Of guns and coal

The political attack ads in our area are rife with gun tottin’ coal lovin’ Obama hatin’ politicians from both sides. Democratic candidates are shamelessly attempting to distance themselves from “Obama"s war on coal” (no such thing) and his anti-gun laws (again no such thing) and are trying to out conservative the Rep. Conservatives. Alison Grimes is a prime example. She even refused to state that she voted for Obama or had anything to do with his policies and her ads depict her as a champion of gun rights by chiding Mitch McConnell’s Mishandling of a rifle. I’m personally sick of these mindless attack ads hammering home only two issues when even the miners can see the eventual demise of coal. It’s being replaced by cheaper natural gas. As if there were only two issues! ISSIS be damned, it’s coal and guns!
Cap’t Jack

Those ads are catered to the people who make voting decisions based on political ads, people who don’t base their decision on their own research or just blindly vote on political party alone. This is a special class of people who CAN be influenced one way or the other but aren’t interested enough to actually make an informed decision.
In other words, smart people will weigh the pros and cons of each candidate and know that political ads are just finely crafted lies so are not influenced by them. Dumb people just vote either Republican or Democrat because that’s how their parents or neighbors or social group or whatever have always voted so political ads will just reinforce what they were already going to do. For those in between, they need to keep it simple and clear cut.

Those ads are catered to the people who make voting decisions based on political ads, people who don’t base their decision on their own research or just blindly vote on political party alone. This is a special class of people who CAN be influenced one way or the other but aren’t interested enough to actually make an informed decision. It's not so much catering but using attack ads to shape opinions by hammering home two non issues, e.g. most of the citizens of my home State have absolutely nothing to do with the coal industry and jobs are being lost due to demand yet both McConnell and Grimes howl about the "war on coal". I'm principally angered over the Dems. backing away from progressive issues to out do the conservatives on side issues. It looks like cowardice on their part and will probably backfire next Tues. Cap't Jack
Those ads are catered to the people who make voting decisions based on political ads, people who don't base their decision on their own research or just blindly vote on political party alone. This is a special class of people who CAN be influenced one way or the other but aren't interested enough to actually make an informed decision. In other words, smart people will weigh the pros and cons of each candidate and know that political ads are just finely crafted lies so are not influenced by them. Dumb people just vote either Republican or Democrat because that's how their parents or neighbors or social group or whatever have always voted so political ads will just reinforce what they were already going to do. For those in between, they need to keep it simple and clear cut.
After the illegal Selection of Bush Jr, and the election of a Republican in Progressive clothing Obama, I think smart people realize the game is rigged and that only dumb people think doing research and weighing pros and cons and voting matter. Maybe some day, like I said in another thread - when the tea partiers and their ultra-rich handlers take over, drill the country into the ground, and then cause the masses to hate them like the Fascists/Nazis they are, only then will "voting" and "democracy" have meaning and be worthy of smart people's attention.

I think the biggest problem is the corrupting effect money has on politicians. I think most of them start off will noble intentions at their local government level. They want to make the town better and get elected into a town council and do a good job and are recommended to move into the state legislature. But that takes money so they work with lobbyists and get money without too big of hooks in them, but hooks just the same. The money gets bigger and so do the hooks as they move up and up. By the time they are a US Senator or even the President, they are numb to the money/favor exchange, it’s just how things work to them. To make matters worse, they’re the ones in charge of developing the rules around how campaign finance works. That makes sense, put the fox in charge of the hen-house!
I think the fact that reporters talk about how big a candidates “warchest” is when discussing their chances of winning an election speaks volumes to the problem. I believe it will take a lame duck president to use their Executive Orders to completely revamp the rules of campaign finance before any change will be seen. It seems unlikely to happen since they all have friends who have an interest in keeping those rules nice and loose but one can hope.

Those ads are catered to the people who make voting decisions based on political ads, people who don't base their decision on their own research or just blindly vote on political party alone. This is a special class of people who CAN be influenced one way or the other but aren't interested enough to actually make an informed decision. In other words, smart people will weigh the pros and cons of each candidate and know that political ads are just finely crafted lies so are not influenced by them. Dumb people just vote either Republican or Democrat because that's how their parents or neighbors or social group or whatever have always voted so political ads will just reinforce what they were already going to do. For those in between, they need to keep it simple and clear cut.
Unfortunately, there aren't enough smart people in the country to elect a part time dogcatcher. Which is the reason for the dumb ads. Lois