Perhaps a MAGA supporter might encounter this and finish the list.
Would be interesting, but I doubt it, so I'll just follow up a previous tangent that continues a long standing dialogue between Lausten and I.
I do respect his views a great deal, but that doesn’t mean I completely agree.
@lausten. - #339872
Well, it’s your thread CC. Go with whatever.
We do come at this from different perspectives and voices. All sides need representation.
Including a bit of righteous indignation at the normalization of tactical deliberate lies as a rational way of making decision - deserves to shouted and heard.
Thing is over time I’ve realized how complicit the audience as been* in the self-deception because from a Physical Reality perspective the only choice society had, since we caught up with the science in the '60s, was to SLOW DOWN. Less babies, smaller populations, a global economic situation that needed to change course from its historic gluttonous ever increasing consumption oriented economy. *(it’s definitely created conflicting emotions. I have seen the enemy and he is us… and all that ;-). )
To one that values this planet that provides all our life support systems and a cornucopia of resources. By appreciating Earth’s biosphere and physical reality, we not only appreciate the need to nurture, but nurturing natural resources becomes a moral imperative for all. But we missed that boat thanks to Reaganomic and the acceptance of utter deception regarding natural facts and figures.
Well,… we didn’t have anything substantive since '69. Look around at what that game of doubting science got us. The high schooler in me wonders, WTF y s i I told you so. But, there’s no satisfaction in it, only bitterness at our collective failure.
There’s another thing, my intended audience. I’ve moved way beyond struggling to reason with the faith blinded and their belligerent ignorance. Been there, done that. Sure, apparently not that well, but hey, I tried. If nothing else I’ve gotten to understand the tactics of deception along with learning about the science much better, than I ever would have without making the effort. Also I have the satisfaction of having developed a solid understanding of all those mysteries that once fired up my imagination back in the early 60s (and before actually).
At this point only ones I’m interested in connecting with belong to younger generations, people who see through the self-deception we have lived this past half century and what it’s done to our life sustaining Earth and her ability to support the human species. People with whom the fundamental truths that I write about resonate.
People who appreciate Physical Reality and the importance of truth and honesty about facts, over self-interested disregard for Earth’s ways and means, which happens to provide our global life support system. I want to share the fruits of dozens and hundreds of hours spent learning about and dissecting contrarian “doubt-building brainwashing tactics” up close and personal. Something very, very few are interested in.
At my blogs I’m writing for the self-aware who are mature enough to handle an insult, or smack down, now 'n then - because that’s what they’ll have to learn to deal with if entering that arena. I’m writing for those interested in learning how to take those tactical, but phony contrarian smack downs, and flip them into educational moments.
We have a cataclysm smack down heading society’s way. After the dust settles, and the proverbial ‘we’ will awake to a much leaner population and a more challenging global climate regime, and changing environment, and local living. Those who had the right stuff will have only made it because of a stone cold understanding of science and the facts as Earth dictates them, the delusionals won’t survive, nor would they want to. Nor would I, for that matter. In the end, sometimes death is a blessing.
Humans have the ability to do great things, but so far it’s all been dedicated mainly to consumption and destruction and playing endless games of power lust and conspicuous gluttony - while willfully ignore the planet that we depend upon. Or playing wannabe. Those days are coming to a close. I don’t know precisely when, but I know we keep getting closer and increasing our speed. Trust me, you don’t want to hear about the state of our global climate, and that system carries an awful lot of momentum, it’s outrageously depressing. Well, thanks for the ramble Lausten.