The Earth has a split personality.

The Earth is made up from a collision with Theia (lovemaking on a cosmic scale) and split it’s heart in half, absorbing half of Theia, and the other half forming the moon. And that’s why we are particularly enamored with the moon. We are related…

As an “event announcement” isn’t this like about 4400 million years late?
But it is interesting to note. Should we now refer to our planet as Eartheia, or would that be sheer Lunatheia?

As an "event announcement" isn't this like about 4400 million years late? But it is interesting to note. Should we now refer to our planet as Eartheia, or would that be sheer Lunatheia?
I admit this a somewhat belated marriage announcement. But lucky for us, we've been invited to the reception.
I admit this a somewhat belated marriage announcement. But lucky for us, we've been invited to the reception.
Rather than being invited to the reception, I'd say we are are more the product of the action seen on the honeymoon.

It must be said that it was a rocky relationship, but Theia knew Gaia and they had many offspring.

That was some smashing sex.

That was some smashing sex.
That reminds me of the song, where: " they did the mash , the planet mash, it was a universal smash"

It caught on with a splash.

Oh no. Now when I look at the moon, I will think of Boris Karloff.

I’m happy for em’ but was glad I wasn’t present for the marriage! But hey, they’ve gotten along successfully all of these years.
Cap’t Jack

Next Monday we’ll be having a supermoon.
The full moon will come nearer to Earth than at any time since 1948, astronomers said. At closest approach, which occurs at 6:23 a.m. EST on Monday, the moon will pass within 216,486 miles (348,400 km) of Earth’s surface, about 22,000 miles (35,400 km) closer than average, they added.

Thanks, cool. Hope for cloudless sky.
Bu philosopically it actually does, albeit indirectly from Theia. The earth allws for evolution, but thne it makes life intlerable and most species die. Thus the earth provides both nourishiment and death. The answer of course is that nature functions implacably withouth preference or prejudice.