The drive behind Critical Race Theory is not some honest attempt to understand the race issue in America. It’s not a new American Dilemma. Please don’t kid yourselves about that.
So where is the honest attempt to understand the race issue in America? Or do you just want to keep sweeping it under the rug and live in a Ward and June Cleaver world?

And your comparisons of Black Americans (historically slavery descendants) to other immigrants is off. Indians, Japanese and Chinese were not taken from their homes and enslaved on another continent.



Yes natives here in Canada were taken from their homes and taught things against their beliefs. The Japanese and others were taken to camps against their will. There is no race that is superior or exempt from sin and evil. There were slaves taken in Africa, and in America among the native populations. All people on earth are slaves to sin unless they get freed by God. This business about blaming certain races is racist I would think.

who immigrate to America -- doug
You know there are a lot of black people in America that aren't descended from "immigrants" right? I couldn't read your whole post because I don't like reading stuff like that before my precious sleep cycle. I didn't see much in there about the history of Africans in America.

You mention the murder rate. I’m sure I’ve fact-checked that before, and I don’t feel like that doing that right now either. Maybe you could tell us your source. If there is something about melanin in skin that causes people to be violent, how do you explain their behavior in the entire rest of the world? If you can’t do that, then where else should you look except the history of America and its laws, including well-documented words, actions, congressional records, and eyewitness accounts of how people think and act toward people of African descent?

I stumbled upon this article and thought it would contribute to the conversation. I’ve not finished reading it yet in which to comment more about it. I did find this statement intriguing and no surprise Repugs would push such an idea about something that calls U.S. institutions racist (they are, but I need to read more):

Rep. Banks’ account is demonstrably false and typical of many people publicly declaring their opposition to critical race theory. Crenshaw’s characterization, while true, does not detail its main features.
Critical race theory is a field of intellectual inquiry that demonstrates the legal codification of racism in America.

Through the study of law and U.S. history, it attempts to reveal how racial oppression shaped the legal fabric of the U.S. Critical race theory is traditionally less concerned with how racism manifests itself in interactions with individuals and more concerned with how racism has been, and is, codified into the law.

More on this from the American Bar Association:

[I don’t know if Portland, Oregon still physically exists, but if it does, aren’t they still teaching Black kids that they are descended from Egyptians, who had psionic powers? In fact, I think I first read about that atrocity here.]

The drive behind Critical Race Theory is not some honest attempt to understand the race issue in America. It’s not a new American Dilemma. Please don’t kid yourselves about that.

The essence of this dispute is simply this. First, a general background observation: there are things which many people are generally aware of, but are too polite to talk about. For many years, the Black situation in America has been one of them.

Every other racial minority in America has prospered. Indians who immigrate to America have much higher family income than whites. The Japanese were put into internment camps … and have flourished. The Chinese were explicitly excluded from immigration for a long time … .and have flourished.

Blacks, on average, have not. On average, Black students do very poorly on every sort of test — from IQ tests, to academic tests. There is no dispute about this.

But there could be a dispute about why. Generally, it’s a radioactive topic, so academics who value their careers — 99.99% of them — don’t touch the issue, and just mouth platitudes and pieties.

But … if we really want to have an honest conversation about race — about why 13% of the population commits more than 50% of the murders — well — polite people have been generally aware of the problem, but have not talked about it.

Now the Critical Race Theory people want to discuss it. Well … they don’t really want to discuss it — they don’t want to have a genuine discussion of possible explanations. What they want to do is to say: it’s white people’s fault. Black failure is due to ‘systemic racism’. A very selective racism, that doesn’t seem to affect a dark-skinned Hindu who speaks English with an accent, but does affect the majority of American Blacks.

If they wanted to have a real debate and discussion, then they would urge college courses on the subject to read Charles Murray, and his critics like James Flynn and others. But of course that’s the last thing that they want. They want obedience.

And liberals will give it to them. After all, way down deep most liberals believe Blacks are stupid — and need to be fed mythologies that the condescending white liberals wouldn’t put up with for a second were their own children to be taught such nonsense. [I don’t know if Portland, Oregon still physically exists, but if it does, aren’t they still teaching Black kids that they are descended from Egyptians, who had psionic powers? In fact, I think I first read about that atrocity here.]

It’s a power play by people who are “anti-capitalist” in a superficial way, who have a deep disdain for America, and — as America is now in decline — have decided to kick the enemy when he’s down.

