Choosing a 2014-2015 flu vaccine

At least for me, it used to be that you went to a hospital every fall and got a flu shot.
Well, it turns out there are not only multiple types of flu shots and methods of administration, they don’t quite contain the same stuff.
A table with some of the ingredients is below, to get you started on your research.

Source: Influenza Virus Vaccine, Trivalent, Types A and B | FDA
When viral proteins are injected into the body, the immune system learns to recognize them (sensitization) and then on subsequent exposure to the proteins it begins to attack them (elicitation). Unfortunately, any other proteins injected with the vaccine are treated the same way. Once sensitized to the injected protein, future exposure to the protein elicits an attack known as an allergic reaction. References are below:
Smith-Norowitz TA, Wong D, Kusonruksa M, Norowitz KB, Joks R, Durkin HG, Bluth MH. Long Term Persistence of IgE Anti-Influenza Virus Antibodies in Pediatric and Adult Serum Post Vaccination with Influenza Virus Vaccine. Int J Med Sci 2011; 8(3):239-244. doi:10.7150/ijms.8.239. Available from Long Term Persistence of IgE Anti-Influenza Virus Antibodies in Pediatric and Adult Serum Post Vaccination with Influenza Virus Vaccine
IgE synthesis in man. I. Development of specific IgE antibodies after immunization with tetanus-diphtheria (Td) toxoids - PubMed
More details and references are here:
Food Allergy Causes | Food Allergy Causes
Intranasal: the risk is injecting live viruses on to your olfactory nerve that is millimeters away from your brain.
There may also be adventitious agents in the vaccine. In other words, unintentional contamination of the vaccine by viruses/bacteria/amoeba etc…
Intradermal: the risk is skin cells/proteins are torn by the needle and injected along with the vaccine.
If your body develops an allergy to these skin proteins, you can develop immune system related skin disorders such as eczema.
Intramuscular:the risk is skin and muscle cells/proteins are torn by the needle and injected along with the vaccine.
If your body develops an allergy to these muscle proteins (one of which is tropomyosin), you can develop immune system disorders as the immune system attacks any tissue containing tropomyosin. Tropomyosin is present in the brain and the intestines. So disorders can include autism, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome etc.
and of course seafood allergy.
Vaccines, allergies, autism and autoimmune disorders - Microbiology and Immunology - Science Forums
Polysorbate 80 contains vegetable oils. Depending on the type of vegetable oil used, it can cause the development of allergies to various food items - food allergies.
Polysorbate 80, Vaccines and Federal Allergen Regulation - Microbiology and Immunology - Science Forums
Ovalbumin in vaccines can cause the development of allergy to egg.
Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen but your body creates a small amount of it too.
Mercury is a well known toxin for which there is no safe amount.
Triton X-100 can damage cells.
HA is the viral protein. The “active ingredient” of a flu vaccine.
Insect proteins when injected into the body can cause the development of allergy to those insect proteins.
Flublok uses cells from the Fall Armyworm, a type of moth larvae. If you develop an allergy to such an insect protein, it may be very difficult to avoid exposure. Avoiding exposure to egg for a patient with egg allergies is difficult enough. How would one avoid exposure to a moth/larvae protein?
Flucelvax contains dog kidney cell proteins. If you develop an allergy to dog kidney cell protein, your immune system might start attacking your own similar kidney cells. An autoimmune kidney disorder will result.
Also the dog kidney cells used to make the vaccine are highly tumorigenic. The cells are supposed to be all killed. But even the tumorigenic DNA residue in the vaccine is considered dangerous and is therefore limited by the FDA to 10 nanogram. Is that low enough?
Trivalent vaccines contain three viral strains and quadrivalent contain four viral strains.
If you want to perform some probability calculations, flu vaccines work 60% of the time per the CDC.
And about 3000-40,000 people are killed by the flu each year.
In the old days before vaccines, you had no choice but to suffer the flu.
Modern medicine gives you a choice, a choice between the devil and the deep sea … for a fee.

Do you have a problem with vaccines in general or flu vaccines specifically? The beginning of your post is flu specific then degrades into general anti-vaxxing nonsense before returning to the flu at end.
Concern over the efficacy of a flu vaccine does have some merit since they are bred to fight a certain strain and the flu vaccine makers don’t have a great track record with predicting the correct strain that will be “in the wild” when their vaccine is ready. That part is reduced through the use of multi-strain vaccines. Personally, I don’t get the flu frequently enough or severely enough to worry about the vaccine. If I was older or prone to illness, then I’d probably do it.
The other stuff about toxic mercury and allergies is just scare tactics the anti-vaxxers use. Of course allergies to the ingredients will be a problem, that’s why people ask about known allergies. The mercury thing was never relevant since it was a molecule that had mercury as one the elements within it but that’s like saying salt is poisonous because chlorine is poisonous. Molecules don’t necessarily have the same properties of their elements. Plus, no vaccine uses that adjuvant anymore anyway.
There is a culture around anti-vaxxers that is similar to creationist and climate change deniers. Mother Jones did a great article on the subject of science denial a little while back, you should check it out.

