The reality of those great American years

Trump celebrating Carter, it Is vice’s homage to virtue

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You mean extinction of our global society (including the infrastructure required for the Cloud and such digital/electronic marvels that depend on steady plentiful electricity and massive cooling, plus a steady supply of high tech replacement parts.) isn’t enough to get our attention? :wink:

Besides, mind you, “sudden” is a relative term. The train spends foor-eeva getting there, then in a sudden whoosh, it has passes by.

Said the captain as his tanker was about to plow into the pier full of spectators.

There’s no arguing that.

What is that supposed to mean?

I pro-actively learned from experts and specialists, the one’s who’ve dedicated their lives to studying and deciphering the facts as they find them, then sharing their understanding with interested people. And I remembered.

Lord knows I wonder how so many could forget so much, that was easily available.
Think on the last election, what was that won on? What was that if not a willful rejection of experts and “smarter” people.

I was extremely curious (actually in love with) this Earth and proactively pursued and listened to experts. Blame my mom, dad and god-fearing Grandmother for my enjoyment of smarter people and my thirst for honest, good faith learning about my life and this planet that created us.

It’s no secret most in our society couldn’t care less, in fact most view “Nature” and “Ecology” as some leftie plot to grab money and never think about it beyond their Faith based willful ignorance. Heck fundamentalist Christian’s want Earth destroyed.

Come on, how else could we have wound up with this history of self-destructive choices? How else could we behave as grotesquely wasteful and disinterested in what’s happening “over there” as we do?

Where have I been advocating for total extinction?
What’s that even mean, total extinction of what?

Total extinction of what, our electrical grid?
… , our super oil tanker based economy?
… , our viable coastal ports?
… , our democratic pluralist government?
Not to mention massive destructive changes being forced on our planet.

We are talking multiple, though interwoven, trajectories that are profoundly counter-productive. Lausten that’s the same tactic that’s been used nearly half a century: ignore the basic physics and trajectories, expect proofs of exactly what’s going to happen, or we ignore the information.

We don’t know the future, but we can see the hearts of people, especially the uber-rich and powerful, and the masses who follow and the way they continue to behave.

We have the evidence of what’s unfolded over the past half century since the Ultimate Cosmic Challenge to Humanity was laid out for our edification.

And I don’t think anything can change in anyone’s heart/mind without a major Attitude Adjustment, built about a foundation of realizing how our thinking comes from within our living bodies.

That openly realizing and accepting that we produce our own Gods from within ourselves and our experiences.

Which is okay, even needed, but for God sake people need to start realizing that God belongs to the meta-physical reality within our minds. Period!
While Earth and all her process are on a completely different Physical Reality, the realm of atoms, molecules, biology, Earth’s Evolution and the rules nature follows.

Then to absorb that into an appreciation of who we are inside,
which will open our eyes to the world outside of our own concerns,
and the importance of a healthy biosphere and other beings and complex natural systems.

Understanding that it deserves more of an investment than all the ballparks and theme parks in the world. Try talking anyone into that. Fail at that we fail on long term survival, it is self evident from the facts at hand, the uncertainty amounts to less than chump change.

So that brings us back to making the case for why profound attitude change is needed before anything of significance can start happening.

Can you make a case for how future survival is possible via today’s collective hostility toward caring for Earth?

Maybe you need to be more clear. You challenged some off hand comment I had about humans being around in a thousand years. You tell me what you mean.

I never said this society, this infrastructure, would last that long. Of course that “has my attention”. Do you remember any of my posts over the last decade?

I was thumbing through some old files today and I saw a quote about, “if a plan starts with ‘if everyone would just…’ then it’s not a plan. Never in history has everyone just done anything”. Shifts in attitude take time, and they take leadership, and they take new ways of motivating people. Often, sadly, they come after a lot of death, like our change in attitude toward war, since the world wars and all the proxy wars. People are getting tired of those. You’d think it wouldn’t take 100 years, but here we are. I don’t know how to “just” make people see how stupid war is, but I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks it is. I keep doing what I think will make a difference, and remembering that compassion and love show up in the worst of times.

Carter was one of the greatest president of USA. He did good for USA he should of have a second term.

What is the 1950’s promblem ?

It has a promblem to say that the 1950’s were better because of ignorance.If People knew everything was gonna happen like this they would not of let George Bush in the white house. They would of change it all they would not of assasinated John F. Kennedy. They would of defeated Russia and China and would of created better system that would not be affected by economic crisis 0f 2008.They would started the vietnam war somehwere else ! No they would of done a better job we wouldn’t be in this mess. Perhaps we would of being in a mess where USA would of won. Better scenario where there is no war but war is always the answer to promblems. Violence is anyway.

But it will be better than I sure you. I love Trump he is fixing things don’t worry the time for Trump to shine and lift the economy is coming and his Donald Trump Jr. Will be the best president ever. If the world of changed it would be with Kennedy but he got murdered he would of made possible a saner world. No such thing as a world of war and stopped the banks. Change and silver back dolalrs. He could of changed things but fear in the elite did not want a world like that but thinsg have changed. Still who can change USA from 1950’s to a make batter world ? I know some but who would you say if elected president ?

