So can you condense “what life is like” into an explanatory sentence or two?
And would you be referring to all life, or just the human sphere?
It’s silly to say it means nothing, when we can see the same dysfunctions within the human. It’s more like a proof of concept and not some exact chemistry experiment where one comes up with a repeatable recipes.
What is repeatable (and readable in global news) is that over-crowding drives dysfunction.
And as any observer will have noticed we humans are well on the way to becoming supremely dysfunction yet again. And yes that goes back to over-crowding diminished available resources and stressing people. With some nations getting so barren citizens are forced to flee and find new homes, in nations that already feel over-crowded and stressed thus,
they aren’t wanted
and are reduced to acting like scared rats escaping a sinking ship.
That’s your patent answer “it says nothing, it means nothing.”
No self examination nor explanations offered.
NOPE - It is how we perceive the reality beyond our bodies that is based on the thoughts we play for ourselves, in our heads.
NOPE - The reality around us is based on what Earth’s Evolution created. Matter and the law it operated under has been doing its thing for billions of years, yet you presume you’ve created all that in your head?
It’s like believing you can talk with some almighty cosmic god.
Exactly, notice that change? “We believe”
Yes our perception of reality is the story we tell ourselves. And I’m saying it’s critically profoundly important for human mental health to recognize there is something solid beyond our conceptions. Because that’s the key than can unlock all that human angst we create for ourselves.
It’s also key to appreciating why Almighty Gods and such only reside within our minds.
It’s also key to a sober appreciation of this Earthly biosphere we depend on for everything and the key to learn caring and nurturing what we still can.
Well there’s more going on than just chemical, why dismiss it with a shrug.
Why not try to think this through,
the brain is nothing without a body,
all your knowledge and experiences travel through your body to reach your brain,
without interacting with stuff and others, you body has no experience and nothing to send to the brain to work with.
Since the beginning of evolution creatures needed a degree of awareness simply to survive, meaning methods of internal communication and processing had to be established for life to do any evolving.
Of course, we with the most complex body, brain, experience package, it stands to reason our internal awareness would reach new levels of capabilities. Coming to terms with that might be the beginning of wisdom.
Following your train of thought leaves one to the conclusion that you have created the whole universe and history out of your own mind.
Are you really that imaginative?