Yup, you heard it from Fox “news”, America is at risk of being taken over… by the application of law.
On Saturday, Fox News host Jeanine Pirro began her weekly show by calling for a purge of the US justice department for the second week in a row.
There was, she said, “a criminal cabal" within federal law enforcement trying to undermine Donald Trump.
That followed her call last week for “a cleansing … in our FBI and Department of Justice. It needs to be cleansed of individuals who should not just be fired, but who need to be taken out in cuffs."
Robert Mueller is doing his job, the only threat he poses to the Executive Branch is if in fact the numerous charges are true that Donald Trump colluded with the Russian government to get elected with the goal of reversing US sanctions against Russia.
At which point the Trump White House can logically be seen a a coup against the US Constitution. When being sworn in the President doesn't take an oath to faithfully serve the President of Russia, he swears an oath to defend the United States and the Constitution it is based on.
Fox and the White House are now trying to create another distraction from Mueller's investigation and also create grounds to fire him. The latest red herring is that the FBI broke the law in getting thousands of emails from the Trump transition team.
Former members of Barack Obama’s 2008 transition team have rubbished claims that Robert Mueller “unlawfully" obtained thousands of emails sent by members of Donald Trump’s transition team.
The former FBI director has been appointed as a special counsel to investigate allegations of collusion between Mr Trump’s associates and Russia, following evidence of Kremlin meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
At the weekend it emerged Mr Mueller’s investigators had obtained tens of thousands of emails exchanged by 13 members of Mr Trump’s transition team – leading almost immediately to claims by a Trump lawyer they had done so unlawfully.
To make it clear, all these emails are on government servers and are not the private property of anyone, they are public record. The FBI was able to get them because they were already part of the government record.
We have been seeing this over and over with Trump and his administration, doing everything they can to end an investigation into his relationship with an often hostile foreign government that is now under US sanctions because of that. If there was nothing to conceal then Trump wouldn't have fired Comey, he and his captive media like Fox wouldn't have tried to create the grounds to fire Mueller with totally irrelevant things like Uranium One and now some nonsense claims that the FBI broke some law in obtaining records that are already government property.
From what I see the problem is that Trump and his team assumed from the moment he "won" the election that he now owns the White House and Executive Office. But government in the US doesn't work like that, a President is a temporary steward of the Executive Branch nothing more. And he is answerable to the people through his oath and the Constitution.
Mueller is obviously getting closer and closer to the evidence he needs to bring charges against Trump that are impeachable or Fox Propaganda wouldn't be making ridiculous claims that there is some coup underway.
What is happening is that evidence is being gathered that a sitting President committed treasonable acts to achieve office. Which now makes Fox a mouthpiece for the Kremlin as the evidence they so badly want suppressed must indicate that Trump is not and never has been true to his oath of office.
That is the real coup....
This makes you realize what an utter moron trump is as well as anyone stupid enough to work for him.
But here’s how Mueller got those emails, according to the picture of events emerging on Sunday: According to CNN, he simply asked the General Services Administration, which hosted the .gov domain on which the emails were stored, to hand them over.
In a seven-page letter to congressional committee leadership, BuzzFeed News reported, Trump lawyer Kory Langhofer accused the GSA of lying to the transition team about who would handle future requests for the production of records and said they included privileged information. But GSA Deputy Counsel Lenny Loewentritt told the site in a statement that the transition team officials were explicitly told that “in using our devices," any materials stored therein “would not be held back in any law enforcement" requests.
In other words, the transition team geniuses apparently did not consider the possibility that federal investigators could easily obtain emails they sent on federal government systems.
On whether Mueller should have disclosed that they had obtained the emails, Loewentritt added, “That’s between the Special Counsel and the transition team." While Trump’s team has insisted that former GSA general counsel Richard Beckler had assured them that they “owned and controlled" the emails, BuzzFeed wrote, Loewentritt disputed that account and Beckler has since died.
Hacking the election was one thing, but the US law enforcement establishment didn't suddenly cease to exist and it will be almost impossible to conceal all the details of such a high profile conspiracy.
It's obvious that there is incriminating evidence in the hands of the FBI now or Trump and Fox wouldn't be going apeshit over this.
You know all those other a-hole that have been rejected by Americans for how abusive they are, guess who is next.
And this one is going to stick...
This also raises the question of any role that some at Fox have played in trying to derail any investigation into Trump’s treason. For instance what charges should Jeanine Pirro face for demanding that FBI officials who are just doing their jobs be fired or her preference imprisoned. This is the kind of thing you get in totalitarian states, I think that by becoming so directly involved in this critical case for the future of America that Pirro has foregone any 1st. Amendment rights she might have had. She crossed the line, she wasn’t reporting the news, she was demanding the overthrow of legal government in America.
