Basin


No one talking about mushroom clouds or explosions that happen and manifested themselves as an earthquake a few hours later on. Or that explosions after an earthquake can somehow have been the triggering cause of the earthquake.

  1. The current authoritative nightmare theory, motion sickness theory, and earthquake theory are typical pseudosciences that can neither be verified nor falsified. For decades, after authoritative Chinese scientists, popular science writers, and editors of publishing houses have seen the scientific theories that I put forward about nightmares, motion sickness, and earthquakes that can be verified or falsified, they all know that the nightmare theory, motion sickness theory, and earthquake theory are pseudosciences. However, only very few Chinese experts and editors have replied to me acknowledging their mistakes. So far, no authoritative Chinese scientist, publishing house, or popular science writer has publicly corrected their mistakes. These three pseudo-scientific theories are still published on various authoritative websites in China, but netizens are prohibited from commenting. Otherwise, only by comparing the two theories, they will immediately know that these three authoritative theories are pseudo-sciences.
In order not to change the status quo of benefit distribution, all science writers such as Fang Zhouzi in China have stopped popularizing science on the Internet (Fang Zhouzi still publishes articles on English Facebook), and various scientific forums and psychology forums on the Internet in China have been closed (a very small number of scientific forums in China have not been closed, but netizens are no longer allowed to comment on these three pseudo-scientific articles), The popular science book "One Hundred Thousand Whys", previously praised by the Chinese news media as affecting several generations of people published by Shanghai Children's Publishing House and is republished every few years, has not been republished for more than ten years.In order not to change the status quo of benefit distribution, all science writers such as Fang Zhouzi in China have stopped popularizing science on the Internet (Fang Zhouzi still publishes articles on English Facebook), and various scientific forums and psychology forums on the Internet in China have been closed (a very small number of scientific forums in China have not been closed, but netizens are no longer allowed to comment on these three pseudo-scientific articles), The popular science book "One Hundred Thousand Whys", previously praised by the Chinese news media as affecting several generations of people published by Shanghai Children's Publishing House and is republished every few years, has not been republished for more than ten years.


Guess you’re not here for any dialogue.

I did a little trawling for “Fang Zhouzi” and he certainly does seem like a character. Good guy, bad guy, or a little of both. I’ve no clue what point you are trying to make about him.

Carry on.


The best-known proposal for how to solve the demarcation problem is falsifiability, an idea that the philosopher Karl Popper summarized like this: “statements or systems of statements, in order to be ranked as scientific, must be capable of conflicting with possible, or conceivable observations.” In other words, a statement is scientific if it could at least in principle be falsified by some piece of data.

The current authoritative nightmares theory, motion sickness theory, and earthquake theory and other popular scientific frauds or pseudoscience all around the world that I exposed have a common point. Namely, all those experts know clearly that what they advocate are misleading, and none of them dares to open a Chinese or English blog account online to answer consultation or questions from the public. Certainly, a very few experts do open a Chinese or English blog account online to answer public consultation because they don’t know that their theories are scientific frauds. Once I point out his mistakes, the expert will no longer answer others’ consultation online as other cheater experts do.


For thousands of years, all people around the world have mistaken that palpitation is caused by nightmares, which can’t be explained within human’s intelligence.Chinese scientists Cheng ming made bold breakthroughs after 6 years’ intensive studies. In 1992, finally, he found it is the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases as palpitation braking out during somnus that caused human’s sense of fear (palpitation may not cause sense of fear, while sense of fear is deemed to be caused by palpitation), and which causes nightmares further. This new significant scientific discovery found out by Chinese scientists Cheng ming not only recovered the long-time secret of nightmares, but also corrected the mistake deeply believed by all people around the world that nightmares cause sense of fear. The mistake placed scientists around the world in an embarrassing situation. For many years, some deleted my articles, or some stopped to provide nightmare consultations on their blogs and even closed down their blogs when read my article on their blogs or other forums. Since 2009, there has been hardly any Chinese or English blog for dream consultation published by dream researchers around the world.

