I believe it’s quite possible that at the root of the inability of Liberals, Rationalists, children of the 'intellectual enlightenment" to successfully confront Republican Religious Right propaganda and bulldozer tactics
is because progressives, “atheists”, ect who have put “God” aside often think that means having to put their inner “Faith” and one’s own “Soul” aside. (Soul, that inner voice and those feelings that seem to come from someplace else)
The scientific observation fact based world was too successful in compartmentalizing everything and lost sight of the web of life with its infinite interconnections and interdependences flowing down the cascade of time.
My life has gone at things from the other direction. I started clueless except that I knew the political/economic (priorities) world around me never added up. The promises and assurances never quite added up. Early on i committed myself to learning through experience. Which of course includes a lot of reading and listening and paying attention to what great minds have learned and shared. But also paying attention to one’s day, good and bad, as they flow by.
Now coming out at 65 and looking at the nation around me with its isolated lost, and masses of confusion out there - I see that my internal math was correct and that I was wise to go my own way.
What do I have for the effort? A faith in this Earth, the flow of time and myself, that includes and understanding of where I came from. The bloodline and how that really and truly ties into the rest of humanity once we learn to appreciate the Evolutionary and Human Drama upon this planet that created us. I have a visceral appreciation for DeepTime coming and going and for my little moment on this stage. I know that I have lived a life of freedom and good fortunate that is truly rare among the human misery of the past ages.
The Bible told me to, Ask. Ye shall receive.
And so it was, I have seen the burning bush and experienced the breath of God against my back. When I hear talkers preaching about God while pickpocketing, I see right through their dishonest filthy souls, yeah like Jesus in the temple with the sellers/buyer if we want to get grandiose about it. When some offer their thoughtless mantra, God Bless You - I want to ask, who are you silly human to presume to bestow God’s Blessing! What do you really know of God? Why not just wish me well. I do know God and appreciate that no human can speak for God.
For I know God resided within my Mindscape, which is housed inside my head, inside this body experiencing the life that has come my way. That life has unfolded upon the plane of Physical Reality - in the full awareness that my perceptions are limited and can never grasp the whole of it. I find no problem with that. I do the best I can with what I have, and so far so good.
The Republican God is a petty Demi-God - The God Of Human Ego and Avarice.
Petty as petty gets, fearful, resentful, violent, hateful, in the end always destructive to all it touches.
If more liberals had paid attention to their Evolution lessons and the wondrous discoveries scientists have been making and refining, especially during the past half century of our own life times. We became so educated, but learned little, never figured out how to integrated it into our own lives and spirits. Forgot all about ENLIGHTENED SELF-INTEREST, CRITICAL THINKING, CONSTRUCTIVE DEBATES.
Never learned to appreciate DeepTime, Evolution, our moon and Earth, our biosphere, biological diversity, our dependence on “Mother Nature.” Few have viscerally grasped Deep Time, that’s our loss. It leaves too many so insecure that anytime a Republican waves their God Flag, they retreat. Why? The Republican God is nothing but the God of Ego and Greed and utterly destructive.
Why can’t we say it out loud?
An appreciation for DeepTime, when tied together with a deep awareness of Evolution instills a SPIRITUAL STABILITY, strength of inner soul and spirit in the face of life and death. It gives everyone something to work with.
that all the endless “Praise The Lord I’m Saved” mantras can’t touch.
(Why was it all so ignored is what I keep wondering. Yeah the party. But I liked the party too. Why did it have to lead to such crazy never ending excess, topped by ever insaner excess that ignored all necessary moving part to the economic organism. (Why not more of the Joe Walsh Syndrome - a man who knew a good thing when he saw it and then preserved and extended and enjoyed it while it lasted.)