I mean it’s not like the essentials like food and water. Sure we don’t need to have friends to survive?
I mean it's not like the essentials like food and water. Sure we don't need to have friends to survive?Yes and no. We don't really need friends for day to day survival in today's developed world. (Its a different story in the undeveloped world). However research does indicate friendship as a factor] in longevity and quality of life in several ways. So it seems we do need friendship in order to thrive.
Not to just survive but having one would be nice, but my definition of a friend is strict indeed. Just because you have net people does no make them a friend, A true friend is someone who knows everything about but still loves you no matter what and is willing to help you through thick and thin. With my definition, if we all have at least one such friend, we are luck indeed.
Oh God, he’s back. Sorry, I have a root canal I’d rather be having than comment on this guy’s threads.
Not to just survive but having one would be nice, but my definition of a friend is strict indeed. Just because you have net people does no make them a friend, A true friend is someone who knows everything about but still loves you no matter what and is willing to help you through thick and thin. With my definition, if we all have at least one such friend, we are luck indeed.That seems like a tall order to ask of someone else.