Interested in many ideas...

… such as the roots of religion and language, science, today’s world, environmental issues and medical/ genetic information/ developments. The longer I live (71 years old now) the more I learn and the more I realise that we humans are led by instinct, which we try to defend with our so-called intelligence and languages.


Welcome jinnifer. Thanks for introducing yourself. More people will see your posts here in these forums. The nature/nurture discussion is an interesting one.

I just joined but having a hard time posting an intro. Is there a time limit I need to wait for to do this?

No, but we do have an aggressive spam filter. It can be especially hard on new members. We don’t know exactly what it considers spam, but avoid using web links for a couple posts. It should start trusting you.

Welcome @jinnifer

Looking forward hearing from you. We’re always up for a good dialogue.

the more I learn and the more I realize that we humans are led by instinct, which we try to defend with our so-called intelligence and languages.
Along those lines are you familiar with Mark Solms or Antonio Damasio? YouTube has lots of lectures by both. I think you might find them fascinating.
"It is time to debunk the long standing idea that consciousness is somehow separate from the body,

as we look at astounding new evidence that proves it is,

in fact a biological process created by the brain. …" Antonio Damasio

Of course, environment has everything to do with the state of the body, so it gets complicated.
