Lies, propaganda and fake news: A challenge for our age

I over stepped. Politics and history, that’s in the eye of the beholder.

Yeah but when it comes to climate science you don’t have a solid foot to stand on.

Fact for fact
rather than
rhetoric for rhetoric.

You can’t hide that you don’t understand what you’re talking re climate science as reflected in those other recent comments, I suspect because you trust people you shouldn’t. That’s why I provide source that’ll explain the physics and have nothing to do with me, or whether I’m a jerk or not.

Lausten, I’m sorry this is the wrong thread - but be clear when it comes to something like the so called global warming hiatus, that is pure fabrication BS, disconnected from the geophysics that are in play. And that needs to be called out. Yes, nice is nice, but the disingenuous game players . . .

That is black and white.