If Trump truly is a traitor then having him as President is an overthrow of a legal authority in the Executive Branch. Government officials don’t swear to protect the President against all enemies both foreign and domestic, in the US, they swear to protect and preserve the Constitution. If Trump is working with and for Putin he is a domestic enemy of the US and Mueller and everyone working with him is remaining true to their oaths of service.
Anyone protecting Trump is as guilty of treason as he is…
This applies to Uranium One as well, it certainly appears as if Fox “news” worked in cooperation with Trump and his cabal to destroy the reputation of Mueller in an attempt to get him fired and end what is probably going to be the most important legal action in modern US history. Think of this, the US President being the agent of the Russian government.
People are going to prison over this, some of them may deserve death for the threat they have created for millions of Americans.
No wonder they are sweating on the trump team and at Fox. He’s their boy, if he goes down, then Fox will be gutted, no one will take them seriously ever again.
This also raises the question of any role that some at Fox have played in trying to derail any investigation into Trump's treason. For instance what charges should Jeanine Pirro face for demanding that FBI officials who are just doing their jobs be fired or her preference imprisoned. This is the kind of thing you get in totalitarian states, I think that by becoming so directly involved in this critical case for the future of America that Pirro has foregone any 1st. Amendment rights she might have had. She crossed the line, she wasn't reporting the news, she was demanding the overthrow of legal government in America.
If Trump truly is a traitor then having him as President is an overthrow of a legal authority in the Executive Branch. Government officials don't swear to protect the President against all enemies both foreign and domestic, in the US, they swear to protect and preserve the Constitution. If Trump is working with and for Putin he is a domestic enemy of the US and Mueller and everyone working with him is remaining true to their oaths of service.
Anyone protecting Trump is as guilty of treason as he is...
This applies to Uranium One as well, it certainly appears as if Fox "news" worked in cooperation with Trump and his cabal to destroy the reputation of Mueller in an attempt to get him fired and end what is probably going to be the most important legal action in modern US history. Think of this, the US President being the agent of the Russian government.
People are going to prison over this, some of them may deserve death for the threat they have created for millions of Americans.
No wonder they are sweating on the trump team and at Fox. He's their boy, if he goes down, then Fox will be gutted, no one will take them seriously ever again.
And who's lining up on the side of America to oppose Trump and Murdoch and the oligarch?
My bandwidth is narrow and from my limited perch it doesn't seem as though the general public gives a damned.
Where are We The People during all this?
Got any bright spots to share?
And as an indication of how totally idiotic the situation is now, during his campaign to be President Trump directly asked the Russian government to release emails it had stolen from private DNC servers to aid him in the election. Something that involved meetings between the Trump campaign and the Russians. http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2017/07/13/trump-russia-timeline-foreman-ac-pkg.cnn
But when the FBI investigates all the signs pointing directly to collusion between the Trump campaign including Trump himself asking the Russians to do exactly what multiple sources indicate they did in fact do, hack the DNC servers and release the information they found there, when the FBI legally acquires Trump related emails off of government servers where there is no expectation of privacy then there is a “coup” against Trump underway according to Fox news.
The coup already happened, it was when Trump with the aid of the Russian government stole the last election. And then immediately tried to do exactly what Putin wanted, reverse the US sanctions against Russia. Something Trump’s own party had to block him from doing by enacting measures in Congress that made it almost impossible.
And what happens when Trump gets together with decades long allies that stood firmly with the US in facing down the threat of Soviet controlled Russia… he attacks them.
But when he gets together with Putin it is all love and friendship, Trump going so far as to suggest that America join with Russia in cyber-secuirty.
And even though what is supposed to be his own intelligence service tells him that the Russian government hacked the last election, he sides with Putin.
Of course he would side with Putin over the Russian hack of the DNC, he asked Putin publicly to do exactly that.
There’s every reason for Mueller to investigate Trump, if the republican controlled Congress was actually working for America they would have impeached Trump a long time ago for what he has already done publicly.
What Mueller needs to get the job done is ironclad evidence that Trump is in fact directly involved with the Russian government that the totally corrupt republicans in Congress can’t pretend doesn’t matter.
And based on how upset Trump and his buddies at Fox are with Mueller, that evidence is probably on its way.
Once again, Trump was the coup, the Congressional republicans don’t give a damn and just a few patriots in the FBI and Justice are left to save the nation.
