Humanist Trilogy

Allow me to add this for further clarification, if you must know what is wrong with me.

What’s wrong with me? First off, if you know I’m a mod and you are a member of CFI, you should know these forums are open to everyone. No CFI member or forum member can tell anyone, “what you think doesn’t matter”, whether they are a mod or not. That’s not how CFI or CFI forums work.

The rules have been here for over a decade and have not changed all that much. In fact, rule number two (2) states:

Blockquote 2. Members’ Roles: The CFI Forum is open to anyone willing to abide by the Forum Rules. We welcome reasoned discussion, debate, and disagreement, so long as it is in an objective spirit of inquiry and does not become disruptive as described below in the sections on problem threads, posts, and members.

No forum member should be telling another member (mod or not) “what you think does not matter”. That statement is offensive to anyone who makes a comment on the forum.

That said, humanism isn’t defined by one dogmatic definition. Ask any one person and you’ll find different definitions. That said, what you are stating as that humanist trilogy is your opinion on what humanism is. Therefore, anyone else as the right, within the guidelines of the rules to state their opinion, just as you do, paying member of CFI or just a member of the forum or both. Anyone can state their opinion and/or add their thoughts to a given thread. Rudeness or other violation(s) of the rules is not a right.

I will also add that this is the rule I am referring to:

Blockquote f. Threads and posts are not allowed that in the opinion of Moderators are impolite, vulgar, nasty, uncivil, or otherwise disruptive to the good functioning of the either the Forum or to CFI’s mission. Free inquiry is only possible if we maintain civility. Abuse of forum members will not be permitted. In particular, abuse of Moderators for performing their responsibilities will not be permitted. What constitutes abuse will be determined by Moderators on a case-by-case basis, however in general it amounts to any racist, sexist, homo-sexist, threatening, harassing, or other personally offensive, vulgar or derogatory comments. Abuse would include so-called hate speech and fighting words.

How can you make a comment like this, right after telling someone to not be judgmental?

Opinions expressed in this thread are expressed by a variety of people. Make your case, and keep personal attacks out of it.

Then you obviously haven’t been paying attention.
Sure I’ve been on the same track. But “cobwebs” says more about you than me.

We don’t achieve anything with nitpicking others, it requires dedication and perseverance, the lazy may not get it, but that don’t concern me.

Yadda, yadda, yadda. Okay, yes I’ve been having an ongoing argument with humanity and the universe all my life. Finally able to write about it. What of it? What have you been doing with your life?

What path have you taken to achieve your “totally aware or naturally woke person such as myself” status, or should I say self-evaluation?

I needed a little feedback and CFI forum ain’t been great, but it’s better than nothing and we poor boys know to take what we can get and do with it best we can.

Oh heck, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to dis your baby.
Why didn’t you add a little back story.

Okay I’m into typography and art a little myself, so I can dig it.
I do remember Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator back in the early days.
Even got a memory from back then. Here’s how I tried evoking something similar -

Folds Within Folds Of Cumulative Harmonic Complexity Flowing Down the Cascade of Time.

Yes, sure, that’s biological fact, but what does that presentation really tell us about what you are trying to convey?

Of course, I understand that, but just pointing at a label doesn’t add much.


Who Says Understanding Earth’s Evolution is Irrelevant?

Sadly all too many.

I often hear people, not just the religious with their thoughtless rejection and outright contempt for our Earth and her story, but also rational educated people who superficially accept the notion of evolution, yet who seem to have little curiosity about Earth’s Pageant of Evolution, voice complete disinterest.

Too many dismiss the need to learn anything about it as though Evolution were pointless. All the while I’m thinking, but evolution created this world we depend on, why isn’t that worth embracing?

The general apathy doesn’t seem right. Especially considering what an amazingly beautiful, action packed, complex, mysterious and absolutely relevant story Earth’s deep history has to offer us. …

What path have you taken to achieve your “totally aware or naturally woke person such as myself” status, or should I say self-evaluation? Fair question, here is my honest answer. I have taken the path of a humanistic theorist. To me there were only two games in town for sources of Ethics and morality. The Christian Bible and humanism. I knew all I wanted to know from the holy books and I had a lot more questions than answers when it came to humanism.

I began learning about humanism with the first Humanist Manifesto aimed at the arrogance of New York Christians who were claiming to be the source of morals and ethics. The signers of the Humanist Manifesto (1933) and the publication put a stake in the ground for humanist morals and ethics. There was a palpable New York minute for humanism with Ethical Society and humanist culture publications coming out at the same time.

I honestly believe both humanism and Christianity have outlived their shelf life. They have diminishing relevance to our lifestyle today and have no vision for the future of the human species. It was never about knowing God, it was always about knowing the human species. I believe the species needs a unifying platform for ethical living.

I have been spending my time becoming a humanistic theorist and living a naturally aware a member of the evolving species of humans, the most advanced primates that first emerged about two hundred thousand years ago.

I am so sure of the health of my scientific humanist lifestyle I want to show others how to show others how to be happier for free. How fun would it be for a style of humanism born out of the CFI forums to become a national movement. There are a lot of talented people in here.

I’ve need a little feedback and CFI forum ain’t been great, but it’s better than nothing and we poor boys know to take what we can get and do with it best we can."

Citizen, I hear you. I am not making this stuff up about DNA. I know we all heard about the discovery of DNA and it was a big deal a few years ago. Kinda blew over us poor boys.

Aww gee, how nice. :slight_smile:

I have a way with words, don’t I.
and sorry, I do love it here and keep coming back for more,

but long ago I had three years where I could walk into a college writing lab (CCD) and just hammer away at ideas and getting them down, wonderful coaches full of brains and heart that would tear the shit outta your work, tough love. It was a beating, rough, but exhilarating too, because it got so much more outta us/me than I/we could have on our own.

