Seems to me we don’t have a global economy we have global speculation. Yeah, Ponzi Scheme of sorts.
I would love not to see an economic collapse, but when I think all the people already stretched, no work, no money, no spending, how many work at jobs that are recreational, or frivolous luxuries, or servicing the wealthy, supporting fun hobbies, selling coffee, on and on.
Then the psychological impacts, not just the losing loved ones, even if they were old, but younger are going to get tagged too. That will also translate into socio-economic costs as well. Hell then there’s Earth herself, we’ve consumed so, so much, bouncing back won’t be like in past ages of mankind. Oh yeah, and don’t look now summer is coming, might be good news re the virus, but stretched social support and medical systems are going to get hammered.
I’ll wager this is going to be a much bigger turning point in human history than we fathom.
Remember what I said when trump was elected, imagine this is going to wind up worse than we can imagine. Well the imbecilic sociopaths controlling our government with such reckless disregard for Earth’s and human physical realities. We knew this was coming, ironically the medical authorities kept getting better at containment and such, but who cared, who paid it the least attention. We had vandals with contempt for all but their own immediate wants at the helm.
So so tragic.