Maybe you could give some thought as to what our world, or any society, would be like if there were no guns at all in civilian hands, including the bad guys. How we could go about accomplishing that would I would put aside until we can agree that it would be desirable to make the effort.
There was a time in human history, and not too long ago, that there were no guns, no guns at all, anywhere in the world. Gun powder had not been invented. People then were not much different than us today.
I think it fair to believe that the average man and woman then had desires, fears and hopes pretty much like the average man and woman today. I think most people today, as then, want to live a pleasant life and are pretty much content to live by the generic rules for a successful society presented in six or eight of the ten commandments in the Bible.
So, given that most people just want to live and let live, how was a world without guns different from today? I believe not much different. Some people still stole from others, killed others, invaded other’s homes, raped women and made slaves of men, women and children and just basically did all the bad things that people have done since there were people.
So, what makes anyone think that our behavior today would be any different just because there would be no guns? I think not. People have always wanted and used something other than their own fists to achieve aggression and defense. In a gun-less society will I need a license to own a sword or a pike? If we do away with all the different manufactured weapons will we then try to eliminate rocks and sticks?
I regret that I can’t imagine human beings attaining the utopia-like society that would make owning a weapon undesirable. If I feel the need for a weapon, then I want it to be the most efficient one I can get.
Even though I’m bigger and probably stronger than the average man, I don’t want to do hand-to-hand combat. I don’t want to to stick a blade into a person and get their blood on me. Unfortunately, a handgun that satisfies my desire to defend myself efficiently and at some distance also makes it easier for a bad guy with a gun to consider attacking me or threatening me.
I have been threatened with physical violence outside my home. I was in places I shouldn’t have been in and doing things I shouldn’t have been doing. Guns were not involved, and I’m glad I didn’t have one on me. I might have used it. I have never been threatened inside my home. I thought we did have an intruder once and I was amazed at how calm and how ready I was to shoot. It was a false alarm.
Bottom line is I just don’t believe we can eliminate weapons.