There is so much empty headed fantasy thinking going on, such as suggesting that in 2020 we should revert to insular tribalism and the sort of separation of peoples that existed in the time before The White Man conquered the global with its Me First economic plans - never taking into account all that has changed since then. Plus totally ignoring reasons for why things happen. I’d suggestion that an inability to think past one’s own self-interest is the hall mark of trumpsters. What’s so idiotic is that we depend on each other.
Seems to me first the whites spend centuries filling this country with workers where ever they could find them. Proclaiming USA, the great humanistic experiment, the Great Melting Pot of human races - never considering potential or inevitable consequences. Now when we are faced with the inevitable consequences of too many people, all greedy for more, too crowded, coupled with our shortsightedness and disregarding for considering future trends, disregard for future maintenance needs, disregard for learning from our mistakes, disregard for nurturing civility between people, only profiteering matters to the leaders of today* - they pretend all else must be ignored and that it’s okay to blame those who believed in America’s Promise. So bizarre, so self-destructive. Hey guy, sree, here’s one for your tribe to think about:
The Lincoln ProjectNo patriotic American should brandish or proudly celebrate the iconography of a rebellion that resulted in tremendous devastation, the loss of more than 620,000 American lives, and the continued subjugation of Black America.
- it was all so easy when the world was big and the human race small. But, but times change. I’ve spent my life listened to supposedly educated people of every stripe dismissing Thomas Malthus by focusing on the more unsavory aspects of his think, let the poor starve so we don’t make more poor people, hey we invented fertilizer, imagine the possiblities ever more soldiers and bigger wars to win.
All the while glibly ignoring the core reality that Earth can only sustain so many people or her biosphere will be destroyed piecemeal to the point that she can no longer sustain any humans. But, no one is allowed to focus on that aspect. Probably because the obvious outcomes are becoming so much more palatable with everyday and once you see it, the future is too depressing to consider and our souls get sapped of hope and will - so ignore we must. But, that’s simply make that future so much uglier, so much faster. Since in the end Earth’s Physical Reality is just that, reality. As opposed to all the self-serving rhetoric, what-ifs, and pipe-dreams that our florid Mindscapes are capable of.