W4U, an attempt to reboot.
Cc: The thing is it’s our perception of reality that’s subjective - not reality itself.
W4U, Giving that lip service isn’t enough.
Lip service is when that key understanding doesn’t changed anything about one’s fundamentally self-centered outlook upon the reality we find ourselves in. Such as that contrived riddle up there.
My issue this that, it’s our evolutionary origins, that’s where the keys to understanding our consciousness (and about everything else) reside.
Instead, I keep hearing talking geniuses inviting everyone to jump off the metaphysical cliff, toward some hypothesized higher understanding of fundamental reality, such as Hoffmanian Conscious Agents zipping around interpreting reality for us.
Or perhaps even uglier example, broadcasting that space and time is doomed. All on account of some men’s imagined formulas breaking down. It’s cringe worthy but gets applauded for its audacity. Now that’s delusional thinking if anything is.
When the most fundamental reality we need to face and digest is that we ourselves and our great imaginations are creatures born of Earth over the course of billions of years through uncountable generations.
If we want to understand who we are, we must look at our mammalian ancestors, instead we get optical illusions dangled in front of us as though understanding how they happen does anything to resolve anything deeper than brain architecture and mechanics. Worthy studies for sure, but not key to understanding human consciousness.
I can’t conceive of how that notion (optical illusions is key to consciousness) is possible without totally ignoring that we are evolutionary creatures, we are direct mammalian descendants.
That suggestion about 1+1=2. A physical object next to another physical object, make a pair or two objects. It simply IS.
The numbers are simple human tools for conceptualizing. What’s wrong with that? I’d like to know. ‘Cause here I go again,
The “physical reality” itself is there. It is ultimate and inescapable, in all its dynamic majesty. It is what created creatures that got ever better at trying to perceive it, in order to navigate it better.
We started out as little biological creatures trying to make their way through life, adapting as needs required, developing emergent properties galore.
Understanding all that doesn’t require us to go to the edge of physical reality either quantum or cosmic - the answers are to be found here in the middle ground that our Earth exists within.
Not that I’m knocking studying those other things. It’s cool and important but let’s learn to stop mixing apples with meat balls.
As for facts themselves, we can come up with all sorts of philosophical games about “facts.” Since they are dependent on measurements and recording, meaning that with more measurements, facts get refined.
So it’s worth mentioning, ”Facts” aren’t carved in stone, so to speak, they are dependent on our ability to gather data and on our perceptions of the said data.