The new theory of the purpose of evolution and natural selection.

Then I would suggest you watch this excellent lecture by Robert Hazen at the Carnegie Institute for Science.

This lecture is designed for the non-scientist and has been simplified without losing the science behind the narrative.

For your information Robert Hazen is an eminent scientist and if you are interested in his credentials, start this video at the beginning.

OTOH if you want skip the lenghty introduction start watching at 12.00

Thank you, but I donā€™t need to be convinced of science. I remember Bob Hazen from my days of discovering mineralogy at Rola School of mines. I have great respect for Bob Hazen and the path he has chosen.

We both are reverent of modern science. I differ from you in that I spend my time reducing what makes science work to creating a path for ordinary citizens to enrich their lives by making the gifts of science work for them in their day-to-day lifestyles.
The folks I deal with nor I, am interested in the scientific granularity as you are, and that is fine for you, what discipline of science is your favorite?
I am enthralled with the grandness or the potential for people to get out from under the ancient Omnispell of what ancient scholars posed as their prophetic best guess for what the hell happened?
Of course, before the science of DNA what was inscribed and argued to the present time has no actual basis except for the best guess of the ancients.

Howā€™s that work? Not challenging you, just wondering what it is you do.

Microtubule networks as the potential substrate that generates consciousness, as advanced by Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff in their hypothesis of ORCH OR (orchestrated objective reduction)

This is a link to the original paper by Penrose and Hameroff.

Either challenge or wonder about what it is I do, I appreciate the question.
My interest in humanism began about forty years ago.
I am retired from working on the fringe of microcomputer technology, the skunkworks of the 21st century Internet.

My experience with humanism has led me to become a humanistic theorist.
Today, my work is managing the founding of AMH Humanism, the (skunkworks of biological humanity.) I live alone in an environment conducive to thinking. Writing and designing my blog is the biggest consumer of my time.

My membership in the Ethical society is here. Before the C19 pandemic, I would participate in group discussions with people who wanted to distance themselves from the church but were having cognitive clashes at the mere thought.
If youā€™re wondering how I make money, I donā€™t. I enjoy a minimalist lifestyle.

It doesnā€™t seem as though using the internet is part of a minimalist lifestyle. It seems like a contradiction.

The golden rule of home economics, itā€™s not how much you make, itā€™s how much you spend.

You know pointpath, we could use an interesting provocative new thread around here.
Got any thoughts youā€™d like to toss around?

CC are you a teaser or what?

Never heard of it. Interesting.

The way this is displayed I canā€™t relate to what it is you have never heard of.

The Ethical Society, or any discussion group like that.

Just a flirt. :wink:

Hi there mriana, in my subjective world anything or any subject can be minimalized or maximized. There are no lists of things one must have or not have.

Gotta love a flirt. OK, how about this?
ā€œSlowly but surely the truths of science are creating new paradigms of cognition that expose our best guesses of a higher power throughout the ages.ā€
What if the functions of DNA that we are contemporarily learning becomes the standard as in the case of accepting, that there never was a god to write or argue about rendering scripture as a class of primitive literature of our best guesses?
I honestly think DNA is the most significant, impactful knowledge for the human species. It fits into my theory of humanism as a missing piece.

Look up Felix Adler (August 13, 1851 ā€“ April 24, 1933) was a German American professor of political and social ethics, rationalist, influential lecturer on euthanasia, religious leader and social reformer who founded the Ethical Culture movement.

hello and welcome and post ;D .

Evolution via Natural selection. To me this absolutely proves the mathematical nature of dynamical change in accordance with the logical underpinnings of biochemical change in response to environmental pressures.
Even as natural selection is a stochastic process, it is still guided by mathematical statistical operands.

This quasi-intelligent function is often mistaken as the machinations of an intelligent and motivated metaphysical agency. But mathematics is a subset of Logical function, not intentional creation.

Seriously appreciate and agree with the very good point you are making. But, therein lies exactly what I am pointing out about a level of granularity that is inarguably real, but not considered by most people. When I say ā€œmostā€ people, I donā€™t know what is true, but, thatā€™s my gut feeling.

On another subject, many of the folks in this forum and especially you have moved me to see with clarity that I have mashed my confidence in human evolution, the fact we are a young species, and solid scientific information about our DNA together into a narrative that only seems to confuse the reader.
My concern is these ingredients together may shake the very groundwork that our society is based on, in regards to religion and age-old beliefs about fate, and gene inheritance.
Talk about how mathematical statistical analysis stacks up the human genomeā€™s logic. I think it does, but I need help getting my arms around it.

Letā€™s explore this cunundrum. It is obvious but not readily understandable.

