This is what USA "Free Market" principles look like

Yea, you know your society is in trouble when it takes comedians to break the news and talk about real issues.
Money Boo Boo - The Canadian Banking System

So tell me again what system are we trying to save in this country?
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Al Franken learns how to talk to US Senators:
Money Boo Boo - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 06/24/13

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Fear not…Canada has a Conservative government that is trying to catch up to the American superior banking system.

Fear not...Canada has a Conservative government that is trying to catch up to the American superior banking system.
Yeah, unfortunately, that stuff's going away, as more govt's adopt the "successful" US model.

The Canadian banking system behaves in the way a banking system should, i.e. conservative. They have a reputation for being stodgy and risk-averse. In the U.S., they are too much into cowboy finance. Financial innovation is all well and good and if you regulate the financial system too much, you create an environment where big banks are protected from competition and innovation suffers (this is what happened to the U.S. banking system prior to the 1980s deregulation). But they let it get out of hand, with a completely unregulated derivatives market springing up.

The Canadian banking system behaves in the way a banking system should, i.e. conservative. They have a reputation for being stodgy and risk-averse. In the U.S., they are too much into cowboy finance. Financial innovation is all well and good and if you regulate the financial system too much, you create an environment where big banks are protected from competition and innovation suffers (this is what happened to the U.S. banking system prior to the 1980s deregulation). But they let it get out of hand, with a completely unregulated derivatives market springing up.
Yep, it's true, they are way better by comparison. For the Canadian citizen's sake, let's just hope it stays that way, because me and my family may need a place to move to in a couple of years....
Fear not...Canada has a Conservative government that is trying to catch up to the American superior banking system.
Sad, but well taken point. And if they get as good as some reaches of the Canadian government have gotten in regards to attacking and/or ignoring science - maybe their banking future isn't as secure as their banking past
Mon, 2013-06-03 Carol Linnitt Harper’s Attack on Science: "No Science, No Evidence, No Truth, No Democracy" This is a DeSmog Canada post originally commissioned for the Academic Matters: The Journal of Higher Education May edition "The War on Knowledge." Science—and the culture of evidence and inquiry it supports—has a long relationship with democracy. Widely available facts have long served as a check on political power. Attacks on science, and on the ability of scientists to communicate freely, are ultimately attacks on democratic governance. It’s no secret the Harper government has a problem with science. In fact, Canada’s scientists are so frustrated with this government’s recent overhaul of scientific communications policies and cuts to research programs they took to the streets, marching on Parliament Hill last summer to decry the “Death of Evidence." Their concerns— expressed on their protest banners—followed a precise logic: “no science, no evidence, no truth, no democracy."
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The Canadian War on Science: A long, unexaggerated, devastating chronological indictment Posted by John Dupuis on May 20, 2013 This is a brief chronology of the current Conservative Canadian government’s long campaign to undermine evidence-based scientific, environmental and technical decision-making. It is a government that is beholden to big business, particularly big oil, and that makes every attempt to shape public policy to that end. It is a government that fundamentally doesn’t believe in science. It is a government that is more interested in keeping its corporate masters happy than in protecting the environment.
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