The war of China ? what are the triggers, what are the potential threats?

I don’t think it is better either. Neither China or Russia have a plan and are the worst offenders, concerning worsening Climate Change.

While other publications say that the Russian forces are crumbling and retreating.

Funny that.

Since this thread has mixed China and Ukraine, there should be no problem with this:

Roger Waters Calls Biden a “War Criminal,” Defends Russia and China in CNN Interview (

Now calling President Biden a “War Criminal” for helping what was widely considered and underdog is a bit of a stretch.

Maybe he just needed a little extra face time to sell more tickets.
There were quite a few seats available for his recent concert.

Roger Waters? Seriously?
What does he know?

Pink floyd has swallowed the cool aid on pro war anti russian anti china propaganda except for Waters. He knows that American ruling class wants war with china. and russia. Yet there is a war going on at home that needs to be fought by every worker. US Senate is targeting Social Security and Medicare with the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility calling for the slashing funding for Social Security and Medicare.

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You can catch his current “This is not a drill” tour on YouTube. Pretty much the same anti-war, anti-establishment message, but you can also enjoy the music and technical production of the show.

Yes, those are the Republican Senators and friends of Trump who is buddies with Putin and Kim Jong-un.

Those are not in the majority and certainly not in the majority of Americans who respect the concepts of democracy as outlined in the US Constitution.
These are the insurgents who stormed the US Capitol which was in session of certifying the legitimate election of President Biden, who used to be vice-president during the Obama administration and is a man of peace.

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calling for slashing Social Security and Medicare to fund a massive surge in military spending, declaring, “NATO Needs More Guns and Less Butter.”


There is a growing independence movement in Puerto rico. China should send a delegation and weapons over there and help them. Tik for tak

I’m pretty sure you’re repeating more propaganda.

Really? Again you are completely misinformed. Puerto Rico has suffered from some extraordinary disasters causing it to declare bankruptcy on its debts.

But without the US, Puerto Rico would disappear as an island nation.

Like most U.S. states, the island receives billions of dollars more in federal spending, including on Medicare and Social Security, than its residents pay in taxes. In addition, the U.S. government has earmarked nearly $24 billion in disaster-recovery funding for the island since 2017.

This is not saying that the US could do more to restore PT infrastructure, but we can thank Trump for completely neglecting the current plight of its citizens.

This is how Trump saw relief for the Puerto Rican people.

Trump tosses rolls of paper towels like basketballs to victims of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico.

Rogers Waters wiped the floor with the reporter in that interview

Guess who brought the paper towels

Meanwhile inflation rate USA hits 8.7 % while chinas is 2.7%

Inflation is happening all around the world. It’s not just in the U.S. and I suspect that 2.7% number for China is pure propaganda, especially when you look at the high inflation rates happening all around the world. China also lied about it’s COVID infection and death rates too. They lie about a lot of things, actually.

Alice in wonderland - a childs understanding of the world

The zero covid policy and the lack of effectiveness of their vaccine have wracked China economy.

For instance, China is knowing a real estate bubble explosion.

I am wondering how much of the present muscle showing around Taïwan is not aimed at diverting public opinion of the present difficulties.

However bad you say chinas economy is going it not as bad as whats happening in france with lame duck Macron the champion of neoliberalism forced to nationalise the energy sector.

How key ideological principles change in a crisis!!!

parlez vous francais?