Noah' Flood - Scriptural, Scientific or Historical

In order to understand Noah’s Global Flood, one must understand the following:

The world of Adam was an enclosed Biosphere much smaller than our earth, which was totally surrounded by the firmament which protected it from the water below and above it into which it was placed. Gen 1:6-8 - while our own present world is surrounded by Star Dust. Adam’s Earth was not on a Rocky Planet, like our present Earth, since it was “clean dissolved” in the Flood, and rocks don’t dissolve in water. Isa 24:19

This Earth, the Earth of Adam, was considered FLAT by the Ancient Hebrew Perspective. Its highest point is only about 15 cubits (22 1/2 ft) above sea level, Gen 7:20 … while our own earth’s highest elevation is some 29k ft. above sea level, in comparison. Their entire Earth had only 4 Rivers while our present World has Thousands of Rivers all over the face of the earth, indicating it was much much smaller than our Earth.

During the Great Flood, Noah and the Ark were 22 1/2 ft above Adam’s Earth on the 150th Day after the Flood began. At this depth, the mountains of that Earth were covered in water. Gen 7:20. On the SAME 150th Day after the Flood began, the Ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat. Gen 8:4

That’s one of the mysteries. HOW could the Ark be in both places on the Same Day?

Roy said,

That’s one of the mysteries. HOW could the Ark be in both places on the Same Day?

It shall always remain a mystery, because it is not factually true. There may have abeen a great flood, but that would have been be result of the melting ice by a warming armosphere, somewhat similar, but much larger than what we experience today with the melting of polar ice which predict the oceans to rise by a significant margin and probably flooding many coastal lands around the world. It might even have been the result of a massive tsunami caused by tectonic activity, or even the impact of a meteor landing in the ocean, causing a tsunami. The earth has been through natural phenomena on a planetary scale many times during it’s relatively short lifetime. The earth is a young planet, albeit much older than 6,000 -10,000 years as proposed by the Young Earth Creationists and their multi-million dollar museums.

A young Earth

Young Earth Creationism is the belief that everything in the Biblical book of Genesis is literally true: God created the universe in six 24-hour days 6,000 years ago; all mankind came from Adam and Eve; and the Garden of Eden is a lost paradise where humans and dinosaurs co-existed peacefully. Young Earth Creationists reject evolution, but may embrace a sort of short-term natural selection to explain biodiversity after Noah's Flood.

One thing is clear. Noah’s flood as described in the bible is not proof of anything but that there may have been a great flood, which is a demonstrable natural occurrence and not indicative of any divine intervention.


If someone tries to take the Biblical story of Noah as being a literal report of a historical event… well that is just damn silly.

Write4U said: One thing is clear. Noah’s flood as described in the bible is not proof of anything but that there may have been a great flood, which is a demonstrable natural occurrence and not indicative of any divine intervention.
TimB said: If someone tries to take the Biblical story of Noah as being a literal report of a historical event… well that is just damn silly.
Noah's flood exposes the weakness, the Achilles Heel of the False Theory of Evolution. Some Godless Evols have taken the Truth of MicroEvolution or changes within His kinds and changed it into the unsupported, speculative ASSumption that God used evolution to Create. Not so, and God's Holy Word refutes such an ignorant and idiotic idea.

Noah’s Flood shows that Noah and his family came into our 2nd Heaven, from the 1st Heaven (Garden of Eden), the world of Adam, which was totally “dissolved” in the Flood. This happened some 11k years ago and Human civilization, on this Planet, can be traced to Noah’s arrival in the mountains of Ararat, in Northern Mesopotamia, the Cradle of Human Civilization.

Without the Flood, we might be stuck with the stupid idea that we evolved from other animals, but the Flood shows that Humanity on our Earth, came from another world. Humans were made long BEFORE any other living creature. Genesis 2:4-7 That’s God’s Truth, which agrees in EVERY way with EVERY discovery of Science and History.