The reasons for the dreams are very simple, viz. they are the reactions of the objective things in the minds. As Germany’s well-known psychologist William Wundt’s view of “the most common causes of the dream are indigestion, heart pulsation (palpitation or flustered), difficulty in breathing, as well as such symptoms." Psychologist A Moree after a rigorous study also pointed out that: "The dream is the organism having a misunderstanding of the emotional perception, for example, the noisy at night when sleep will cause a dream of sound of thunder. For instance, students dreaming the examination before the pre-examination, is caused by the things about examination, and dreams about urgency of urine are caused by the sense of urgency of urine after sleep. By the same token, nightmares are caused by three most common of symptoms of tachycardia cause a feeling of seeming to be chasing. bradycardia or premature or premature beat cause the feeling of heart suspension or heart sinking. and the most awful transient reductions in brain blood flow or oxygen cause very terrible dizziness, palpitations, feelings of chest pressure, dim vision, tinnitus and a variety of neurological symptoms, which are also common in healthy people during the day.


Therefore, people in sleep accordingly will have the three most common nightmares : one is dream of being chased and attacked(occasionally hunting other people) ;one is dream of flying in the air or dream of falling down ; the other is all the people who are prone to the most awful transient reductions in brain blood flow or oxygen frail corporeity, excessive fear, taking the quinidine which may lead to low blood pressure, as well as a excessive high pillow ors, error in sleeping style which may lead to the aggrieved neck, pressed blood stream. when they sleep in deep night, they will have the extraordinary corresponding horrible dreams, in the dreams, they do some kind of terrible Belial pressuring them or being hunted down, but they can not cry out or escape, which are called nightmare in iatrology. Vague terrors in light sleep, which is known as the most awful sleep paralysis. Sometimes people was just woken up with the transient reductions in brain blood flow or oxygen, be cause the vision continuing for a few minutes and dyskinesia have not yet concluded, which will cause psychological illusion that people struggle to wake up but fail to do it.


Scientific theories can be confirmed. introducing several causes of a disease, a scientific researcher will further explain different consequences resulting from each cause to prove his opinion.For example, nightmares are caused by the symptoms of tachycardia. bradycardia or premature beat.and the most awful transient reductions in brain blood flow or oxygen cardiovascular diseases, which are also common in healthy people during the day. Correspondingly, dream of being chased or dream of attacked;dream of flying in the air or dream of falling down and the most awful sleep paralysis these three kinds of nightmares with different clinical manifestations will be caused. On the contrary, pseudoscience is confined to introducing the causes of nightmares and motion sickness, without further explaining each causes different clinical manifestations. Otherwise, the lie will be self-defeating.


Scientific theories can also be testable and make falsifiable predictions.For instance, a view holds,sleep paralysis is caused by transient reductions in brain blood flow or oxygen,It causes a feeling of dizziness and sometimes even altered awareness or loss of consciousness.The patient may also complain of chest pain, dyspnoea, blurred vision, paraesthesias, muscle cramps and fatigue, This feeling is accompanied by such physical symptoms as palpitations, dyspnoea, sweating, trembling and abdominal discomfort.However, symptoms can vary from person to person.In our sleep or dream,Sometimes even altered awareness or loss of consciousness is producing completely paralyzed, can’t more, can’t speak, breathing is controlled and troubled.The frightful dizziness is producing the frightful devil.Palpitations of tachycardia is producing being attacked of frightful devil.When we deep sleep,Transient reductions in brain blood flow or oxygen is producing the colorful dream.When we shallow sleep or awake,Transient reductions in brain blood flow or oxygen give we a fright.When we awake,we stand up too fast from a sitting that we are likely to suffer from frightful transient reductions in brain blood flow

Most important,the experiment confirmed the idea.For example,when the everyone had sleep paralysis ,because transient reductions in brain blood flow is caused by The pillow too high.This explains people who not have a feeling of palpitations and suffered fright had sleep paralysis but people who not have a feeling of palpitations and suffered fright did not have nightmare of only feeling of palpitations.