Short term, it’s a smart strategy. Liberal custard-heads will wring their hands, and express sympathy by uttering the usual pieties– from behind the safety of their gated communities, as far away as they can get from concentrations of urban Blacks. Academics who want to keep their jobs will not commit Thoughtcrime by expressing opposition.

But … for the last sixty years, American whites have been indoctrinated with the idea that white racism is bad, wrong, unfair: give Blacks a fair chance, judge them on the content of their character, give them a bit of extra Affirmative Action help, and they’ll get right up there along with every other minority group that has come to America.

And a good thing, too. It’s a critical component of a decent liberal (in the general sense) society. Ignore race … treat everyone as an individual.

But now whites are being told, race is everything. And yours is evil. And so is your country, founded on racism. American patriotism is bad.

Of course, this will work on some of them — the kids who want to get cushy jobs in the ‘woke’ corporations will say whatever they’re required to say. But in the long term, it’s very dangerous. Start telling ordinary whites — those deplorables whose children aren’t going to become marketing consultants and website designers for multi-national corporations — that America is uniquely evil in its treatment of racial minorities, and they’ll start looking around at the rest of the world to see how minorities are treated in other countries.

Africa is of course an embarrassing topic for liberals and they generally pass over in silence thestomach-turning atrocities that the various tribes there regularly inflict on each other. But … you can’t fool life. If American whites are told that Blacks’ problems are due to their being a minority under the rule of whites, they’ll start to learn something about the places where Blacks rule themselves — Africa — and Haiti, Jamaica. Powerful stuff that white racism — magical long-distance powers.

American patriotism is in fact the only real anti-racism. America is not an ethnically-homogeneous nation-state. It’s only held together by an emotional, sub-rational commitment of a kind different than natural ethnic solidarity. And this committment is not immutable. Raise a generation — which we have done, among the ‘woke’ types — which despises its own country — mainly out of class snobbery –, and you’re getting close to the final chapter in a nation’s history.

Too bad. Really, really … too bad. Liberal democracy looked like conquering the world thirty years ago — the ‘end of history’.

Now it’s withering in its strongest bastion.

Great post. Come back soon.

Racism is taught. Unless you have documentation from a credible source, tribalism isn’t part of human DNA. Yes, we are social creatures, but that isn’t tribalism in our genes. The practice of tribalism is part of racism being taught. Tribalism, which is also taught, is a form of racism.
Tribalism is genetic and inescapable.

@thatoneguy Tribalism is not genetic and that PDF didn’t say it was. It merely said it was a means to pass genes on, but tribalism itself is not genetic. That does NOT make tribalism genetic. It also did not say it was inescapable.

You need to brush up on evolutionary theory. We evolved to be tribal because it helps our evolutionary fitness.

No I don’t. I read the article you posted and it said nothing about Tribalism being genetic. It is not genetic. We are social creatures, but tribalism isn’t genetic.

my friends


CRT is neither left wing nor progressive in its socioeconomic analysis. It’s criticism here in keeping with the general discourse in America is from the right. It cannot explain the extraordinary and growing wealth gap in society as a class analysis can.


thank you


CRT is neither left wing nor progressive in its socioeconomic analysis. It’s criticism here in keeping with the general discourse in America is from the right. It cannot explain the extraordinary and growing wealth gap in society as a class analysis can.
There, i tend to agree.



Class analysis is research in sociology, politics and economics from the point of view of the stratification of the society into dynamic classes. It implies that there is no universal or uniform social outlook, rather that there are fundamental conflicts that exist inherent to how society is currently organized.
Critical race theory (CRT), intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.
I'll admit I know very little about either, but at first glance, those two seem more complimentary than exclusionary.

I’m curious, how does something like the “Forgotten History’ Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America” - May 3, 2017 - NPR - get covered by the two different approaches?


This is FRESH AIR. I’m Terry Gross. We’re going to talk about how continuing racial inequality in America is in part a result of 20th-century policies that mandated housing segregation, including in the North.

My guest Richard Rothstein is the author of the new book “The Color Of Law: A Forgotten History Of How Our Government Segregated America.”

He writes about federal, state and local policies that help explain why new suburbs were predominantly white while housing projects became predominantly black and so many neighborhoods became - and remain - segregated.

He also writes about how this mandated segregation has contributed to inequality in education, employment and income. Rothstein is a research associate at the Economic Policy Institute and a fellow at the Thurgood Marshall Institute of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. …



I’ll admit I know very little about either, but at first glance, those two seem more complimentary than exclusionary.
I agree, at one condition : that the identity of a human being not be reduced to his race, when the other social determinants are as important or more important.

