Kamala Harris Did What !?! A closer look at this politician

I know I started another post regarding Biden stepping down and Kamala Harris stepping up as Presidential candidate. It was all in all about the general politics of the matter.

This post is about the person and career of Kamala Harris, because though I’ve know about her for years and am vaguely familiar with her political career, and since there was so little news coverage of her as vice presidency (what else is new) I sure didn’t learn anything about her. Just another invisible vice president, go figure.

This morning my wife shared a quick synopsis of who and what Kamala Harris is.

I share it in a new thread where I hope we can focus on Kamala Harris herself, her career qualification and such, and save the GOP dotard related trash for that other thread.

With a hat tip to my wife:

Mind you this was published July 2th and this is about Kamala herself and not her recent promotion to Democratic Presidential Candidate.

Oh and it’s a primer on the fundamental weird job called the Vice President.

0:55 - What’s wrong with Kamala
2:18 - Vice Presidents
3:45 - Role of the VP
6:50 - Vice President