Inside Job

It’s about banking and money.

Actually it’s not. Banking, money, and economics, are only the tools. See two books: Shock Doctrine (Klein) and Overthrow (Kinzer).

Actually it's not. Banking, money, and economics, are only the tools. See two books: Shock Doctrine (Klein) and Overthrow (Kinzer).
You are saying the video is not about banking and money? psik
Actually it's not. Banking, money, and economics, are only the tools. See two books: Shock Doctrine (Klein) and Overthrow (Kinzer).
You are saying the video is not about banking and money? psikThe video claims the Great Recession of 2008 was caused by shady banking and monetary practices. I'm saying it wasn't, and that banking, money, etc. were only the tools used for a different larger purpose. I then referred folks to those two books. Point being, what most of us who aren't in a position to control destinies of entire economies call "financial crisis", others who ARE in such a position call part of the plan. And just to take it one step further, 911 was exactly the "shock" that was needed. Read those books if you think I'm just touting goofy conspiracies. (BTW the books don't specificaly discuss 911. SD explains the idea of disaster capitalism, and Overthrow provides many examples). 911 was the shock needed to carry out disaster capitalism on a global scale. I guarantee after you read Shock Doctrine you'll view recent post-2008 history in a new light, especially Greece, Spain, Italy and many of the other countries in the throes of so-called "austerity". JUST ADDED: I happened to be watching Michael Moore's Capitalism A Love Story. I suggest you check that out too, especially the segment about how the Financial Crisis of 2008 "solution" was ramrodded through Congress, and Paulson's 3 page proposal, which included the statement that no court should be allowed to question the proposal (or words to that effect).

psik are you familiar with Harry Shearer*?

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