San Berdoo Refugee Fruit Salad

BTW, is it true that we have actually had a net loss of a million illegal immigrants, in recent years?
I don't know. It's too early to trust the sources or the numbers on that. I checked. The Pew Research Center (who bill themselves as non-partisan) has this: Down by a million or so since its peak under George W. in 2007.? How could this happen under the watch of the liberal, progressive, socialist, Muslim, foreigner, Obama? Must be some kind of propaganda.

Angela Merkel declaring once more that Multiculturalism is dead. God bless that lady.
It’s gotta suck being the leader of Germany and trying to balance real population issues in Germany in the present day.
If it wasn’t for that darned Nazi Legacy! Germany would really be leading Europe on how to deal with the refugees.
And by “deal with refugees” I mean in a strong, rational, legal, and tasteful way.
They’ll get it done. Blow back’s a comin’.

Did you see Trump’s put down of Angela after she got Time’s Person of the Year instead of him?

Did you see Trump's put down of Angela after she got Time's Person of the Year instead of him?
No I didn't. But I could have sworn that someone said Bernie was the Person of The Year a week or two back. Achh...who knows? Yeah, Angela is the Person of the Year.
Germany would really be leading Europe on how to deal with the refugees. And by "deal with refugees" I mean in a strong, rational, legal, and tasteful way. They'll get it done. Blow back's a comin'.
I hope you're joking--German politicians have evicted Germans from their apartments in order to make room for refugees:
Angela Merkel declaring once more that Multiculturalism is dead. God bless that lady. It's gotta suck being the leader of Germany and trying to balance real population issues in Germany in the present day. If it wasn't for that darned Nazi Legacy! Germany would really be leading Europe on how to deal with the refugees. And by "deal with refugees" I mean in a strong, rational, legal, and tasteful way. They'll get it done. Blow back's a comin'.
Blow back came quicker than I thought. You guys see the new EU deal struck with Turkey? The whole idea of refugees is nearest safest border. Not passing through 3-6 countries until you find the one that suits you. Europeans weren't too keen on a huge influx either. Taxing. What a mess.