The GOP show keeps getting more unhinged. Case in point.
Apparently Mike Johnson has been speaking with God.
Now that’s what hubris looks like.
But, nothing to see here. Move along . . .
That secret was a series of conversations he’d had with God in the lead-up to the speaker vote that anointed him:
The Lord impressed upon my heart a few weeks before this happened that something was going to occur. And the Lord very specifically told me in my prayers to prepare but to wait. I had this sense that we were going to come to a Red Sea moment in our Republican conference and the country at large.
Look, I’m a Southern Baptist. I don’t want to get too spooky on you, OK? But the Lord speaks to your heart. And he had been speaking to me about this.
And the Lord told me very clearly to prepare. OK, prepare for what? I don’t know. “We’re coming to a Red Sea moment.” “What does that mean, Lord?”
I started praying more about that. And the Lord began to wake me up through this three-week process we were in, in the middle of the night, and to speak to me. And [I began] to write things down, plans and procedures and ideas on how we could pull the conference together. I assumed the Lord was going to choose a new Moses. And “Oh, thank you, Lord: You’re going to allow me to be Aaron to Moses.” [In the Hebrew Bible, Aaron is Moses’ brother and a priest who aids him.]
I worked to get Steve Scalise elected. And then Jim Jordan. And Tom Emmer. Thirteen people ran for the post. The Lord kept telling me to wait. And I waited and waited. And it came to the end, and the Lord said, “Now, step forward.” “Me? I’m supposed to be Aaron.” . . .
A spokeswoman for Patriot Mobile, “America’s ONLY Christian conservative wireless provider” and a sponsor of the event, summed things up more neatly:
This war that we’re fighting is not political. It is spiritual. And we will fight this spiritual war, whether it be at the schoolhouse, with the school boards, or whether it be in the county house, where they’re trying to take over the DAs and all the important county judges.
They are at WAR with the secularism citizens and laws of this country. That’s why telling to simply dismiss such sentiments and not to worry, seems bad advice. It’s not phase doesn’t phase, it’s what they been fully brainwashed into and it is frightening. They also used to say about Mein Kampf: it’s just a crazy prisoner’s fever dreams, we are the mighty liberal nation, we’re not that stupid to fall for this.
Have a think, this crazy guy is third in line to become president, isn’t he?