The calm before the storm,

Seems to me we don’t have a global economy we have global speculation. Yeah, Ponzi Scheme of sorts.

I would love not to see an economic collapse, but when I think all the people already stretched, no work, no money, no spending, how many work at jobs that are recreational, or frivolous luxuries, or servicing the wealthy, supporting fun hobbies, selling coffee, on and on.

Then the psychological impacts, not just the losing loved ones, even if they were old, but younger are going to get tagged too. That will also translate into socio-economic costs as well. Hell then there’s Earth herself, we’ve consumed so, so much, bouncing back won’t be like in past ages of mankind. Oh yeah, and don’t look now summer is coming, might be good news re the virus, but stretched social support and medical systems are going to get hammered.

I’ll wager this is going to be a much bigger turning point in human history than we fathom.

Remember what I said when trump was elected, imagine this is going to wind up worse than we can imagine. Well the imbecilic sociopaths controlling our government with such reckless disregard for Earth’s and human physical realities. We knew this was coming, ironically the medical authorities kept getting better at containment and such, but who cared, who paid it the least attention. We had vandals with contempt for all but their own immediate wants at the helm.

So so tragic.

I think it is a ponzi scheme, where the most greedy win and the winner takes all. I really can’t stand Capitalism. It seems to me the worst form of government. Yes, I know, but it is what is running the U.S., maybe even the world. Any time a corporation is treated as a human and a human is treated as though they are not human, then something is very wrong. A corporation and the rich get tax breaks and the poor have to pay a large proportion of their paycheck towards taxes, then there is a problem. If the rich get health care and everyone else has to die, that’s pure greed and hatred.

mriana: "I think it is a ponzi scheme, where the most greedy win and the winner takes all. I really can’t stand Capitalism. It seems to me the worst form of government. Yes, I know, but it is what is running the U.S., maybe even the world. Any time a corporation is treated as a human and a human is treated as though they are not human, then something is very wrong. A corporation and the rich get tax breaks and the poor have to pay a large proportion of their paycheck towards taxes, then there is a problem. If the rich get health care and everyone else has to die, that’s pure greed and hatred."
Most of my friends think I'm a bleeding-heart lefty loon for thinking we should help people.

It feels good to have what I think echoed by others.

You’re not alone. Look at how many people support Bernie. Obviously we are not alone with our thinking.

My favorite podcaster weighed in today. 507: Initial thoughts on an emerging global crisis — Bart Campolo

Everything from “phone hugging” to buying dried beans. I feel bad for those who can’t make a good soup.

He also said Sam Harris is dedicating himself to talking about this. You may not like Sam, but he has some good associates who are scientists. Something to occupy the days anyway.

Maybe this will be a shift in history, like the Black Death. Consequences of the Black Death - Wikipedia

Labor was suddenly valuable! Serfdom was already on the decline, but that plague hastened its demise.

I never heard of Bart Campolo, yet he’s made a podcast specifically for me - how to disagree without being a jerk.


I used to read some of Hemant Mehta’s stuff years ago and like him and his style, so it should be a good listen.

If we don’t bail out the airlines, maybe we will shift our transportation away from so many planes that spew carbon into the atmosphere.


Looks like the coming storm may be around a while.

If we are supposed to hobble our economy, and stay self-isolated for 18 months, that may not work out well for us.

So the little panic attacks and deep, deep sense of tragedy that overwhelms me now and then on my walks isn’t out of line I guess - Fortunately I had a good run that I can look back on, and my coming deep sleep holds no terror. Sure I want to live and we’ll see how well I deal with the disease when it hits me. But then again I think at the mess at the other end of this. And going out now may not be the worst thing all things considered.

Only until I start thinking about my kids and that little new sweetheart who’s swept me off my feet. Gonna be really really really tough seeing him in a few days here (good providence willing) and then saying good bye and knowing it may well be the last time. OH that really hurts so deep down, but all you can do is let it hurt, drain it, and then get on with it again.

The saying good bye isn’t the toughest - it’s knowing the increasingly horrific world the little guy will be facing that is a horror beyond words.

And we still have a country full of imbeciles who remain clueless - although at this point, it’s just as well.



timb, I love reading your comments and observations, you its easy to respect. Thanks for joining in over here.


I appreciate that.

Seems to me the virus wouldn’t be such a goddam problem if we are not afraid to die. This is a good time for honest self-reflection. Is being an atheist a good idea?

I thought religion was the thing you do when you are afraid of death? Let me reflect, I love life. Okay, done. Think I’ll go for a walk.

