Fascinating article.
I especially liked the bit about the perfect society for religious conservatives being a cross between the Handmaids Tail and the 1950’s. It’s a nice sound bite, but not sure how factual…
The article makes some interesting observations and claims, which may have elements of truth. Sounds true to me that the religious right have an inordinate amount of influence in American life. I think that influence was a lot stronger while I was growing up, in the late 50’s and early 60’s. At that time, America seemed to me to be a very puritanical society, more so than Oz, which was pretty conservative.
Not sure how much was due to the conservatism of all churches at that time, and the massive social changes all over the world after WW2.
As a species ,human beings resist change at the individual level. Conservatism may have more to do with the way people are hardwired than their religion. Levels of education also have a profound effect on social changes I think.
EG have a look at Islam among the poor in any country, or Hinduism among the majority of of the poor in India. Have a look at The Huff post India, fora couple of weeks. that will give you a very broad idea of the conservatism of Indian society.
See also “The Protestant Ethic And The Spirit Of Capitalism” by Max Weber
I don’t support any one model of social change. This because I think change is constant, and that there are far too many variables to draw simple conclusions.
Another point worth considering is the slow decline of religion in the US, as well as throughout western democracies. Ask: in the US ,has this decline had anything to do with the massive social changes in the second half of the twentieth century?
EG: the rise of feminism, the civil rights movement leading to vast social changes in desegregations all over the US, abolition of censorship ,legalisation of homosexual behaviour, same sex marriage and growing acceptance of a range of sexual identification. Roe vs Wade.
Negative things such as draconian drug laws, the grossly unjust ‘3 strikes’ law and the powerful gun culture. Then there was the national hysteria after 9/11, which resulted in The Patriot Act, the powerful Department Of Homeland Security, rendition, Guantanamo Bay ex judicial prison, and the current widespread bigotry against Muslims.
The above are just a few things I can think of as a non American. I’m sure some of my observations are skewed. I think though many of the negative things are possibly the result of a culture with strong aspects of puritanical christianity.
The positive things are not because of religious conservatism but in spite of it. IE because religion is slowly losing its grip on US society.