How to NOT leave people to fend for themselves in the U.S

Segregation ended long ago and discrimination is illegal, yet those people are still struggling. That means there is something else going on.

Making something illegal doesn’t always end it. Maybe we should look into this other factors.

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Segregation ending long ago is an illusion. It is just more subtle.


No. Acknowledging immigration’s impact on child poverty does not extend to supporting the ignorance of systemic racism.

The fact is, discrimination maybe illegal, but it still happens and people get away with it. There isn’t something else happening. Discrimination still exists.

I’ve explained these factors over the years. You known damn well what I’m talking about.

Yes I do. No need to get testy. I didn’t expect participants on this forum would solve the immigrant problem. How often do I agree with your explanations? You got me on the generational poverty thing, I honestly didn’t know that data. I didn’t want to do a “yeah but” on that one, even though I think they need a lot more study, but I’m no expert, and have others to do right now.

And your factors don’t mean anything except racism.