In my continuing quest to avoid working on a couple half finished AGW articles, I been surfacing YouTube for fun stuff - for me
(when my gals out of town) that would be interesting lectures or documentaries, lately natural history and
human history of exploration. I thought I found a great series: “Voyage of Darwin’s Beagle: One Small Step For Man”
a retracing of the Beagles voyage by “Darwin’s great granddaughter and a crew of authors, artists, and scientists.”
But sadly, it turned out too superficial, nothing intellectually compelling about it, like home movies of a vacation -
maybe I’ll watch the others, but I’d prefer to learn new stuff about the voyage, the man or the science.
Still, that sent me off on a search that eventually arriving at this talk by John van Wyhe, Ph.D. apparently the man
to go to if you want to learn about Darwin. His talk: “Charles Darwin: The True Story” was fascinating.
As someone who listens/watchs a lot of professors speaking I’ve found that too many are suboptimal public speakers
(so am I, so I’m just saying!) and that part of enjoying these lectures is learning to get over distracting superficialities
and to work with the speaker, accept their mannerism, or enunciation or accents to focus on the substance of the talk.
I think I’m decent at it, but I tell you it is such a pleasure listening to a really smart person who’s comfortable at the
podium who speaks, communicates well. John van Wyhe get’s an A from me.
Plus he’s got some very intellectually compelling information to share.
If you want to test your Darwin Myth awareness it’s worth your time.
Uploaded on Apr 24, 2009
He also turned me on to these websites that are worth sharing:
<blockquote>The world's largest and most widely used resource on Darwin.
Edited by John van Wyhe
• Darwin's Complete Publications
• Darwin's Private Papers & Manuscripts
• Supplementary Works
<span style="color: green;"><em>{Carrying forward the magnanimous spirit of Darwin, there's even a link to "Wallace Online".}</em></span>
<strong></strong> edited by John van Wyhe
Wallace Online is the first complete edition of the writings of naturalist and co-founder of the theory of evolution Alfred Russel Wallace.
Including a comprehensive compilation of his specimens - much of it never before seen. The project is directed by John van Wyhe,
assisted by Kees Rookmaaker, at the National University of Singapore, in collaboration with the Wallace Page by Charles H. Smith.
Wallace in Singapore
Newly published: Dispelling the Darkness: Voyage in the Malay Archipelago and the discovery of evolution by Wallace and Darwin and
Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters from the Malay Archipelago.</blockquote>
<strong>. . . </strong> means that this thread is open to aimless ramblings if anyone wants...