One thing God’s Truth DISAGREES with is the False ToE, which is nothing but an ever-changing or unproven theory of Godless men who are afraid to be righteously judged for their deeds, so they made up an incomplete, untrue, False assumption, and called it the ToE. They did NOT consider God’s Truth when they made fools of themselves with their unsupportable Theory, and now it’s time for their wild imaginations to be exposed.

Humans did NOT evolve from Apes and there is NO evidence which can stand when measured against God’s Truth. Want to try to support the man-made, error-filled, Theory of Evolution? I don’t believe ANY of you can?

Cut the insults or you are out of here Roy.

Thank you,

Your moderator

Excuse me, Roy, but we evolved from a common ancestor of all apes. We are apes. Science has proven all of this, but you prefer your little book of fairy tales and love the idea that it tells you to rule over all the other animals on this planet, refusing to believe that you yourself are an animal. However, everything about you can be found in every other animal on the planet earth. There is no evidence for your 1st and 2nd heaven though and there is no Noah. The story of Noah and his little arc is just another flood story, like every other flood story. Noah is a myth. Your god is a myth, just like every other god mythology. The very idea of a deity was and is, always has been a man-made concept. Science is based on fact, not human fear and imagination. I love being a monkey’s aunt personally. I appreciate having a common ancestor with my cousins- the apes- and I cannot fathom how no one can see the commonalities we share with other apes, right down to tool usage and language. One would have to be blind not to see that we look just like them, only with less fur, as I put it when I was a child. I’m sorry you can’t appreciate your cousins and cling to a myth.

The 1st time I saw a gorilla (it was in a zoo) as a child, I saw a fellow being stuck in a relatively small cage, with a depressed look in his eyes. It was startling to see him imprisoned, like that, because it was clear that he was so much like me and the people ogling him.

As far as defending the Theory of Evolution, that has already been done by many decades of scientific discovery. Perhaps you missed the memo.

Noah’s flood exposes the weakness, the Achilles Heel of the False Theory of Evolution. Some Godless Evols have taken the Truth of MicroEvolution or changes within His kinds and changed it into the unsupported, speculative ASSumption that God used evolution to Create. Not so, and God’s Holy Word refutes such an ignorant and idiotic idea.
Roy, the part I don't get is, how is it that you came to believe that you can speak for God.


I know @TimB. I can’t understand how other humans cannot see the relationship between us humans and other apes. It’s so obvious that even a child can see it.

Back to the floods,


Evidence Noah's Biblical Flood Happened, Says Robert Ballard Dr. Robert Ballard, an acclaimed underwater archaeologist, explains the evidence By JENNA MILLMAN, BRYAN TAYLOR and LAUREN EFFRON December 5, 2012,

it does happen that at the end of the last ice age sea level rose dramatically and there were quite a few cataclysmic floods witnessed by humans. That a Great Flood embedded itself in the human psyche seems self evidence for the physical evidence and not at all miraculous.


According to a controversial theory proposed by two Columbia University scientists, there really was one in the Black Sea region. They believe that the now-salty Black Sea was once an isolated freshwater lake surrounded by farmland, until it was flooded by an enormous wall of water from the rising Mediterranean Sea. The force of the water was two hundred times that of Niagara Falls, sweeping away everything in its path.

Fascinated by the idea, Ballard and his team decided to investigate.

“We went in there to look for the flood,” he said. “Not just a slow moving, advancing rise of sea level, but a really big flood that then stayed… The land that went under stayed under.”

Four hundred feet below the surface, they unearthed an ancient shoreline, proof to Ballard that a catastrophic event did happen in the Black Sea. By carbon dating shells found along the shoreline, Ballard said he believes they have established a timeline for that catastrophic event, which he estimates happened around 5,000 BC. Some experts believe this was around the time when Noah’s flood could have occurred. …


Scientists to create 3D map of submerged Mesolithic landscape of Doggerland


‘Reconstruction’ begins of stone age lands lost to North Sea


Dating the Ice Age Floods

Nick Zentner, Central Washington University

CWU’s Nick Zentner presents ‘Dating the Ice Age Floods’ - the 22nd talk in his ongoing Downtown Geology Lecture Series. Recorded at Hal Holmes Center on March 7, 2018 in Ellensburg, Washington, USA.




