“In summary heat transport by thermal radiation in Earth’s atmosphere is orders of
magnitude faster than heat transfer by molecular diffusion. Heat transfer by conduction in
air (that is, by molecular diffusion) is so small that it is normally irrelevant compared to
heat transfer by radiation or heat transport by convection. Heat convection by moist air,
which can carry lots of latent heat, as well as sensible heat, is especially important.”
This understanding of atmospheric heat is quite different from the kinetic model that we were taught in physics classes. Not only are the molecules bouncing off of each other(and here modes get complicated), but these electromagnetic interactions are possible as well, and as WAW( Wijngaarden ) points out, at the speed of light such electromagnetic interactions are so much faster as to possibly swamp out the kinetic model.
As we witness say a Helium balloon lift off from Earth and gain in volume as it rises; and cools; this is quite an apt analogy as the rubber membrane acts just as mathematics would have it, but for a little bit of back pressure. Each and every thermal uplift on Earth is doing just the same. Of course they matter, but then to put atop this the electromagnetic puzzle of radiation and reabsorbtion: this is a bit farther along than that simple-minded approach of gas molecules bouncing off of each other in a glass box.
In effect this falsifies the claims which people make about weather versus climate. Yes, still true, but weather does make climate. The big picture is formed by the many small effects. Thinking very large, warm rain on ice could be quite a problem. It’s avoidance would be quite nice for the future of wee Earthlings and the polar bears too. The idea that we could one day come to manage the cells that emerge out of Coriolis force, keeping the poles dry in summer months, and moistening them in winter, is potentially feasible by the very laws which make this subject so difficult to master. To spare the Earth violence and devastation whether by flood or by drought is exactly the answer which makes best sense, and why not gain some electricity in the process? The engegetic system needs to be de-energized correctly. Well, if a butterfly in Brazil brought me all this rain this summer, then when we ring the planet in wind turbines that torque the flows and steer the fronts and yield us all evening showers and partly cloudy skies the next day… leaving a night-light on in the bathroom… in a blueish sky sort of way…