I’ve kept dreaming of something really engaged like that, but zip. Once in a while we do have our moments here at CFI - but once in a while isn’t enough. Write had been great, you’ve had golden moments that I’ve appreciated a great, and others.

Still, it’s depressing that so few new voices are showing, like no body is out that want to engage with anyone constructively, folks intellectually worth listening to and discussing jazz with.

pointpath, interest comment, till tomorrow.

Please, try other sources, such as Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc etc. The Bible and humanism are not the only sources of human ethics and morality. It MIGHT help you think and create your own. Other non-theistic sources are Naturalism and some of the philosophical views, such as Socrates and Plato. Science can help, but it’s not the end all and be all, especially DNA.

Poor boys? Just “poor boys”? What about poor girls?

Lausten, I don’t know why the debate of nature vs. nurture would or should be over. A lot of us are not aware of our own genome, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. If you for example wanted to opine on anything you would just do it as you naturally would. Whatever you learn is tucked away in your DNA library of experiences that exist in YOUR GENOME along with other DNA sources of your life. Your Genome is created a few months before birth with biological instructions, synapses, and DNA to last your lifetime.
Please know I have enjoyed reading your comments over the years.

I want to work with you. I have lived the humanist, minimalist lifestyle for about 40 years. Over the last decade, I have studied the scientific human self and the humanist species.
If we work together, I will show you how to add your voice and thought to the website/blog; it will be a first for me. So far, I have only worked on the paradigm of a new style of humanism in a vacuum. You are the kind of person I need.

Guess, I’m over identifying with myself. Excuse me
Heck, I’ve never even dressed in drag.

Okay, looking forward to hearing about it.

I doubt it, I’m not much of a follower, but I’d still be interested in hearing what you have to say.

What would a happier freer lifestyle look like?

You’re talking about mass media attention perhaps, but within the scientific community DNA never lost its magic to impress.

Well, start a thread, give it your best shot and see where it goes.

:laughing: You’re OK CC.

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I did not ask the question " we poor boys* know to take what we can get and do with it best we can."
Did you post poor boys? Just “poor boys”? What about poor girls? Well, what about them? what are you asking?

Thank you, I think you are right sir. But, I have no idea what dressing in drag has to do with anything. Not interested in that wonderful artform. This thread is over.

Thanks. Nice to know someone got the joke. :+1:t2:

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Equality. Making appropriate for both genders. All inclusive.

Thank you sir for helping me to clarify that. No sir, a human genome by itself actually has nothing to do with your personal humanity. I am only saying that DNA is the absolute scientific explanation for some of the events that follow conception. I get this information from scientific sources the same as you or anyone else can. I trust my sources including PEW Research. for information used in my theory of Scientific Humanism. Theories of humanism are discussed by many groups of people the world over for millennia of time.

A very early biological instruction in your genome is to create the brain and assign a genome molecule to each brain cell. Then the electrochemistry connects brain cells with other cells of the body and organs that also contain a copy of your genome except for red blood cells.
The largest of your developing organs is the skin cells are some of the first to be connected as your skin is the container for the rest of your body (skin is created before gender assignment, that is why both genders have breast nipples. It’s after the event of creating your genome from the biological instructions that you begin storing the library of yourself, the accumulation of your life’s events in DNA.
Your life in DNA molecules is not something you agree to.; it happens as a matter of biological evolution every moment of your life. All that’s necessary for people to use their existing DNA information is to be aware that it exists. That is all I am trying to do is help people to be aware of existential modern scientific facts as an alternative to wandering around in the weeds of ancient stories not knowing who, or what, you are.

Think of what you’re saying here.
I am the one who related the fact that the split of humans from the common hominid tree was clearly demarcated in the chromosomal mutation in a common hominid ancestor that resulted in the creation of homo sapiens.

The proof is found in the chromosome count.

Human Chromosome 2 is a fusion of two ancestral chromosomes
Alec MacAndrew


All great apes apart from man have 24 pairs of chromosomes. There is therefore a hypothesis that the common ancestor of all great apes had 24 pairs of chromosomes and that the fusion of two of the ancestor’s chromosomes created chromosome 2 in humans. The evidence for this hypothesis is very strong.
Human - ape chtromosome 2 banding


Let us re-iterate what we find on human chromosome 2. Its centromere is at the same place as the chimpanzee chromosome 2p as determined by sequence similarity. Even more telling is the fact that on the 2q arm of the human chromosome 2 is the unmistakable remains of the original chromosome centromere of the common ancestor of human and chimp 2q chromosome, at the same position as the chimp 2q centromere (this structure in humans no longer acts as a centromere for chromosome 2.


The evidence that human chromosome 2 is a fusion of two of the common ancestor’s chromosomes is overwhelming.

Then I have also cited a instance where researchers observed during a thunderstorm, an Alpha Chimp display a clear defensive/aggressive display to the unseen power that was making loud noises and was throwing fire and water from the sky, making him and his family miserable and scared. A demonstrated attitude from a belief that he was being threatened by a “unseen enemy”. That was the birth of the god Thor in the mind of an early hominid and the beginning of religious ritual…

I have made specific mention that even during millions of years of organic evolution the microtubule has remained unchanged and as we are beginning to research at nano scales it is becoming more and more evident that microtubules are one of, if not the main organelle that is essential in the homeostasis of living organisms.

Without microtubules there would be no organic life in the variety we see today.

Right ya’all are, let’s take this real slow to improve our chances of getting it right.

for this theory suffice it to say all humans are apes but all apes are not humans.