Most and least religious US States, 2017

One state has topped the list of the most religious for the past nine years.
Can you guess what it is before you look at the link?

Gee, Alabama and Mississippi are the most religious. Who’d have thought?
But it’s good to know the US is steadily becoming less religious. We need that what with the evangelicals circle jerking over what’s going on in the Oval Office right now.

Gee, Alabama and Mississippi are the most religious. Who'd have thought? But it's good to know the US is steadily becoming less religious. We need that what with the evangelicals circle jerking over what's going on in the Oval Office right now.
They're lapping it up. They have a champion of their ideals in the White House. "God is in his heaven. All's right with the world."
They're lapping it up. They have a champion of their ideals in the White House. "God is in his heaven. All's right with the world."
He hates all the same people they do. You know, everyone who isn't male, Christian, cisgender and heterosexual.
One state has topped the list of the most religious for the past nine years. Can you guess what it is before you look at the link?
Who is on top is not important but the fact that the so called most religious are the Red states lets us know how far Republicans have succeeded in bringing home the holy roller vote.