I was thinking if parts of a brain could slowly be transformed to a digital alternative by losing only certain brain functions and replacing them without someone’s memory of it being interupted, and digital copy of memory was slowly replaced with the organic portion. How do you think this would be experienced? To me consciousness means forming memories, then being able to look back at them and realize the time that has passed. Does anyone think it’s even remotely possible to transform your stream of consciousness into a digital form without simply making a clone of yourself that would not be (you).
What does it mean to be alive.
If you transformed it into the digital, is it alive anymore?
What about the part of living that is all about the interaction with one’s environment and conditions?
What’s lost when you take that away?
Does anyone think it’s even remotely possible to transform your stream of consciousness into a digital form without simply making a clone of yourself that would not be (you).How could it be a clone of me when most of "me" is my body, (yeah, the brain get's pissed at that thought), but hey, I am my interactions with the environment and all in it.
What is love without tactile touch with the one you love. (if one doesn’t have it, one missed it - the need is there either way.) From cuddling a baby, to hugs and holding hands and kisses, to the flowery combat of lovers. How are you going to digitize that?
I know you said science fiction, so the writer gets to do whatever he wants, but you asked. :-)
Wasn’t there an old Twilight Zone about people getting trapped within walls?
Getting digitize sounds even worse than that.
Oh seems from what I’ve heard cloning will never product “duplicates”, too many other factors go into making us.
Oh but wait. Without my body and its senses,
How would I know I was in the wall?
If I couldn’t sense myself or my surroundings, would my digitized self be alive?
I don’t think it would be possible to exist as a digital “self” in any way. There’s a thing called Transhumanism which promotes the idea that we will eventually upload our consciousness to computers and live forever; as far as I know most scientists think it’s crackpot stuff.
Always nice to see us agreeing on something.
It would absolutely require an escape to an alternate universe with similar physics, which may more may not be a real thing. You could prolong life trillions of years without doing that, but you wouldn’t technically “escape death”.
As for what you seem to actually be asking, I have thought about this a bit. Personally, I think it’s all just nonsense “what if” stuff, but that hasn’t stopped me from considering it myself. The way I considered was replacing each cell in your body with a nanobot which served the same function, one at a time, until there were no organics left. It leaves a whole lot of philosophical questions like “is it still you?”, but it’s the best answer I can give.