A rich black man will face discrimination, but he is much farther of a poor black worker then the poor withe worker who works beside the this one. The two workers have more common interests than the two black people.

I’m curious, how does something like the “Forgotten History’ Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America” – May 3, 2017 – NPR – get covered by the two different approaches?
My knowledge of America is not such than i can answer this true question.

What i know is that capitalism prospers from the divisions of workers. If a poor white worker think that he is different and superior to the poor black worker he mmets in the street, both loses. " Proletarians from all countries unite "

What is true of race is true of sex, of sexual orientation and so.

Too many " woke people " neglect the social approach that they negate, and the needs of unity to free every one, and favor separatist approaches. Nobody wins except capitalists.



For the tens of millions of households that have zero or negative wealth, the “racial wealth gap” is a meaningless concept. It does not exist. Regardless of skin color, no one has anything. A more “equitable” distribution of wealth across the lower strata of racial groups would not pay a single bill for a poor black family, for the simple reason that you cannot divide something that does not exist.

The United States is a sea of multi-racial destitution. According to the analysis of SCF data by Matt Bruenig with the People’s Policy Project, the poorest 10 percent of the US population is about 54 percent white, 27 percent black, 12 percent Hispanic, and 3 percent some other group. The next most impoverished layer is 42 percent white, 32 percent black, 20 percent Hispanic, and 5 percent other. And the third one up from the bottom is 53 percent white, 20 percent black, 20 percent Hispanic and 7 percent other. When one gets to the top three deciles of wealth holders, the racial composition begins to strongly favor whites. The largest imbalance exists in the highest tier. The racial wealth gap is primarily meaningful for elite African Americans, who are frustrated at being underrepresented where the vast majority of net worth is concentrated.

@sabolina, could share a link?

I looked up, trawled around a little, found some sad facts, but didn’t stumble on the numbers you shared at #346503, which truth be told, don’t seem believable. I put “SCF data by Matt Bruenig” and only found

Without the Family Car Black Wealth Barely Exists Antonio Moore and Matt Bruenig September 30, 2017

Lastly intra-race wealth disparities tell a far too often overlooked story. Wealth is not distributed unevenly just among whites. The data shows that the top 20% of black families control 95% of the little American black wealth that does exist. The interesting angle is to look at the wealth disparity within race without the family car. Without the family car the 99th percentile white family is worth $12 million.

This means they are worth just fewer than 86 times as much as the median white family using the same accounting.

But the telling narrative is to look at the intra-race black wealth disparity. Without the family car the 99th percentile black family is worth $1,574,000. This would make them worth 378 times as much as the median black family using the same accounting.

Can you share your source, so we can look at the original?


Your research skills are deplorable



Yes, I have many failings. This is precisely why I like saying, we need each other to keep ourselves honest.

I’m at least trying to make sense of my confusion.

Thank you

I was just trying to figure out what you’re paragraph was all about. Let me stretch it out

The United States is a sea of multi-racial destitution. According to the analysis of SCF data by Matt Bruenig with the People’s Policy Project,

poorest 10 percent of the US population is about 54 percent white, 27 percent black, 12 percent Hispanic, and 3 percent some other group.

next most impoverished layer is 42 percent white, 32 percent black, 20 percent Hispanic, and 5 percent other.

third one up from the bottom is 53 percent white, 20 percent black, 20 percent Hispanic and 7 percent other.

When one gets to the top three deciles of wealth holders, the racial composition begins to strongly favor whites. The largest imbalance exists in the highest tier.

The racial wealth gap is primarily meaningful for elite African Americans, who are frustrated at being underrepresented where the vast majority of net worth is concentrated.

Been going down that “Changes in U.S. Family Finances from 2016 to 2019:” Makes my head spin. Statistics definitely not my thing. I imagine those numbers also reflect simple population demographics. Guess what got me was simply that last sentence, it slapped me in the face got me thinking. What’s the point you’re trying to make?

The wealth gap is meaningful to every American obsessed with the American Dream of getting ahead and striking it big and then cruising for the rest of their days (or something like that.). Which from watching public media and advertising that’s about everyone.

I agree the scene is totally insane and upside down. We should have never allowed mergers above a reasonable level, but this is now, multinational behemoths that already own politicians are now trying to take over the entire government. That economy is what’s going to destroy us.

Beyond that, where are you going with this?