Sree said,
Are you telling me that the human brain came up with Darwin’s theory about it’s own evolution? And it is the human brain, which is an organ (of the human body like the heart or kidney or liver) that is unraveling the mystery of the universe?
Of course the human brain came up with the concept of evolution. Darwin was a scientist who studied the evolution of birds in their natural habitat (finches) and domesticated bird species (pigeons).
Humans did not invent evolution, we recognized how natural evolutionary processes work in nature. And farmers have used these natural principles to good use. They even managed to do away with natural selection and use artificial selection for beneficial traits such as the incredible milk producig cows such as The Jersey Cow.
As well as being one of the most friendly breeds, Jersey cows are famous for their high quality rich and creamy milk - naturally high in butter fat - which is used to produce an amazing range of Jersey dairy products from butter and ice-cream to yoghurt, clotted cream and cheese.
One of the animals Darwin studied in depth was the domestic rock pigeon. Pigeon breeding was an ancient pastime even in the 1850s, and through its long history fanciers had published books filled with practical advice and observations. Darwin decided to keep and breed pigeons himself.
After decades of study, during which he could observe the effects of evolutionary processes, Darwin wrote his book “On the origin of species” wherein he set forth what became popularly known as “Darwinian evolution” of living organisms, as compared to Universal evolution which explains the gradual change from simple mathematical patterns to complex mathematical patterns, over long periods of time and as a result of “natural selection” of functional properties.
I don’t think you can sell this story to a ten year old kid.
Your argument sounds like a ten year old kid. If you refuse to study science, you will never undestand how the universe works and be stuck in the mindset of "God did it". That is the mindset of a ten year old.
When I was ten years old I had already studied Einstein’s Special Relativity and learned the mechanics of the Doppler effect, thanks to my father’s extensive science library. Ever heard of Einstein’s “man in the box” thought experiment? It gives you an entirely new perspective on “gravity”.
Our evolved ability for abstract mathematical thought enables us to recognize and unravel the mathematical mysteries of how the universe functions and enables us to manipulate these universal mathematical properties for our own purpose. But when it comes to recognizing amounts like “more” from “less”, a Lemur is as smart as any human.
We observed birds flying, so we developed the theory of “aerodynamics” and copied how birds do it, and we built the first airplanes which over time evolved into the 747 we fly today.
That’s not magic, that’s understanding natural mathematical properties of the air. “Lift” is a very simple aerodynamic principle, which we learned from studying the mathematical patterns of bird wings and to incorporate those patterns into the wings of our artificial birds.
The magic does not lie in ignorance and resignation to the concept of “God did it”, it lies in understanding the mathematics of Natural laws (universal constants) and be able to apply those laws for our own purposes.
The problem Sree, is not that scientists don’t know about Scripture, it is that religious people don’t know anything about Science.
Else the question of death should not be mysterious at all.
Anil Seth’s put it very plainly, “When you die there is nothing to worry about, nothing at all.”