You mean extinction of our global society (including the infrastructure required for the Cloud and such digital/electronic marvels that depend on steady plentiful electricity and massive cooling, plus a steady supply of high tech replacement parts.) isn’t enough to get our attention? 
Besides, mind you, “sudden” is a relative term. The train spends foor-eeva getting there, then in a sudden whoosh, it has passes by.
Said the captain as his tanker was about to plow into the pier full of spectators.
There’s no arguing that.
What is that supposed to mean?
I pro-actively learned from experts and specialists, the one’s who’ve dedicated their lives to studying and deciphering the facts as they find them, then sharing their understanding with interested people. And I remembered.
Lord knows I wonder how so many could forget so much, that was easily available.
Think on the last election, what was that won on? What was that if not a willful rejection of experts and “smarter” people.
I was extremely curious (actually in love with) this Earth and proactively pursued and listened to experts. Blame my mom, dad and god-fearing Grandmother for my enjoyment of smarter people and my thirst for honest, good faith learning about my life and this planet that created us.
It’s no secret most in our society couldn’t care less, in fact most view “Nature” and “Ecology” as some leftie plot to grab money and never think about it beyond their Faith based willful ignorance. Heck fundamentalist Christian’s want Earth destroyed.
Come on, how else could we have wound up with this history of self-destructive choices? How else could we behave as grotesquely wasteful and disinterested in what’s happening “over there” as we do?
Where have I been advocating for total extinction?
What’s that even mean, total extinction of what?
Total extinction of what, our electrical grid?
… , our super oil tanker based economy?
… , our viable coastal ports?
… , our democratic pluralist government?
Not to mention massive destructive changes being forced on our planet.
We are talking multiple, though interwoven, trajectories that are profoundly counter-productive. Lausten that’s the same tactic that’s been used nearly half a century: ignore the basic physics and trajectories, expect proofs of exactly what’s going to happen, or we ignore the information.
We don’t know the future, but we can see the hearts of people, especially the uber-rich and powerful, and the masses who follow and the way they continue to behave.
We have the evidence of what’s unfolded over the past half century since the Ultimate Cosmic Challenge to Humanity was laid out for our edification.
And I don’t think anything can change in anyone’s heart/mind without a major Attitude Adjustment, built about a foundation of realizing how our thinking comes from within our living bodies.
That openly realizing and accepting that we produce our own Gods from within ourselves and our experiences.
Which is okay, even needed, but for God sake people need to start realizing that God belongs to the meta-physical reality within our minds. Period!
While Earth and all her process are on a completely different Physical Reality, the realm of atoms, molecules, biology, Earth’s Evolution and the rules nature follows.
Then to absorb that into an appreciation of who we are inside,
which will open our eyes to the world outside of our own concerns,
and the importance of a healthy biosphere and other beings and complex natural systems.
Understanding that it deserves more of an investment than all the ballparks and theme parks in the world. Try talking anyone into that. Fail at that we fail on long term survival, it is self evident from the facts at hand, the uncertainty amounts to less than chump change.
So that brings us back to making the case for why profound attitude change is needed before anything of significance can start happening.
Can you make a case for how future survival is possible via today’s collective hostility toward caring for Earth?