Yes Tim, I know what you mean about the zoos, for me it started with the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago in the early 60s. They had lot’s of money and lots of different creature, the halls were long and cells rather small, although they did have exists into little outdoor enclosures. I was caught by the different personalities, not just between the different ape groups but within them. Then there was watching the other people and so often some jerk(s) busying taunting the poor critters. Going to the zoo was always fun, but also a challenge, something seems not right about it, but fascinating and fun as heck. Those apes, especially since I often found an ape sitting there willing to simply stare right back into my eyes, usual long as I could stand there, (of course much of that was shear dejection, with nothing to do but watch the time go by.) give an oz of attention, sure they’d respond a little. They were definitely the stars because they seem like us, but definitely aren’t.

It’s nice that things have changed. At least zoos are giving animals more space these days, keepers are definitely trying harder with more understanding and compassion, still for me zoos remain a weird mix of wonderful, yet cruel.

Mriana said: >> Excuse me, Roy, but we evolved from a common ancestor of all apes. We are apes. Science has proven all of this, but you prefer your little book of fairy tales and love the idea that it tells you to rule over all the other animals on this planet, refusing to believe that you yourself are an animal. However, everything about you can be found in every other animal on the planet earth. There is no evidence for your 1st and 2nd heaven though and there is no Noah. The story of Noah and his little arc is just another flood story, like every other flood story. Noah is a myth. Your god is a myth, just like every other god mythology. The very idea of a deity was and is, always has been a man-made concept. Science is based on fact, not human fear and imagination. I love being a monkey’s aunt personally. I appreciate having a common ancestor with my cousins- the apes- and I cannot fathom how no one can see the commonalities we share with other apes, right down to tool usage and language. One would have to be blind not to see that we look just like them, only with less fur, as I put it when I was a child. I’m sorry you can’t appreciate your cousins and cling to a myth.
Genesis 1:21 tells us that every living creature that moveth was brought forth from the waters on Day 5. This includes the sons of God (prehistoric creature or mankind) - of Gen 6 who's origin is also from the waters and is also made flesh. Genesis 2 tells us of Creatures made from the dust of the ground. Some Unbelievers see this as a contradiction and falsely assume that the Scripture is mistranslated.

They are ignorant of the fact that God (Elohim) originally brought forth EVERY Living Creature that moved, from the water, on Day 5 (Their Kind= Trinity). The account of the formation of the beasts of the field and fowl of the air, from the Dust on the 6th Day, is when YHWH, the Son of God, squeezed, as a potter would mold a clay, and formed living creatures (His Kind) from the dust of the ground.

The creatures made from the dust were identical to those brought forth from the waters and could produce offspring together.

The first Living Being made from the dust was man. Man was made on the 3rd Day before the plants and herbs, right after the mist that watered the whole face of the ground. Gen 2:4- 7. This gives mankind Preeminence or First Place among all other Living Creatures.

Like the animals made from the dust, humans also married and produced children with Beings brought forth from the water. That’s where Cain’s wife came from, and that is who Noah’s grandchildren married, on this Planet (Gen 6). Incest was never part of the multiplication of Humankind, as far as the God righteousness is concerned.

After the union between the sons of God (prehistoric mankind) and daughters of men (humans) Gen 6, we are the result and we also acquired the DNA of the prehistoric beings of Common Ancestor of Apes thru blood contamination and we also acquired the Human intelligence that can ONLY be inherited from Adam (thru birthing process), the first Human. We are all descended with modifications from a common ancestor, and his name is Adam.

God brought forth every living creature that moveth from the water, on the 5th Day, and Jesus produced “His /Their Kinds” from the dust of the ground, at the beginning of the 6th Day and brought them to Adam for him name them. We are all confined to our own kind in order to multiply.

Unfortunately, Scoffers of the Last Days remain willingly ignorant of God? Truth. Oh well…

Science is studying the evolution of the sons of God (prehistoric mankind) instead of Humans, who are the descendants of Adam, the common ancestor of ALL Humans. This is clear when you ask Evols to explain WHERE the first Human came from, since the only way in which Humans can pass the invisible intelligence of Adam, to another Human, is through the birthing process. Evols run, hide, call names, implying that anyone who asks this question is nuts, and claim there was no first Human and that magical evolution did it.

NONE of them can produce ANY evidence of this event since Science is currently IGNORANT of the difference between Human and Animal Intelligence Today. They would have us believe that Apes evolved into Humans and that it happened 200k years ago.

Evols also falsely CLAIM that long periods of time and numerous positive mutations produced Human intelligence in animals. No Evol refutes them because God has caught ALL of them in His Snare (Isa 24:18-20), which He set with the Flood. The Trap they are caught in is that they have been Falsely teaching Evolution for more than 50 years, that Humans evolved from animals BECAUSE they have Rejected God’s Truth of the Flood. Soon, they must DEFEND this Lie and the only defense they have is to be “willingly ignorant” of God’s Truth. Here is God’s Truth, which tells of this debate, with the Scoffers in the last days.

2Pe 3:5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
2Pe 3:6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: (Greek-destroyed totally)
2Pe 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word (dissolve) are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

Here is the origin of the sons of God (prehistoric people) who were created and brought forth from the water on the 5th Day, as commanded by God some 3.77 Billion years ago, in man’s time. Science AGREES that our cells cannot survive without liquid water and that’s also why we seek liquid water on other planets to see if they have the possibility of life form or not. We find the bones of prehistoric people all the way back to the time when they diverged from Chimps some 6 Million years ago.

Gen 1:21 And God created great whales and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after Their kind, and every winged fowl after His kind: and God saw that it was good.

Gen 1:22-23 And God blessed them (prehistoric creature), saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. v23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day

The Blessings the Prehistoric Creature/Mankind received from God on the 5th Day was the same Blessings A&E and their generations received on the 6th Day. - which gave the Prehistoric Creature/Mankind the right to be called sons of God.

Adam’s direct descendant, Noah, arrived on our Earth, some 11k years ago and Human civilization, on this Planet, can be traced to him. History agrees and odd man out is the False ToE and some Religionist which are “willingly ignorant” 2Pe 3:5 of our true Human origins. You can read of the sexual compatibility of the sons of God (prehistoric mankind) and Adam’s descendants in Genesis 6:1-4.

Prehistoric people were just like today’s Humans and they moved and had their origin in water EXACTLY as Scripture and Science tell us. Science calls this appearance of life from water a “Natural” happening", but God shows that it was all a part of His Creation.

What the posting shows is that this False Teaching of the ToE is NOT true, and supposes things which have No data to support their False Assumptions. That’s because Humans are the descendants of Adam and Adam’s superior intelligence MUST be inherited sexually and thru Birthing Process … and CANNOT happen by chance mutation and long periods of time as Evolutionism falsely preaches.


Genesis 1:21 tells us that every living creature that moveth was brought forth from the waters on Day 5. This includes the sons of God (prehistoric creature or mankind) – of Gen 6 who’s origin is also from the waters and is also made flesh. Genesis 2 tells us of Creatures made from the dust of the ground. Some Unbelievers see this as a contradiction and falsely assume that the Scripture is mistranslated.

Yes, that is a story, but it is not science. It’s like reading any other creation story. It’s just that, a story. You cannot take the story of Genesis or Noah seriously, because it’s just a story like Aesop’s Fables.

Science updates itself in light of new information. Religion does not. Religious stories are mythological tales and do not update themselves in light of new information because they are stories. A preschooler can tell we are related to other apes and that we are apes. It doesn’t take knowing much science to realize that.

