Origami more powerful than Euclidian geometry

I’m no mathematician at all, I just strayed onto these YouTube videos for some late night interesting unwinding.
Pretty fun fascinating stuff anyways.
And then memories of Psik’s challenge (http://www.centerforinquiry.net/forums/viewthread/17675/P75/#205853) blew away my blissful fascination
Bet a few folks here will get a kick out of it:

Euclid's Big Problem - Numberphile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Lm9EHhbJAY How to Trisect an Angle with Origami - Numberphile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SL2lYcggGpc
good night :cheese:

I like Numberphile’s videos a lot. They present some fun, quirky information and in a way they remind me of my youth when being a mathematician in my future was a possibility, before I chose to strike out in different directions. There’s the application of some mathematics that I use in programming, of course, and some basic number theory comes up often in music, too.

I like Numberphile's videos a lot. They present some fun, quirky information and in a way they remind me of my youth when being a mathematician in my future was a possibility, before I chose to strike out in different directions. There's the application of some mathematics that I use in programming, of course, and some basic number theory comes up often in music, too.
What objective item can't be mathematically analyzed? Lois