Can change it all and would of steer clear out of George Bush and Trump. Me I like Trump but giving fair judgement from all.

You like a convicted criminal in the Office of the President?
Can you explain how that agrees with your belief system of fair judgment?

p.s. are you a vampire?

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Just give him time people give him time. He saved USA from war and prevented things now he comes and finish the fight Trump he’s gonna kill Putin get rid of him and flip things soon. You will se in the future epople Trump will have a choice to buy out putin just wait and if he chooses wisely because two deals are coming One from MAcrona nd another from China. You will se Trump is gonna get Putin bought and he will do it.

China has all the reason to get rid of Putin they are neighbors but don’t war to spread to China. Ukraine can get China into a war that can destroy this world. You will see in the future China will give Trump a deal and buyout Putin get him resigned and sergey shoigu, Nikolai Patrushev the spymaster, or Alexei Dyumin could take the presidency afterwards it is said in the russian constitution if a president resigns the prime minister is elected temproal leader and elections will happen in 3 or 4 months. So when Putin leaves he will be replaced by Nikolai or Alexei the elites of Russia will decide that because in Russia their is no democracy.

Trump is gonna do great things.

Good grief, Charlie Brown!

I’m not a vampire to go back to discussion someone who could of change it all and had a better presidency than Truman would be LBJ as president. Lyndon B. Johnson.

I’m being right before people and Benjamin Netanyahu made Trump president. LBJ would of done a good job like Truman and could of changed it all.

He would of got civil rights before and he would of done a better job against the russians.

What on earth are you talking about? Who are you listening to?

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Look not going to say who i’m listening like caspian report or business basics who talk or the russians youtube people who give their opiniona nd expression that Putin can leave soon and that the perfect storm for him to resign is Putin.

Want to show you but i’m limited here can’t show the youtube link wish I could but look at business basics and look for putin resigns in youubte and you will get the video that talks about it and it is possible. Just put things that can be positive for Trump right now. Lets see if russians say that Putin can leave he can leave and be the best he left the presidency. One day putin will resign you will see it happen.

People love my work some have come true !

Look to continue our disccusion about the 1950’s. The promblems of those times.

Some economic issues in the 1950s included:

  • Balance of payments deficits

The United States began to experience balance of payments deficits after 1950, but these were initially welcomed due to the country’s strong trade balance, large gold reserves, and small private capital outflow.

  • Recession

The United States experienced a recession in 1958–59, also known as the Eisenhower Recession. This recession spread to Europe and Canada, causing many businesses to close.

  • Drought

The 1950s saw a widespread, severe, and sustained drought in the United States, with low rainfall and high temperatures.

  • Trade restrictions

The United States had concerns about quantitative restrictions on exports and imports, as well as discriminatory import restrictions maintained by the Union of South Africa.

Other economic developments in the 1950s included:

  • Low inflation

The United States had low inflation due to moderate monetary and fiscal policies.

  • Real-terms income growth

The UK saw real-terms incomes rise in the 1950s, with real-terms household disposable income increasing by 22% between 1950 and 1959.

  • Economic growth

The United States recovered from the 1957/1958 recession.

  • Suburban boom

The baby boom and suburban boom went hand in hand, with many Americans moving to the suburbs.

  • Increased consumerism

Americans had more money to buy nonessential items, and those who didn’t were making major purchases on credit.

So, are you talking about the reality of those great American years or not?

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You’re thinking of something else. Nothing I was talking about is even remotely about Mars.


Took a minute to find the start of this. I was comparing the odds of the human race surviving with or without science underpinning education and political discourse. The problems you talk about stem from when we don’t use science to make decisions. There is also that convoluted problem of treating science as a belief system, but that’s not scientific thinking.

I didn’t say our “odds are improving”. I don’t know what that means since it would require picking points in time to compare. I was comparing thousands of years ago to now. Science took a few thousand years to develop so I can’t pick a date when things suddenly improved.

Evidence. Listed by how species go extinct.

Overpopulation and destroying our own habitat.
Civilizations have done this a few times, but not yet on a global scale. A scientific approach allows us to examine those mistakes.

The green revolution gaves us tools to prevent starvation. We have applied those tools poorly, but that’s a poor application of science, not a failure of it.

This is an easy one. However science can’t help us with our relationship to death. Our ability to keep people alive when their capacity to enjoy and engage with life is diminished has created a moral dilemma.

Science gives us tools for communication but it can’t help us with what we say.

Tribalism has some power as a survival mechanism but it gets in the way of advancements like the ones mentioned above. It took science to show us how we are related to each other and the planet.

That’s a start. Before coffee.

I’m not talking about a “plan” - I’m talking about the “formula” - if we can’t manage to manage ourselves, Earth will manage us for us. On her timescale, not ours.

Take Earth’s physical trajectories, and human exponential expectations, and look at the past century and what we have done to our cornucopia planet, its natural resources, its climate engine, its landscapes, and its creatures.
Then think about the notion that Earth will absorb another 900 years of the same.

It makes me think of the guy that invented chess

According to legend, chess was invented by Grand Vizier Sissa Ben Dahir, and given as a gift to King Shirham of India. The king was so delighted that he offered him any reward he requested, provided that it sounded reasonable. The Grand Vizier requested the following: “Just one grain of wheat on the first square of a chessboard. Then put two on the second square, four on the next, then eight, and continue, doubling the number of grains on each successive square, until every square on the chessboard is reached.”

… King Shirham undoubtedly became very pale when he got the answer: the aggregated number of grains on all squares of a chessboard would be 18.446.744.073.709.551.615 grains. This is the harvest of all the wheat of the world, of several decades.

The story doesn’t mention what happened to the Ben Dahir, . . . it wasn’t good.

Indeed the world would be in much, much better shape than we are today. But we know how Carter the rationalists/scientist/stateman vs. Hollywood Reagan with his multi-millionaire enablers turned out. The nation made their decision, F the future, let’s party!

Why our children’s futures didn’t matter near as much as serving our bottomless gluttony, didn’t make sense to me as a teenager, still doesn’t, I’ll probably never get reconciled with our me, me, me, and to heck with all else thinking.

Too much is never enough became their battle cry, with Greed is Good as their self-absorbed, self-serving blueprint for the future.

Arikel it is baffling how you can praise Carter in one moment then worship Trump??? No wonder L. has such a low opinion.

Which we used to mindlessly initiate the greatest, and most dangerous, population explosion in humanity’s history. One that has profoundly damaged the face and health of this Earth that we all depend on for everything - and most don’t think that’s a problem.

So we brought back, trump? To smack down science and bring back tribalism.

I never said things would continue as they are. You know that I know that’s not possible. How many times do I have to say “I never said” before you stop commenting on things I didn’t say?

Which I addressed. No point in conversing with you

Who is this “we”? I’m done explaining to you how there is evil in world.

You said human survival, we are driving Earth’s climate system to a regime human’s won’t be able to survive. And what animals do survive, especially land animals won’t be like anything that exists today. (Though that will take many centuries sort out, even if evolution speeds up as it has been - since evolution is driven by changing environments)

No point in conversing with you.

Of course not, if you think such points can simply be sidestepped.

How have you addressed these deeper realities that have placed us into today’s dystopian situation?

Yes, the collective We. The people who spend billions on gaming, and gambling, and obscene consumerism, and pro-sports, and Disney World’s, and drugs, and bigger, and more, more, more ALL OF WHICH POSSESSES MORE OF OUR ATTENTION THEN NURTURING THE PLANET & BIOSPHERE WE DEPEND ON FOR EVERYTHING.

Okay, now human beings who are stuck in the middle of this momentum filled monstrosity we’ve created - still can’t think beyond wanting more, more, more, now we want Mars because we’re making such a mess of this place.

I’m talking about the “we” who believe in business as usual.

If you took the time out to actually read what I’m writin) with a touch of good-faith you’d have realized I’m not talking about “evil” - this is about human nature and our willful stupidity.

This isn’t about evil - this is about human self-absorbed thinking and self-serving actions. Along with the monstrously self-destructive choice we like making.

And on a level I’m a part of that “we”, I partake, even if I’m satisfied with way less then others, I liked my life time, I’ve loves having lots of variety of foods, love a warm cozy home, I love traveling, driving through nowhere for hours, then pulling into a gas station to fill up vehicle and self, it’s awesome and I’ve gloried in the USA freedom and good times and seeing beautiful things and meeting interesting people and so on.

But I’m constantly aware of the flip side of the coin and the cost and price of all these beautiful things we can’t get enough of. I think in terms of being on a life boat, while other’s think they are in an advertisement with endless resources and no tomorrow.

The difference between me and most others is that I’m not into bigger and more is better, with too much never being enough, I see it within my own extended family. Folks making many multiples of what I am, yet every bit as dependent on the next pay check as I am, and only month’s away from financial disaster should that income stop.

It’s not what you Earn it’s what you Spend.

And I wonder why are so few people as introspective about this Earth that created us to begin with, as I am? Why so little recognition of what we are doing to our one and only home planet - not to mention to our human society itself?

And your response:

I can only address so much at one time. I answered the question at hand and acknowledged that one scientific advancement spawned some other problems and challenges. This is common sense for people like you and me. But, since you have been trolling me lately, anything I say comes a with critique of the things I didn’t say. It’s impossible to address the entire set of problems in the world in every post, so you have an endless supply of things you can harrass me about it, and continue with your “yeah well, why aren’t you addressing…” game.

That’s not me. No one is perfect. I choose to be engaged with the culture as my path to making it better, and that requires compromise. So I own cars, I fly on planes, but I do a lot more to try to bring this world into balance.

OMG, when I have talked about human nature, you critiqued/trolled me with your “oh well, so it’s just business usual, nothing to see here, nothing we can do it” response. You are such a troll. Demanding that I listen to you as you switch around with your “whataboutisms”.

That’s why there is no point in conversing with you. You wonder about why things are the way they are, but when someone suggests an answer, you tell them they are wrong.