@sree I see you are doing another version of “What if you’re wrong?” It’s like it was before you were conceived. No god created you and no god is going to be involved in one’s death. No I don’t want the COVID-19 but if I get it, I don’t want to die from it either. It’s scary no matter what one believes or doesn’t believe. It’s human nature not to want to die.

another version of “What if you’re wrong?
good point. I was having trouble finding the connection from the beginning from his post to the question at the end.

And what does the virus have to do with it? He could have started with, “seems like walking out into heavy traffic wouldn’t be a problem…”

I really don’t like these conversations on the internet because I know suicidal people are lurking around. I know it can be hard to find a reason to live when you are in pain and it can be hard to convince someone that it’s worth living for some future happiness. Buddhism tries to deal with that, but any philosophy or religion is geared toward a healthy functioning mind.

I will die free of the chains of superstition. But you will be wrapped up in those chains like a bug in a hard bulky rug, Sree. Give up your chains of superstition now, so that you can die a free man also.

Go Atheism!

Not afraid of burning… in hell.

Sree: Is being an atheist a good idea?
Why would the prospect of dying and going off into an eternal deep deep sleep; while our bodies return to the Earth and the march of Evolution; and my spirit/soul fade as the memory of me fades.

What’s wrong with that?


Sure beats spending one’s life in terror of something that does not exist except within your mind, yes that would be the after death nightmares our Mindscapes create.

Guess I’m repeating Tim.


Lausten, you have a point. I know people who are totally casual about what’s developing, I read of others who prediction the end of the world. That’s not going to happen. Gonna take a few more hits, but they are on the way. Still life is going to get one hell of lot of tougher, and then it will get worse - ugly, unspeakable, but hey, it’s the reality, it has no other direction to go.

Most will not be able to cope, nothing has ever prepared them. Yea, I know it’s a bummer and no one want to hear about, especially not now.

Still all that I know tells me this is going to evolve into a cataclysmic hit to our economy and psyche like nothing we can imagine - of course society will survive, possibly a little better after a big culling. Lordie knows our emission are dropping like never before. But it’s going to be filled with hurt and fear of the next round of surprises. The microoganism are just getting warmed up. After all it is they who will inherit the Earth and repair her, so life can continue on her course.


As for suicide, since there is the big sleep at the other side of life, I simply don’t have the revulsion many people do. It’s tragedy in someone who’s full of life and has more to give, but if it’s almost over? Just like I can be amazingly in love with that little infant grandson of mine, but that doesn’t change a thing about my attitude towards a woman’s sovereignty over her own body and a right to self defense, which is what an abortion usually is.

I can also see where life could become too painful and senseless. Suicide is the waste of a life. I’ll grant you that Lausten, but if that life is in utter hopelessness and the realists prospect is hopeless, then why continue the punishment. Would you deny the coup de grace to a mangled solder, with no medical attention near and a painful slow death imminent - as he’s begging you to end it for him? For me, although I don’t know anything about soldering or being in combat, I sure know I would want my comrade to be someone who could honor my dying request and pull the trigger on me. I know that’s not exactly suicide but its pretty close.

On Feb. 10, nearly three weeks after the first coronavirus case was diagnosed in the United States, Mr. T rump submitted a 2021 budget proposal that called for a $693.3 million reduction in funding for the C.D.C. …

Yet, T rump on Tuesday (2 days ago) said that he realized that the coronavirus outbreak was a pandemic before the World Health Organization (WHO) labeled it as such last week. So he is NOW telling us that he knew it was severe all along, despite his contrary lies, in which he also told us it would miraculously disappear at some point.

I wonder why he wanted to take 700 million in funding from the CDC in such a time.

Not afraid of burning… in hell.

Yeah, I’m so cold nature, that the heat would be heavenly to me. Beside, the Bearer of Light isn’t who most people think he is. He’s really a good fellow. lol Keeps you warm, lets you be in the know, and above all he’s been there since the whole thing began. He’s a humanist. lol

Would you deny the coup de grace to a mangled solder, with no medical attention near and a painful slow death imminent – as he’s begging you to end it for him?
I didn't want to turn my post into a thesis. There is pain that is mental, anguish can be real, but by definition that would most likely indicate a mind that is not thinking straight. I'm not qualified to say if that type of pain is worth ending so drastically. Then there is pain that is telling you that it's your time. If anything intelligent is left to look back on our time, they will certainly wonder why we spent so much effort to prolong life a few months more in those cases. It will look as strange and silly as driving around in a circle in high performance vehicles.