Open Minded Moderators

[quote=“phillybruce, post:21, topic:9767”]

Again, this is an example of an ad-homonym fallacy. My grammar has nothing to do with my reasoning.

No, but it has to do with critical thinking.

I do apologies to the members of the forum though. I have sever dyslexia.

Thank you for that explanation. I’m sure that we can overlook spelling errors.
Being that English is my second language, I have been corrected many times on my grammar.

btw, There is an excellent free writing assistant program available; “Grammarly”

No, but it has to do with critical thinking.

With all respect, can you justify this claim?

Critical thinking includes reading and judging your own work for content and accuracy.

Why Critical Thinking is Essential to Auditing

By DCAA Staff Writer

Breaking Down Critical Thinking

Organizations and businesses tend to define critical thinking in terms of specific skills. Indeed, for example, calls out five critical thinking skills for workers. You may note that each of the below are imperative to the success of every step in the auditing process:

  • Observation: the ability to notice and predict opportunities, problems, and solutions. !

  • Analysis: the gathering, understanding, and interpreting of data and other information.
  • Inference: Drawing conclusions based on relevant data, information, and personal knowledge and experience.
  • Communication: sharing and receiving information with others verbally, nonverbally, and in writing.
  • Problem Solving: the process of gathering, analyzing, and communicating information to identify and troubleshoot solutions.

Your post has nothing to do with my claim of your ad-homonym attack. Do you understand what a fallacy is? Here is a link to a CFI poster going over the most common fallacies.

Generally, I draw a line at scatological language for ad hominem attacks. Correcting someone’s grammar on a forum is very common. This is my personal opinion, not a moderation comment.

Well this post is an example of lack of critical thinking and it has nothing to do with dyslexia.

There is no term “ad-homonym” anywhere in the English language. This is just sloppy posting.

Moreover, “ad hominem” attacks have nothing to do with critical thinking. That is why I never use them in debate or discussion.

OK PhillyBruce, I’m going to settle this by using the FAQ page of this forum:

The first paragraph before the rules states:

The CFI Forum is operated by the Center for Inquiry, a nonprofit educational and advocacy organization. The Forum supports the interests of CFI by creating an online community of supporters and interested inquirers into CFI’s areas of concern, which can be generally described as advancing the enlightenment project, fostering an evidence-based, scientific outlook and humanist values.

It does not say anything about rational thought, but it does state fostering evidence and science, as well as humanist values. If we went around telling people “that’s not rational thought. You need to think rationally and this is how you do it.” it would be no better than religion telling people what to do and controlling their thoughts, words, and movements.

While Mike needs to update the administrators, the about portion states:

A place for supporters of science, reason, and critical thinking.

This does not mean we banned people for not thinking critically. It also means we don’t tell them how to think critically. This is a forum. It’s only purpose is welcome those who are interested in science, humanism, and discussing science, humanism, current events, etc. We do not ban people for being science deniers, unless they get out of control, hateful, and down right trolly with their views. We are here to show such people what science is and what it is not and if they accept it, great! If not, they can voluntarily seek out another forum or if they become any of the above, then they can choose to be banned. It’s not like we go around and say, “You’re an anti-vaxxer, therefore you must be banned.” We attempt to show them the facts about vaccines, including the COVID-19 vaccine. They then have the choice to face the scientific facts of the matter or not. If they don’t, then they have to make a choice of staying or leaving. If they stay, they have the choice of being civil about their views or trollish. If they chose, trollish, they eventually get banned as per rules.

The forum isn’t here to push humanism on people. It’s not here to push anything on people. It is here for civil discussion and debate, as well as informing, but not forcing people to think one way or the other. If you want that, it’s easy to find. Just go to an Fundamngelical forum and you’ll get all of that, except critical and rational thinking. That would be a sin.