Carly, in her dramatic debate lie, dared others to watch the manipulated Planned Parenthood video scene (which did not exist) of “a-fully-formed-fetus-heart-beating-legs-kicking-while-someone-says -we-have-to-keep-it-alive-to-HARVEST-ITS-BRAIN!”
Robert Lewis Dear after murdering and wounding people at a Planned Parenthood said “No more baby parts.”
After the lone wolf terroristic attack, Carly decried those who would dare connect one with the other.
The extreme pro life ideology basically views abortion of fetuses as murder of the most vulnerable of human beings. If one takes this stance, then murder of fully formed humans, in the cause of ending the murder of the most vulnerable, is not only morally justified, but, for some, could be a mandate.
Granted I am only connecting dots, at this point, but the dot-connection is starting to look like an old useless white guy, who buys into lying hyperbolic rhetoric and its extreme ideology, trying to do something “important” so that his actions could make a difference.
I would like to see someone put this form of terrorism up against how Islamist terrorists are recruited and show me the difference.
I would like to see someone put this form of terrorism up against how Islamist terrorists are recruited and show me the difference.I think that the Daesh terrorists are much more up-front with, and much more well-organized in translating their perverse ideology into horrific actions. But there do seem to be some commonalities.
Carly Fiorina would eat shit and call it chocolate moose if it would get her one more decimal point in the polls.
It’s incorrect to call anti abortionists pro-life. They are not. They are pro-forced childbirth at any cost. Carly Fiorina is a Grade A ass.
It's incorrect to call anti abortionists pro-life. They are not. They are pro-forced childbirth at any cost. Carly Fiorina is a Grade A ass.That sounds right.
I read that most of the US terrorist are democrats. I wonder if the lone wolf terrorist is also a democrat. If so, then the lone wolf was just looking for anything to back up a precondition. If it wasn’t Carly, then it would have been someone else.
I read that most of the US terrorist are democrats. I wonder if the lone wolf terrorist is also a democrat. If so, then the lone wolf was just looking for anything to back up a precondition. If it wasn’t Carly, then it would have been someone else.Robert Lewis Dear is probably not a Democrat. He talked about Obama ruining the country. The confederate flag waving kid who massacred black people in their church was probably not a budding Democrat. KKK members who have committed terroristic acts in recent decades, have probably not been Democrats. Anyone who has murdered people over the abortion issue, has probably not been a Democrat. So what you read is probably wrong. Although, Timothy McVeigh was a registered Democrat. And maybe the unibomber would identify more as a Democrat than a Republican. Perhaps what you read is that the most deadly of US terrorists have been Democrats. Or maybe you are including people who just damage property or release lab animals, as terrorists. Anyway, it is Republican leaders that use hyperbole and gin up anti-abortion emotions. If it wasn't Carly, that Dear was responding to, then maybe it could have been Huckabee, or Cruz, or Rubio, etc. It's just that Carly has been the most, particularly, deceptive and hyperbolic about Planned Parenthood.
I read that most of the US terrorist are democrats. I wonder if the lone wolf terrorist is also a democrat. If so, then the lone wolf was just looking for anything to back up a precondition. If it wasn’t Carly, then it would have been someone else.It's unlikely that terrorists join political parties, but we know they are goaded on by political parties and we know that the most rabid anti-abortionists are Republicans with irresponsible rhetoric that a terrorist is likely to respond to. What is the source of your "reading"? Saying you read something somewhere means nothing. It might well have been your own ravings that you "read." LL
I read that most of the US terrorist are democrats. I wonder if the lone wolf terrorist is also a democrat. If so, then the lone wolf was just looking for anything to back up a precondition. If it wasn’t Carly, then it would have been someone else.You need to stop reading Drudge or other Nazi publications.
I saw on the news that Ted Cruz said that the overwhelming majority of violent criminals are Democrats. Violent criminals, not terrorists, but maybe that’s what Mike is referring to. Of course, Cruz also said that Robert Lewis Dear was possibly a transgender leftist activist. (I’m not sure why a transgender leftist activist would have such a problem with Planned Parenthood.)
I read that most of the US terrorist are democrats. I wonder if the lone wolf terrorist is also a democrat. If so, then the lone wolf was just looking for anything to back up a precondition. If it wasn’t Carly, then it would have been someone else.You're probably confusing democrat with an anarcho-leftist type of character.
I read that most of the US terrorist are democrats. I wonder if the lone wolf terrorist is also a democrat. If so, then the lone wolf was just looking for anything to back up a precondition. If it wasn’t Carly, then it would have been someone else.It's unlikely that terrorists join political parties, but we know they are goaded on by political parties and we know that the most rabid anti-abortionists are Republicans with irresponsible rhetoric that a terrorist is likely to respond to. What is the source of your "reading"? Saying you read something somewhere means nothing. It might well have been your own ravings that you "read." LL When actions like Dear and Homes happens, and there can be no rational reason. It scares the hell out of people. People want answers so they can feel safe again. When it comes to abortionists, the Republicans are nuts. Abortions should be left up to the mothers, period. And Tim’s right. It is hard to trust what you read anymore. I guess we are going to have to take the view that in every creation there are a few rejects. The best course may be to ignore these rejects. Attention is their goal.
I read that most of the US terrorist are democrats. I wonder if the lone wolf terrorist is also a democrat. If so, then the lone wolf was just looking for anything to back up a precondition. If it wasn’t Carly, then it would have been someone else.It's unlikely that terrorists join political parties, but we know they are goaded on by political parties and we know that the most rabid anti-abortionists are Republicans with irresponsible rhetoric that a terrorist is likely to respond to. What is the source of your "reading"? Saying you read something somewhere means nothing. It might well have been your own ravings that you "read." LL When actions like Dear and Homes happens, and there can be no rational reason. It scares the hell out of people. People want answers so they can feel safe again. When it comes to abortionists, the Republicans are nuts. Abortions should be left up to the mothers, period. And Tim’s right. It is hard to trust what you read anymore. I guess we are going to have to take the view that in every creation there are a few rejects. The best course may be to ignore these rejects. Attention is their goal. Ah. "...Tim's right." Music to my ears. In deference to your suggestion "to ignore these rejects" I will not write his name again. Unfortunately, it is not practical to ignore their horrific acts.