Revisting Nihilism

It seems like LSD mostly amplifies whatever is there in your psyche and it accentuates the direction your life and personality is heading. Personally I think only few people don’t get messed up using these substances, while most people think they belong to this group. With LSD, depending on the dosage, you get rid of the imprints, conditioning and you open up your reality tunnel to a broader view. Opening the doors of perception as people way before huxley called it. But it also takes away the psyches defense mechanisms against death anxiety. Yet, as most big thinkers like Freud, nietzsche, O’Neil or Becker said, too much reality is actually harmful to the mental health and a happy content life. Self knowledge is the hardest human task, because it reveals that man is just a trembling animal, born randomly into space and time – into arbitrary social and cultural structures; an animal that will someday decay and die, that nothing one does will last. It’s a meaningless experience in a random universe with lots of suffering to endure. The best one can do is tell himself lies about the world and his own life, and distract oneself as good as possible, as most people intuitively do in many different ways in order to deny their death and everything’s eventual demise. No matter what the philosophers, priests or psychologists say, life has its own agenda and it runs right over you while you’re prattling, pretending that ones life is somewhat different and meaningful. There’s a reason most people stop doing drugs, because the terror eventually far outweighs the awe.
Still comes up all the time and still it's hard to get past that everything we know is just us playing pretend.

Well, drugs open to other realities, i can accept that, they are a danger for the mental balance of the users, that’s a fact. Modern drugs are more dangerous, that’s another fact. Even modern marijuana is more dangerous that the ancient varieties as the concentration of the toxic molecule is higher. It is especially dangerous for young adults.



Yet what of us with no anxiety over the inevitability of death; what effect of LSD then, one may wonder?

I, as an example, have never sensed concern about non-existence*, even after having been in more than one situation where it was a half step from happening in circumstances not entirely in my control.

The pain that may precede death - now that’s a different story.


*Not to be read as an aversion to survival or a fatal self destructiveness, mind you.

Well, drugs open to other realities, i can accept that, they are a danger for the mental balance of the users, that’s a fact. Modern drugs are more dangerous, that’s another fact. Even modern marijuana is more dangerous that the ancient varieties as the concentration of the toxic molecule is higher. It is especially dangerous for young adults.
I mean...they can make it appear like there are others. But most likely they just distort reality.

@ frozenworld uh…because you repost it means it comes up all the time??? My brain hurts!!! Does that mean the lizardmen of Tyron 6 are invading my brain, or does it mean your post is eradicating my mind?

Actually they scramble the brain’s data processing, like a computer virus scrambles a computer.