One important fact often mentioned is the occurrence of chirality in chemistry.
In his lectures Robert Hazen mentions the fact that in the scheme of natural selecton, chemistry is chiral and certain chemical interactions are physically desirable or undesirable due to the mathematical configurations of the components.

The footprint here demonstrates chirality. Individual left and right footprints are chiral enantiomorphs in a plane because they are mirror images while containing no mirror symmetry individually.

Chirality (mathematics)
In geometry, a figure is chiral (and said to have chirality) if it is not identical to its mirror image, or, more precisely, if it cannot be mapped to its mirror image by rotations and translations alone. An object that is not chiral is said to be achiral.

A chiral object and its mirror image are said to be enantiomorphs. The word chirality is derived from the Greek Ļ‡ĪµĪÆĻ (cheir), the hand, the most familiar chiral object; the word enantiomorph stems from the Greek į¼Ī½Ī±Ī½Ļ„ĪÆĪæĻ‚ (enantios) ā€˜oppositeā€™ + Ī¼ĪæĻĻ†Ī® (morphe) ā€˜formā€™.

A simple example is that it is near impossible for a left-handed person to use a right-handed golf club and win a game of golf against a right-handed person using a right-handed golf club. 99 times out of 100, natural selection will select the right-handed golfer using a right-handed golf club as the winner.

Nature employs ā€œchiralityā€ to shape objects and organisms.

Chirality in nature

Chirality - or ā€˜handednessā€™ - is a striking property of the biological world. Many organic molecules, including glucose and most biological amino acids are chiral and the DNA double helix in its standard form always twists like a right-handed screw.

Chirality can also be seen in organisms. Snails, for example, can show chirality or ā€˜handednessā€™ā€”some individuals have shells that spiral in a right-handed direction, others have left-handed shells.

The importance of chirality - or ā€˜handednessā€™ - in drug development was brought to light in a devastating way almost half a century ago with the development of the Thalidomide drug.

Prescribed widely to pregnant women for the treatment of morning sickness, it was later discovered that Thalidomide is a chiral molecule and while the left-handed molecule was effective, the right-handed one was highly toxic. As a result, thousands of children around the world were born with severe birth defects

ā€œIn the biological world, we see inorganic minerals being shaped with remarkable control but until now we havenā€™t understood how it was happening at the level of the atoms,ā€ explains Professor Hofer.

"Now we see that the organic molecules are acting as a scaffold, dictating where the atoms of the minerals are placed and how they are linked together - a bit like building blocks. And as they do this, the biomolecules transfer their left or right-handed nature, or chirality, to the crystal structure.


This clearly shows the mathematical nature of Nature and why certain regular patterns are formed identically or oppositely.

This information is contained in DNA and microtubules do the sorting during mitosis.

Chirality of the cytoskeleton in the origins of cellular asymmetry

Peter Satir


Self-assembly of two important components of the cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells, actin microfilaments and microtubules (MTs) results in polar filaments of one chirality.

As is true for bacterial flagella, in actin microfilaments, screw direction is important for assembly processes and motility. For MTs, polar orientation within the cell is paramount. The alignment of these elements in the cell cytoplasm gives rise to emergent properties, including the potential for cell differentiation and specialization. Complex MTs with a characteristic chirality are found in basal bodies and centrioles; this chirality is preserved in cilia. In motile cilia, it is reflected in the direction of the effective stroke.

The positioning of the basal body or cilia on the cell surface depends on polarity proteins. In evolution, survival depends on global polarity information relayed to the cell in part by orientation of the MT and actin filament cytoskeletons and the chirality of the basal body to determine left and right coordinates within a defined anteriorā€“posterior cell and tissue axis.

IMO, once the fact of naturally generic mathematical processes is accepted, all of it begins to make sense. Evolutionary processes are guided by mathematical equations.

Human maths are the cognition and symbolic codification of these processes and thatā€™s why maths are so efficient in explaining how the universe works and why/how regular patterns form in nature.
Mathematically, they cannot do otherwise. Thatā€™s the Elan vital in a dynamic environment. Things happen in a certain way because they must.

Hello. Dear Mr.
Can you introduce yourself?
How did you find out that I have an article on the purpose of evolution?

The material you sent me was very long and important. I accept them. I accept the scientific method.

But I found a new hypothesis of the fundamental principles of natural selection. I have an article ready for publication.

I can provide a new interpretation of evolution and biology.
I know it is hard for you to accept. But I considered all aspects. And I did tests and thought tests. I came to the conclusion of this new hypothesis. This new hypothesis can be tested based on empirical evidence. This new hypothesis is not just a philosophy and speculation. I want to investigate, test, and analyze this new hypothesis with the cooperation of scientists and specialists in evolution and biology. Abstract

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