First, let me assure you that I am a mathematical genius, here are solutions that no one has yet solved!174&app=WordPdf
and we about my math …
I LOVE people’s self-evaluations of being a genius. :lol: :lol:
Rather than posting your “solutions” on a general discussion site, you’d be much better off to post them on a website for mathematicians.
First, let me assure you that I am a mathematical genius, here are solutions that no one has yet solved!174&app=WordPdf and we about my math ...Anyone who claims to be a mathematical genius--or a genius of any kind--certainly isn't one. Genius is an objective assessment. Lois
First, let me assure you that I am a mathematical genius, here are solutions that no one has yet solved!174&app=WordPdf and we about my math ...Anyone who claims to be a mathematical genius--or a genius of any kind--certainly isn't one. Genius is an objective assessment. Lois Maybe he really is a genius.. you know .. like Wile E. Coyote ;-).. Oh I forgot, He claimed to be a SUPER genius.
First, let me assure you that I am a mathematical genius, here are solutions that no one has yet solvedInteresting. I think I believe you. Most people aim to solve problems, not solutions. Your genius truly does impress, few have figured out the real challenge is to solve the solutions and not the problems. :lol: