They obviously look at it from a different angle. He’s God. He can do whatever he wants with his creation and there is nothing inherently wrong or bad without that because he is perfectly good and cannot do evil. And he’s certainly not “sinful” by anyone’s measure because sin is really nothing more than that which displeases God. So it is impossible for God to sin.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m with you on this one. Destroying children, commanding his people to dash the heads of babies against rocks, all very deplorable things. But you just can’t beat the argument, “Who are you to question God? Doesn’t he have the right to do what he wants with his own creation?” And I know, there is a big difference between breaking your own toys and causing pain and suffering to sentient beings for your own amusement, even if you did create them. I get that. But it’s not an argument you’ll sway the true believer with.
I also don’t disagree with that last paragraph one bit. I told my Witness friend that the Bible was a “Choose your own adventure” because you could make it say whatever you want. If you want a real eye opening experience about how true that actually is, talk to 3 different people in 3 different religions about their religions. Let each one know that you’re talking to the others. If they don’t know you’re talking to the others they will try to use the Bible to prove that theirs is the right religion. No matter what questions you ask, it’s always the same. I have to keep reminding my Witness friend that I don’t even believe God exists, much less that he wrote or inspired the bible, or that there is one true religion, so his Bible quotes mean nothing to me. But it’s still all he knows. But if they know you’re talking to the other people then they’ll use the Bible to show you how the other two are wrong instead. The moment they know they have competition they move from showing they are right to attacking the competition. You will quickly see beyond doubt that it’s all bullshit, if you haven’t already bought the “God is definitely real” nonsense, anyway.