Write, you put me on the spot.
I don’t like conflict, yet it’s like I can’t avoid inviting it.
Take this suggestion:
Cuts right to the core of what I’m seeing, writing about, and trying to get across.
This human-abrahamic-western-nature of yearning to achieve god-like status - perfection - possessing the ultimate answer.
Hey this maps looks pretty cool. Check out how many layers of info we can cram into every pixel. Almost like the real thing, you think? Every year we can cram more information into that pixel. Who knows, we may get there yet …
No it isn’t close, not by many infinities.
You take me right back to the fundamental observation of our societal collective and historic, “self-absorbed, self-serving nature.”
Furthermore that our actions prove we people remain lost within our “Minds” and we remain totally alienated from appreciation the Physical Reality of Earth/Life’s Evolution, out here in the vast caldron of the empty Universe and what that means for us individually and as a global society.
See that mindset, that imagines we can (and should) bridge that gap between our mind and physical reality.
Whereas for me, I recognize myself as a perceiving instrument. I can do the best I can with what I got - to perceive the world. But it will always be on the other side of my efforts to comprehension.
Learning leads to more awareness, which in turn makes my experiences richer, thus offering my body, brain, mind more knowledge to guide itself through its day by day. But it’s still my perception of the information my body and brain receive.
Your map is topography, and perhaps light-spectrum information that allows for certain inferences regarding vegetation type and distribution, moisture, etc.
Then stop to think about what all the actual physical territory possess?
Though, that’s unfair, if one has never experienced it, one can’t imagine it. I realize I’m at an advantage living on 40 acres of rural sage brush mesa land with creek and riparian zone running through it. ~ Yes! Running again. Started a couple weeks ago, we could see it where the road crosses the creek up stream, a couple days ago it finally filled in down past our place (a good deal of river happens under the surface.) and is happily flowing. What a physical and psychic atmospheric difference that running water makes! But I digress.
Wait, no I don’t, unlike most city people I’m out here all the time, this year cutting all our fire wood. I days are fill with things like walking the dog first and foremost, cutting, hauling, processing fire wood, and building fires, and dealing with three different water sources, well, hauled bulk for garden, 5gl/bottled drinking water. What I mean with all that is I’m more attuned to such ancient rhythms than most these days. I get hours of watching the most primal TV, building/maintaining a fire, sometimes being hypnotized by ‘em.
Back to the territory under that map, creatures and plants great and small, change over time, large scale, small scale, and a spectrum between - Life, movement, interaction, reactions, change, evolution, transformation - short term & long term, character of interactions and so on. That, and more, is the living Territory.
The Map will remains a set of coordinates, numbers, references, cold representations to help our minds visualize. Still, a postcard is never like being there.
The impossible to define human concept of “information” comes into play here, …
Whereas the actual living moment of life, here upon Earth is something beyond our ability to fully conceive. Just have to look at how thoughtlessly we continue destroying it. Our very life support systems.
This past half century will be something to behold in hindsight.
Some-being who’s never experienced human parties and excess could possibly imagine, will never comprehend how we could have done this to ourselves.
We can be so smart when it has to do with stuff, so stunning worthless, when it came to self-examination, taking responsibility, care about the future world we were leaving our children, to seriously look at the other side of that “Prosperity Siren Song” coin, and react with doing what whatever can be done to mitigate.
Instead we vote in the uglies of Americans, who want to destroy our Constitutional, rule of law respecting government.
Yeah, one thing leads to another.