Why would Melania be concerned with Sarah Palin being VP? I think Sarah would be an appropriate VP choice for T rump.
ObligateI had to look that one up too.
I bet you would have enjoyed Bill Buckley’s polysyllabic exuberance and his perspicacious mind even more if he had been a liberal.
If the majority wills what is socially atavistic, then to thwart the majority may be, though undemocratic, enlightened.
Why would Melania be concerned with Sarah Palin being VP?It might just be that she could think there would be more going on in the oval office than just "boy talk." One can never tell where Trump might grab someone.
Note to those who can’t tell: the part about Melania not allowing it was tongue in cheek as was the above.
By the way, did the Nevada folks ever give out official results? All I have seen was projections.
T rump has always claimed that certain women are not attractive enough for him to abuse. I am not sure Sarah Palin would qualify, beauty-wise, for his unwanted sexual assaults.
Candidate Delegates, AFTER Nevada / Before S. Carolina
Bernie Sanders - 45
Pete Buttigieg - 26
Joe Biden - 15
Elizabeth Warren - 8
Amy Klobuchar - 7
Post S. Carolina primary, Bernie has 58 delegates, Biden now has 50. And no change for the others in delegate count.