  • dyspnea,chest pain,Palpitations and transient reductions in brain blood flow all are symptom of cardiovascular disease aspect.As psychologist or dream researchers was ignorant at cardiovascular disease,they cannot explain symptom of palpitations and transient reductions in brain blood flow the person's sleeping.So they offered all kinds of absurd idea of nightmare.Palpitations and transient reductions in brain blood flow all are symptom of cardiovascular disease aspect.As psychologist or dream researchers was ignorant at cardiovascular disease,they cannot explain symptom of palpitations and transient reductions in brain blood flow the person's sleeping.So they offered all kinds of absurd idea of nightmare.

Mr. Wang Shencun passed away. Before leaving the world, he published an article online, saying that his theory that earthquakes are caused by gas explosion have been approved by many people through years of promotions. Also, a Chinese newspaper decided to announce scientist Wang Shencun’s significant scientific achievement to the entire world on July 8, 1986. Unfortunately, this news was withdrawn on the night before being published, owing to intervention from an authoritative Chinese expert. What’s worse, this expert even launched a personal attack on Shencun Wang’s reputation. I could read the article written by Shencun Wang on the Internet on June 3. However, it cannot be found anywhere today. I wonder whether its disappearance resulted from a technical fault of the website or another intervention from an authoritative Chinese expert. Although this article has been deleted permanently, I, fortunately, took a screenshot of it with my mobile phone.

<h1>The scientific principle that gases explosions can cause earthquakes is confirmed, it is immediately widely used in wars to make bombs, exploits minerals from underground explosions, and prospect for petroleum by seismic waves generated by underground explosions, and so on. However, the authoritative scientific principle that earthquakes are caused by faulting has been put forward for decades, it has not been used in practice and has not been confirmed by repeatable experiments so far. So this theory is not even qualified for scientific hypothesis, and it is only called pseudoscience or primitive myth.</h1>

prospect for petroleum by seismic waves generated by underground explosions, and so on.
This has been practised for years. It's called "fracking" and is primarily used to harvest shale oil and natural gas that is trapped in the earth's mantle.
Oil and gas development, including fracking, near streams and rivers can have a number of impacts. These include pollution of surface and groundwater, sedimentation of streams from construction of roads and well pads, dewatering of streams, and displacement of wildlife.

Heavy machinery, trucks and other buildings and equipment turn pristine and scenic areas into industrial zones.

Hydraulic fracturing is an oil and natural gas production technique that involves the injection of millions of gallons of water, plus chemicals and sand, underground at very high pressure in order to create fractures in the underlying geology to allow natural gas to escape.

It also is called hydrofracturing, hydrofracking or more commonly known as fracking.

The sand is used to keep the fractures open and allow oil or gas to flow more efficiently. Hydraulic fracturing is commonly used in many types of geologic formations such as coal beds, shale plays, and previously-drilled wells to further stimulate production.
Thirty-three states have oil and/or natural gas production and, according to the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission, more than 90% of U.S. oil and natural gas wells use hydraulic fracturing. Tens of thousands—if not hundreds of thousands— more wells are planned across the country over the next decade

On Google: › insight

How Does Land Seismic Work? | Rigzone

There is also a theory that stomach disease is caused by psychological stress, which is also a scientific scam that cannot be confirmed by repeated experiments. This scientific scam has now been exposed. The scientific opinion that stomach diseases can be confirmed by repeatable experiments are caused by Helicobacter pylori has won the Nobel Prize .

Further, Dr. Marshall said, “The fact that the big drug companies who were supporting the journal articles ignored H. pylori was far more effective than actually saying that a bacterial cause was not true because if they had said it was false, or not important, they would have created a controversy and maybe media interest.”

Dr. Samuel Hellman, a former dean of the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Medicine, said that doctors “often fall in love with a hypothesis, and that holds in my field, cancer.”

