Menopause Rhapsody, a Song for every Queen

I feel curious sharing this, since it’s a lady thing. But heck, considering I’m as much the produce of many wonderful woman, as any other influences, so I’ll take some license. Also at 65, I’ve been witness to, …

Well, it’s not my story to tell. ?






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?. Guess it’s the wrong audience, CFI. A bunch of old guys. But, dudes, don’t you have a bunch of old gals around? Sometimes I think of CFI as thee old corner pub, where you’d get together and shoot the shit, oops. shoot the poop. Virtual is a sad shadow of the real thing.


Mriana, I hope it didn’t offend, I thought it was awesome. After the first few lines, I stopped and took it to my wife and we watched it together. She’s a year older than I. She thought it was great.

Maybe I should just have a fun conversation with myself and invite some friends:

Brams Rockhopper - 1 day ago - I hope Brian has seen this! Brilliantly put together - loads of work to produce this, and the lyrics are so clever. Freddie would be in hysterics. He’ll be chuckling somewhere and singing along…

Cheryl S. - 2 days ago - This is the most accurate description of menopause I have ever heard. Doctors should pass this out along with medication.

Kim S - 1 day ago - I’m sure Freddie would be laughing and proud.

Susan P. - 1 day ago - Loved it Shirley being a Passionate Queen fan. I’m sure the band would enjoy this fun version as well! Well Done! I’m a new subscriber now!
1013Maat - 1 week ago - As the wife of a singer/comedian, who does parodies as well, and as a woman who has just officially entered menopause, I applaud you. Very clever…well written, good voice, and a great video. Thanks for sharing, xx


? ?

OK I’ll tell you, mine was a bit different because I didn’t have any hot flashes or night sweats. I did have trouble sleeping, heart palpitations (but that might have been due to that fact that my thyroid was also slowing down), I had brain fog, memory loss, and my teenage sons and I butted heads more. I also had more migraines until I was finished going through it. Now that’s it over with, I don’t have to shave anymore, due to not growing hair under my arms and on my legs, so that’s a plus. No I didn’t get facial hair either. I did put on 20 lbs (I was 4’ 11" and 95 lbs most my adult life), but as I said, my thyroid slowed down too and I also quit smoking shortly after I was done with menopause. So I can’t blame all the weight gain on menopause. Basically, menopause is different for every woman. Now, ten years later, I feel like a kid again… until my body reminds me that I’m not. I just don’t have hormones anymore- or so the gyno says. I was also 45 when I finished (no it wasn’t surgically induced, most women in my family are done by age 50) and no you didn’t offend me. I only wish I was told what to expect before hand, but that wasn’t something that was talked about in my family.

I feel like a kid again… until my body reminds me that I’m not.
Lordie ain't that the truth.
I only wish I was told what to expect
Now I'm looking at the video from a new angle, a PSA, get em ready for the worst, then life turns out not quite so bad.


or something like that . . .

Now I’m looking at the video from a new angle, a PSA, get em ready for the worst, then life turns out not quite so bad.

Exactly! There’s all this talk about becoming a woman and what happens when a girl becomes a woman, periods, how one gets pregnant, how a blastocyst, zygote, and embryo develop in the womb, and childbirth, but nothing about menopause. We’ve overcome the silence concerning most of women’s health, but we haven’t overcome the silence concerning menopause. Ads for feminine protection weren’t as graphic and direct as they are now, if there was an ad for it at all. I don’t think it was until the 70s we had ads for Playtex and Tampax. but it was “feminine protection”. The word period was never used. Abortion and Plan B was never talked about… the list goes on and on, but any mention about menopause is mostly among older women going through it. No one ever explains it to you like they do a girl’s first menstruation. You just learn as you go through it and that’s hard. About the only thing we hear about menopause is “hot flashes”, but not everyone has those. The physical changes and the irregular menstrual cycles and other weird physical craziness aren’t discussed.

Calm down! Do not include me in old age! Buuuutttt you can invite me to the pub or family lunch! ???

the list goes on and on, but any mention about menopause is mostly among older women going through it
Mriana, no need to go "hysterical" on us now. On CFI, we have only enlightened people .........


It’s true though. Not hysteronics, but the truth.

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Mriana, no need to go “hysterical” on us now.

[quote=“citizenschallengev3, post:9, topic:7951, full:true”]


This is the origin of the terms; “hysterical” and “histrionics”

A little play on words.

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