Hello all,
I’m citizenschallenge and I’ve been roaming these pages a good 12, 13 years now.
It’s nothing like what it was, but it was the dying ambers of an earlier generation. Now at 66 I’m becoming one of the old guys, happens so fast. Soon you’ll say the same of me.
I keep hanging around because it’s an easy place for me to voice ideas and have discussions. I liken it to a virtual corner pub of old, and the pals, which doesn’t necessarily mean you like them, just acknowledging respect, that human feeling of caring for each other, family, so to speak, love 'em, hate 'em, they are still family, which does extend beyond blood.
The thing is a discussion forum lives and thrives by the discussions it’s having.
If you have come this far to look at some pages and find something that makes you want to figure out how to make a comment, and then follow through on posting an introduction - you must have some interesting stories you’d like to share. Do it.
I love cogitating on my own observations and thoughts, but it only go so far or it becomes dog-chasing tail. We need to see things from others’ perspectives or we dig a rut for ourselves, as so many have done.
If you’ve gone so far as to introduce yourself, please follow up. Start a discussion somewhere. Look for that button on the top right of the page.
Serious, or fun, personal, or worldly, or cosmic, about politics, or evolution, and everything in-between, about the topic that touches you.