Unfortunately, Scoffers of the Last Days remain willingly ignorant of God? Truth. Oh well…

Oh that’s nice. And if humans do not listen to scientist about climate change humans, with all other life on this planet, will become extinct. Your fairy tales and human created deity will not save you from climate change disasters. No prayer in the world will save you, but that’s OK, you say it’s all in Revelations. Whatever. I personally will listen to the scientists and not buy into superstition.

Science is studying the evolution of the sons of God (prehistoric mankind) instead of Humans, who are the descendants of Adam, the common ancestor of ALL Humans. This is clear when you ask Evols to explain WHERE the first Human came from, since the only way in which Humans can pass the invisible intelligence of Adam, to another Human, is through the birthing process. Evols run, hide, call names, implying that anyone who asks this question is nuts, and claim there was no first Human and that magical evolution did it.

Mythology or your Adam belief is not science. Adam never existed. That’s a story- a legend which is a type of myth. The story of Genesis is mythical, magical, and abohantly violent. Besides that, there must of been a lot of incest and sodomy, given that there was Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel. If not, then who did Cain marry after he slew Abel? What did Cain and Abel do before Cain killed Abel? If you take it literally, Eve was the only female, unless you want to go back before the story of Adam and Eve where there was Lilith. If so then the mythology would suggest that Cain and Abel screwed around with the demon spawns of Lilith. So there is no way that the STORY of Genesis can be taken seriously.

Humans are animal of the apes species. Humans, chimps, bonobos, gorillas, orangutans, all have a common ancestor. That is evolutionary science. We have a common genetic pattern that gives us apes our similar appearances. This can be traced all the way back to our common ancestor. There is no magic or anything like that in science. Definitely no screwing around with demon spawns in evolutionary science.

Marian said: >>Yes, that is a story, but it is not science. It’s like reading any other creation story. It’s just that, a story. You cannot take the story of Genesis or Noah seriously, because it’s just a story like Aesop’s Fables.

Science updates itself in light of new information. Religion does not. Religious stories are mythological tales and do not update themselves in light of new information because they are stories. A preschooler can tell we are related to other apes and that we are apes. It doesn’t take knowing much science to realize that.

God tells us we live in a Multiverse, composed of at least 3 universes. Today’s physics has confirmed that it’s possible and currently scientists from all over the world are seeking to confirm those equations.

God tells us the Big Bang was on the 3rd Day, the same Day man was made. God reveals that “every living creature that moves” was created and brought forth from the water on the 5th Day, but Adam, the first human was made long BEFORE any creature came forth from the water. Science confirms that we had our origin in water, and they know that water is a complete necessity for cells to live, but they can’t make up their minds exactly where we came from.

The knowledge that Adam was made BEFORE life came from the water is PROOF that the Theory of Evolution is False. Adam could NOT have evolved from ANY other living being since Adam was the FIRST being made.

God tells us that the sons of God (Prehistoric man), whose origin was in the water, and Adam’s descendants, produces Human intelligence in the prehistoric people. God tells us it happened on Adam’s earth and the present earth, showing that we will find life throughout the Universe.

Tell us HOW any ancient man of 3k years ago, (which YOU supposedly think wrote Genesis) could have possibly known these facts which today’s Science is ignorant of. ONLY God could know these things, even today. This is evidence of God since He is the ONLY one who could possibly have authored Genesis.

My support comes from the fact that Genesis agrees in every way with every discovery of true science and history. Evolution is NOT Science. It is a shame that you don’t know that. You will remain ignorant of God’s Truth until you are born again Spiritually, or you will learn it at the Judgment.

That’s God’s Truth.

God also tells us HOW and WHEN the Prehistoric Creature/Mankind (sons of God) on our Earth inherited the Human intelligence which is unique to Adam and his descendants. God calls prehistoric mankind whose origin came forth from the water, sons of God Gen 1:21. Today’s Science confirms that EVERY living creature MUST have water to live since EVERY cell in our body would die without it.