Taking the hypothesis that has not been confirmed by repeatable experiments as a scientific theory has caused great losses to mankind. However, because the peers in the whole scientific community have participated in it, even if the scientific fraud has been exposed, no scientist will be punished. Academic plagiarism or plagiarism does little harm to mankind. However, as it is a personal behavior, once it is exposed, the scientist will be severely punished.

When the scientific scam that stomach disease is caused by psychological stress is exposed, human beings should learn a lesson and say no to any scientific scam that regards the hypothesis that has not been confirmed by repeated experiments as a scientific theory, it will not appear. Until now, the three scientific scams of nightmare, motion sickness and earthquake still harm human beings. My nightmares, motion sickness and earthquake, These three major scientific discoveries have not been recognized by the scientific community.
Refer to Nobel Came After Years of Battling the System

I have idiopathic IBS. I didn’t believe in it at all. Until I began to experience the worst pain I’ve ever had in my 67 years of life. In a very bizarre but obvious pattern. One night on. One night off. Two nights on. One night off. From midnight to 04:00 The evenings after that night off were the worst of my life. Knowing what was coming. After being checked inside out with every test known to man, I was sympathetically told that there is nothing physically wrong with me. Did I want heroin? I also developed cold urticaria. And benign pemphigus in my hands. For the second time in thirty years.

That it is all entirely psychosomatic.

Because the low-frequency noise will become very large in a completely closed place, I designed an experiment that everyone can do to confirm or falsify whether motion sickness is caused by low-frequency noise or motion.

It is to select a car with large low-frequency noise and easy to make people feel carsick, completely close the window, and the people participating in the experiment must wear an oxygen mask (to avoid suffocation and death when the air is not circulating). When the car is in neutral and the car is stationary, step on the car accelerator to the bottom to maximize the low-frequency noise in the car,if the person who is easy to get carsick at ordinary times does not get carsick at this time, it proves that carsickness has nothing to do with low-frequency noise. If carsickness occurs, it proves that carsickness has nothing to do with exercise.

No one will die from low frequency noise. They’ll just die when the engine explodes !

I found Aristotle and other scientists’ opinions about earthquakes caused by gas explosions on Google.However, these scientists’ views on the source of gas are wrong.None of them knew that these high-pressure gases came from lava.

As we saw with Thomas Twyne, as late as 1580, Aristotle was still seen as an unimpeachable authority whose views were not to be questioned. Earthquakes were due to the violent escape of subterranean winds. Aristotle, Seneca and Pliny all said so, and doubtless God had guided their writings for the benefit of subsequent generations.

Hallywell’s main idea is that the earth is largely hollow, and that we live on a thin shell above a vast system of caverns. He gives various bits of evidence for this—rivers disappearing underground, for instance. However, he differs from the Aristotelians in favouring fire as the explanation for earthquakes. His idea is that exhalations from deep subterranean heat permeate the earth, leaving deposits of sulphurous, nitrous, bituminous and other potentially explosive minerals. Occasionally subterraneous fire penetrates into rocks containing these deposits, and the resulting explosions are felt at the surface as earthquakes.

He then gives five examples of earthquake effects and argues that these are compatible with underground explosions: thunderings heard underground, earthquakes felt over large areas almost simultaneously, cities being swallowed up, ejection of groundwater, and the formation of new islands.

A history of British seismology

Of course, that is also wrong. Earthquakes are caused by tectonic activity and that has nothing to do with gasses at all.

Plate tectonics

Earth’s lithosphere, which is the rigid outermost shell of a planet (the crust and upper mantle), is broken into seven or eight major plates (depending on how they are defined) and many minor plates. Where the plates meet, their relative motion determines the type of boundary: convergent , divergent , or transform . Earthquakes, volcanic activity, mountain-building, and oceanic trench formation occur along these plate boundaries (or faults). The relative movement of the plates typically ranges from zero to 10 cm annually.[3]
Divergent boundary

Convergent boundary

Transform boundary