Dobbs v. Jackson Decision - Christofascism wins. Now what you gonna do?

I’m disappointed that no one has started a discussion about the recent SCOTUS decision to blow up Roe v Wade

It would be nice to get more voices around here, seems there’s so much worth trying to discuss and understand, but few are interested.

Lets talk about pregnancy and heart beats and births and deaths.

This woman explains it in a way that every guy who has an opinion ought to listen to and consider, before opening their mouths.

Senator Jen Jordan - Georgia’s 6th District, now running for Attorney General of Georgia

March 23, 2019

Jen Jordan’s Dissent to “Heartbeat” Bill: Closing

June 28, 2022 - MSNBC

Battle Over Reproductive Rights Could Impact Georgia AG Race

Lets talk about abortion and its aftermath.

The Turnaway Study is ANSIRH’s prospective longitudinal study examining the effects of unwanted pregnancy on women’s lives. The major aim of the study is to describe the mental health, physical health, and socioeconomic consequences of receiving an abortion compared to carrying an unwanted pregnancy to term. The main finding of The Turnaway Study is that receiving an abortion does not harm the health and wellbeing of women, but in fact, being denied an abortion results in worse financial, health and family outcomes. Highlighted resources include:

Incidentally, she’s running for Georgia Attorney General,

Now here’s a discussion starter.

As Democrats fight (and lose) a rear-guard culture war on abortion, the Christian fascists march toward victory

PUBLISHED MAY 10, 2022 6:00AM (EDT)

The Democratic Party — which had 50 years to write Roe v. Wade into law with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama in full control of the White House and Congress at the inception of their presidencies — is banking its electoral strategy around the expected Supreme Court decision to lift the judicial prohibition on the ability of states to enact laws restricting or banning abortions.

I doubt it will work.

The Democratic Party’s hypocrisy and duplicity is the fertilizer for Christian fascism. Its exclusive focus on the culture wars and identity politics at the expense of economic, political and social justice fueled a right-wing backlash and stoked the bigotry, racism and sexism it sought to curtail. Its opting for image over substance, including its repeated failure to secure the right to abortion, left the Democrats distrusted and reviled. …

Well we are going to know soon what the new abortion laws are leading to.

The husband of a Texas woman has charged her and 3 of her friends with murder for assisting her getting an abortion.

This is in accordance with the new Nazi inspired Texas “bounty hunter” law; “rat on your neighbor”, that was used in Hitler’s Nazi Germany to exterminate Jews.

Of course, in this murder case there is no record of the victim.
No body, no name, no SS number, no status of personhood. I believe that falls under the “corpus delicti” rule.

Corpus delicti is a common law Latin phrase that translates to “body of the crime.” The phrase generally refers to the principle that no one should be convicted of a crime without sufficient evidence that the crime actually occurred .
corpus delicti | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute

And if the doctor is subpoenaed to testify, all he/she has to say; “I did not kill a person” and this is in accordance to medical standards.

This legal medical argument is posited in this link to

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Excellent observation. Although there some others that deserve to be aired.

When push comes to shove, a woman’s life is more important than the unborn fetus inside of her.

A woman deserves the Right to Self-Defense and sovereignty over her body.

Abortion and infanticide have been part of the human condition since forever.

Tragic as it may be, it is what it is.

What the laws are leading too, at least in Repug states, is an increase in deaths for women, either while giving birth, in which the baby may or may not live or if it does, it might not be long. Or women will die trying to use coat hangers and alike again.

Great point. Why is it so hard for these so called pro-lifers to realize what they’re doing is not pro-life? And if you think about it they’re really just out to earn points to get to heaven - so it’s totally selfish. Jesus would be ashamed.

Their religious beliefs blind them to scientific facts. They are Pro-death, which they cannot see, because in their minds, if the mother and/or baby dies during childbirth, it was God’s will. However, if a human intervenes and terminates a pregnancy, that’s not God’s will. God put women on this planet, in their minds, to bare children, with pain, which is seen in Genesis.

That said, no where in the Bible does it say a word about abortion. Tell that to Pro-deathers, along with telling them that God kills more babies than any humans and they go batsh** crazy.

Oh, the irony.
As Carlin observed: “We must save the baby, but if it grows up to be a gynecologist we may just have to kill it.”