The sons of God (prehistoric Mankind) married and produced the Humans on the first Earth, which was totally destroyed in the Flood. Genesis 4 tells us that Cain married and produced Enoch, his son, with a prehistoric woman who could ONLY come forth from the water, as God commanded in Gen 1:21 No Ancient Man could have possibly known this. Read it for yourself:

Gen. 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men (Heb-Adam), and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

The giants were giants intellectually and physically as is shown at the end of the verse. They were the Humans of the first Earth, and they had agriculture, smelting, city building, and technology with little of NO evolution. Adam farmed with NO evolution, and Cain built a city with NO evolution, showing that Human intelligence is Superior to ANY creature made from the water.

The fulfillment of the prophecy of and also after that was fulfilled when Noah’ Grandchildren formed a union of marriage with the prehistoric mankind or sons of God as indicated in Gen 6:1-4 and brought the human intelligence of Adam to Northern Mesopotamia in the mountains of Ararat. This happened some 10k years ago and the FIRST human cities and the FIRST agriculture, and the ONLY Human civilization on our Earth, PROVES it.

SUDDENLY, the sons of God, (prehistoric man) evolved the Human intelligence of Adam and changed from animal to Human intelligence. The prehistoric man settled down, built houses, cities, and develop math and writing, proving that anything is possible IF you have the intelligence of the first Human, Adam. Below is the empirical record of the arrival of the first Humans on this Earth:

Map: Fertile Crescent, 9000 to 4500 BCE… Map of The Fertile Cresent (9000-4500 BCE)

In less than 1% of the time since the sons of God diverged from Chimps, on this Planet, they went from Caves to the Moon and back, and yet Evolutionists and other Pretenders seem to be totally ignorant of this Biblical Truth. Human’ blood also inherited the ERVs of the Common Ancestor of Chimps through Contamination… BUT Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor, but from our own common ancestor whose name is Adam.

BTW, Humans are the descendants of Adam and were First made on the 3rd Day - long BEFORE any other living creature. Gen 2:4-7


Obviously, Roy you do not wish to learn science and prefer to live in your mythology. There’s not a thing anyone can do to bring you around to reality and reason. You have to decide that for yourself and if you don’t want learn real science. That’s OK as long as you don’t harm others (including other animals) or the environment. However, I will tell you, have come to the wrong place to preach your mythology. No one on this forum with an ounce of reason and facing reality will continue to reply to you. Eventually, you will be the only voice in this thread, if you are not after I make this post. Sorry, there is nothing any of us could do to explain science to you.

Science has refused to believe God and many scientists live in darkness and ignorance because of it. Genesis tells us WHEN the Big Bang happened, and that every living creature came forth from the water, and How to make humans, along with the fact that we live in a Multiverse and not a Universe.

Instead of trying to disprove God, Science should be looking for the agreement of its discoveries with God’s Holy Word. So far, I have found NONE of the discoveries of Science and History which do NOT agree with Genesis.

Roy said:

God tells us that the sons of God (Prehistoric man), whose origin was in the water, and Adam’s descendants, produces Human intelligence in the prehistoric people Gen 6:1-4. God tells us it happened on Adam’s earth and the present earth, showing that we will find life throughout the Universe.

Tell us HOW any ancient man of 3k years ago, (which YOU supposedly think wrote Genesis) could have possibly known these facts which today’s Science is ignorant of. ONLY God could know these things, even today. This is evidence of God since He is the ONLY one who could possibly have authored Genesis.

My support comes from the fact that Genesis agrees in every way with every discovery of true science and history. Evolution is NOT Science. It is a shame that you don’t know that. You will remain ignorant of God’s Truth until you are born again Spiritually, or you will learn it at the Judgment.

That’s God’s Truth.


Read this study: Biological and cognitive underpinnings of religious fundamentalism - PMC