Most Trump supporters are getting exactly what they want, a President that breaks the rules.
The spectre of “authoritarian" leadership has been raised by a survey that shows two in three Donald Trump supporters think America needs a president willing to break rules in order to set the country right.
I think it is highly unlikely that Trump is going to set America right based on the interests he represents including the Russian government.
All indications are that Trump doesn't care what the law says, he has admitted to sexual assault, he has ripped off many people whether through Trump University or not paying contractors and vendors and now we see growing evidence that he and his team colluded with the Russian government. In the weeks before Trump went on TV to ask the Russian government to release private emails stolen from DNC servers his campaign team including his son and son-in-law met with Russians connect to the Kremlin who indicated that they had information that would hurt the Democrats in the 2016 election. Trump Jr. responded to Russian inquiries if he'd like dirt on Hillary with "I Love it".
British-born Goldstone adds in the exchange of 3 June 2016: “This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump."
Seventeen minutes later, Trump Jr welcomes this with the reply: “If it’s what you say, I love it, especially later in the summer."
In a later email, Goldstone describes the Russian lawyer they are due to meet, Natalia Veselnitskaya, as a “Russian government attorney".
So the trump campaign had intimate knowledge from those close to the Kremlin of the material stolen by Russian hackers from the DNC. They negotiated with the Russians on getting the material but in the end they didn't need to, as Trump asked, the Russians simply dumped thousands of DNC emails on Wiki-leaks after the Billy Bush video came out making Trump look like the sexual predator he is. The head of the GOP at the time used those very terms. It was a very effective political smoke screen for Trump to hide behind, it is also highly illegal for the Trump team to have been involved in any way even as accessories after the fact.
Trump and many of his supports may not care about the law, but the law still exists and for a reason. Without laws and the Constitution that they are based on then the United States of America won't survive. The simple fact is that by living outside the law Trump loses the protection of the law. All he has left is lies and intimidation which is what he and his people are attempting over and over with Robert Mueller. First trying to smear him with Uranium One which didn't work because it was baseless and now with claims that the FBI somehow broke the law by acquiring emails that the Trump team were told explicitly from the start were not protected in any way from law enforcement investigation. More lies and intimidation.
And there are clearly people who place loyalty to Trump over loyalty to the Constitution and the country it serves.
Fox News’ Judge Jeanine Pirro called for the “cleansing" of law enforcement officials who are investigating the president on her show Saturday night. She said the FBI and Justice Department have too many "political hacks" embedded and called on a whole bunch of federal law enforcement officials to be arrested.
"There have been times in our history where corruption and lawlessness were so pervasive that examples had to be made. This is one of those times," she said. "I for one am tired of investigations, politicians posturing. Something more has to be done."
Pirro singled out Special Counsel Robert Mueller, former FBI Director James Comey, Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe and FBI official Peter Strzok. Fox News opinion hosts have been using the discovery of “anti-Trump text messages" from Strzok as an excuse to undermine the entire Mueller investigation as corrupt.
See above, it's clear already that Trump and his team broke the law, which makes defending him over the Constitution a rejection of lawful government in America. And like 2/3s of Trump supporters Jeanine Pirro clearly wants her leader to break the law, and demands that those enforcing the law be neutralized to protect the man she sees as being above the law and the Constitution.
No kidding Trump fears the law now, he's a serial criminal...
The Jan. 6 committee released private text messages sent from Fox News host Sean Hannity to Mark Meadows and others in the days before and during the insurrection. “The idea that Sean Hannity was truly appropriately worried about what Trump would do should scare all of us,” says Chris Hayes.
Fox Made Him A Celebrity For Refusing A Vaccine Mandate, Then He Died Of Covid, Now Fox (Noise) has Cancelled ex-State Trooper Robert LaMay of Washington,
from their mass brainwashing platform.
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell discusses how 50-year-old Robert LaMay, a state trooper who quit over Washington state’s vaccine mandate, died from Covid after being “victimized” by Fox’s lies about the vaccine. Fox made “a celebrity out of one of their victims,” Lawrence says, urging viewers to donate to the family because the vaccinated billionaire Rupert Murdoch “will do nothing.”
{PS. this 66 year old got COVID and experienced a couple days of the crud, a night of sweating out a moderate fever, and that was that. Ain’t no luck, I got myself stuck.
Once, twice, boostered and when another vaccination is approved by medical experts, I’ll line up for that one too. Blessed be the scientists who are accumulating evidence, processing facts and drawing conclusions to the best of their (ever increasing) abilities.}