I read the book when it was published in the beginning of the seventies in France (1st of February 1970).
" I grok you" reminded me the book
I read it with passion, and read it again.
Even if Heinlein was a very conservative/reactionary man, on the political level, he was very liberal about sex and was not a racist.
His painting of the Fosterites reminds me of Scientology and others sects.
Even if his book is very ambiguous about the way of salvation for humanity. And as far as I remember a failure by some references he makes in subsequent books.
Yes, it was much later that I got the full meaning of that term.
“grass groks that it is there to be grazed”. It has evolved to fill that function and that is why it has lost its stems (which are hard to digest), and consists only of leaves.
Grass Growth and Response to Grazing – 6.108 !
Quick Facts…
Leaves are more palatable than stems, and new growth or regrowth is more nutritious than older tissue.
Grasses are most negatively affected when grazed during their reproductive period and least affected during dormancy.
Spring growth can be grazed if plants are given an opportunity to regrow without being used again.
Sufficient photosynthetic tissue must remain on plants for production of carbohydrates to meet growth and respiration demands of the plant.
Grasses are the dominant plants in most forage-based enterprises throughout the world. Whether livestock graze native rangeland or tame pastures, grasses usually are the basis of the energy and nutrients for animal growth and maintenance. Grazing livestock should harvest only part of the perennial forage crop to maintain the health and vigor of grasses.
Energy and nutrients from forage-based diets produce approximately 80 percent of the red meat products consumed in the United States. Animal gains from forage-based programs usually are less expensive than from any other current program.
Animal products come from lands that usually are not suited for production of other food or fiber for human consumption. These lands include rangelands that usually are not capable of being cropped and pasturelands that are not suited for long-term intensive crop production because of low productivity, high erosion risk or other problems. Manage these lands to sustain perennial grass production.