The casualness with which we poison ourselves is amazing.
But why should I be so surprised considering the casualness with which we rain bombs and destruction on peoples and places.
From the Huffingtonpost article, Nitin Gadda writes: "My suspicion was that pipeline accidents are rare, but as I investigated, I found that they actually happen all the time. As shown in the mapstory I produced above, in the last 30 years, there have been over 8,700 liquid pipeline spills, averaging nearly one every day.
One, in fact, happened recently only 150 miles from Standing Rock, where over 4,200 barrels (180,000 gallons) spilled into a river. And the spills add up – if the 4.2 million barrels (176 million gallons) that have spilled in the last 30 years were counted as a single spill, it would be the third largest in history, right under the Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010, when 4.9 million barrels spilled in the Gulf of Mexico. ..."
Is The Threat Of The Dakota Access Pipeline Real?
Nitin Gadia
How many pipelines are there in the US - lots
Animated map of the major oil and gas pipelines in the US
Oh wow, this one offers a bit more details (as in injuries and deaths) and it ain’t pretty.
America's Dangerous Pipelines
Published on Jul 31, 2013 - 1:22 min
A new analysis of oil and gas pipeline safety in the United States reveals a troubling history of spills, contamination, injuries and deaths. Read more at
This time-lapse video shows pipeline incidents from 1986 to 2013, relying on publicly available data from the federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration. Only incidents classified as "significant" by the agency are shown in the video. "Significant" incidents include those in which someone was hospitalized or killed, damages amounted to more than $50,000, more than 5 barrels of highly volatile substances or 50 barrels of other liquid were released, or where the liquid exploded or burned.
According to the data, since 1986 there have been nearly 8,000 incidents (nearly 300 per year on average), resulting in more than 500 deaths (red dots on the video), more than 2,300 injuries (yellow dots on the video), and nearly $7 billion in damage.
Since 1986 pipeline accidents have spilled an average of 76,000 barrels per year or more than 3 million gallons. This is equivalent to 200 barrels every day.
One last video to round out this little exposition.
Published on Mar 23, 2015
Pipeline Nation: America’s Broken Industry
A pipeline network more than 2.5 million miles long transports oil and natural gas throughout the United States — but a top official in the federal government's pipeline safety oversight agency admits that the regulatory process is overstretched and "kind of dying." A recent spike in the number of spills illustrates the problem: the Department of Transportation recorded 73 pipeline-related accidents in 2014, an 87 percent increase over 2009.
Despite calls for stricter regulations over the last few years, the rules governing the infrastructure have largely remained the same. Critics say that this is because of the oil industry's cozy relationship with regulators, and argue that violations for penalties are too low to compel compliance.
VICE News traveled to Glendive, Montana, to visit the site of a pipeline spill that dumped more than 50,000 gallons of oil into the Yellowstone River, to find out why the industry has such weak regulatory oversight.
Trumpeteers, your turn. :coolsmirk:
Bet all they can come up with is Drill Baby Drill.
When we drill, we’re going to spill. When they don’t give damn, it’s going to get ugly, we lose.
Case in point:
Have I ever mentioned that I drive by Line 3 almost daily? Friends of mine participated in the protests. I’m not sure they even made much of a blip on the national radar. It started pumping oil last Friday. They spill some drilling fluid into wetlands more than once, not sure how bad that is. It doesn’t look like much up here, but the swamps are watersheds, The Mississippi starts up here.
Hmmm, and I thought you were from California.
Looks like Pipeline 3 has a colorful history.
Hilary Beaumont, October 5, 2021 - The Guardian
Enbridge picked up the tab for police wages, training and equipment – and let county police know when it wanted demonstrators arrested
The Canadian company Enbridge has reimbursed US police $2.4m for arresting and surveilling hundreds of demonstrators who oppose construction of its Line 3 pipeline, according to documents the Guardian obtained through a public records request.
Enbridge has paid for officer training, police surveillance of demonstrators, officer wages, overtime, benefits, meals, hotels and equipment.
Enbridge is replacing the Line 3 pipeline through Minnesota to carry oil from Alberta to the tip of Lake Superior in Wisconsin. The new pipeline carries a heavy oil called bitumen, doubles the capacity of the original to 760,000 barrels a day and carves a new route through pristine wetlands. A report by the climate action group MN350 says the expanded pipeline will emit the equivalent greenhouse gases of 50 coal power plants. …
…??? Isn’t that illegal?
I can understand reimbursing for overtime and stretching that to meals and other expenses. But shouldn’t it be up to law enforcement to decide when and what laws are broken?
And now they say it may have been an anchor-drag that broke the pipe.
Is the ship at least partly responsible? The pipelines are mapped, aren’t they?