I don’t have a problem with vaccines. I have a problem with unsafe ingredients in vaccines. So I researched the safest flu vaccine for my family. I shared the findings in the hope that it will be useful to others.
If I were an “anti-vaxxer”, I would not have wasted my time on this research because I would not need a flu vaccine.
I have provided several peer-reviewed references. Please provide your own references to support your assertions.
I am not talking about people who already have an allergy, I am pointing out that vaccines will CAUSE them to develop an allergy.
Elemental mercury is poisonous and so is thiomersal (is converted in the body into ethyl mercury) used in vaccines.

“Plus, no vaccine uses that adjuvant anymore anyway.”
Not sure what you mean. First thiomersal is not an adjuvant. It is definitely present in vaccines as you can see from the package inserts here:

I don't have a problem with vaccines. I have a problem with unsafe ingredients in vaccines. So I researched the safest flu vaccine for my family. I shared the findings in the hope that it will be useful to others. If I were an "anti-vaxxer", I would not have wasted my time on this research because I would not need a flu vaccine. I have provided several peer-reviewed references. Please provide your own references to support your assertions. I am not talking about people who already have an allergy, I am pointing out that vaccines will CAUSE them to develop an allergy. Elemental mercury is poisonous and so is thiomersal (is converted in the body into ethyl mercury) used in vaccines. "Plus, no vaccine uses that adjuvant anymore anyway." Not sure what you mean. First thiomersal is not an adjuvant. It is definitely present in vaccines as you can see from the package inserts here:
You got me there. I thought thimerosal was no longer used at all it seems they still use it in some flu vaccines but not in other childhood vaccines. Although the dosage is very low to be considered safe. Large well-controlled epidemiologic studies do not support the hypothesis that vaccines cause allergies. I'm glad your not anti-vaccine in general, being skeptical is a good thing. :-)

Vaccines and allergies

Do amoeba multiply or divide? They multiply by division.
Do vaccines protect or cause the development of allergies? Conceptually, vaccines protect by causing the development of allergies to viruses and bacteria.
The problem is vaccines don’t just contain viral/bacterial proteins. They have various food proteins, insect proteins, canine kidney, pancreatic and other proteins.

The result is vaccines cause “protection” (allergies) against ALL these proteins. Asserting that vaccines don’t cause allergies is the same as saying vaccines don’t work! We know vaccines work and that is proof that they cause allergies. Vaccine protection and allergies are two sides of the same coin. You cannot have one without the other. The way to fix this problem is to have ONLY viral or bacterial proteins in vaccines. This way the only allergies developed are the desirable allergies against the viruses and bacteria.
Kuno-Sakai H, Kimura M. Removal of gelatin from live vaccines and DTaP-an ultimate solution for vaccine-related gelatin allergy.Biologicals 2003;31:245-9. [PubMed]
Replace the word “gelatin” with every other allergen you can think of and that is the ultimate solution for this problem.
Horino, et al. not only understood that this problem exists but were attempting a solution in 1997!
The FDA and Dr. Offit are unfortunately still trying to deny that the problem exists.
On Dr. Offit’s paper

Dr. Offit’s paper does not consider the effect of all these undesirable proteins present in vaccines at all. Dr.Offit also fails to consider the effect of adjuvants in vaccines. He refers to adjuvants in the rabbit experiment and in that case the vaccines did cause the development of autoimmune disease as expected. Therefore, most of his discussion on vaccine mechanisms are invalidated.
Polysorbate 80 is used in the laboratory to cause lung injury in animals for experiments.

Some vaccines contain Polysorbate 80. Dr. Offit’s paper refers to an asthma study. It makes no mention of whether the vaccines studied contained Polysorbate 80. Without that information, the study results are inconclusive.
Dr. Offit’s paper refers to a study where children were provided one of the following vaccines: 2-component diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis vaccine; 5-component diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis, diphtheria-tetanus-whole-cell pertussis; or diphtheria-tetanus. If all these vaccines had the same food allergens, then the study would of course show no difference in allergy among the patients. No conclusion can be drawn from the results unless the allergens in the vaccines are noted and described. This study is therefore useless without the allergen information.
Dr.Offit, et al., inexplicably draw sweeping conclusions from such invalid, incomplete or inconclusive studies.

Vaccine engineering or tinkering?

I am an engineer. Before I design a product, I write a specification. Apparently, the FDA does not. And neither do the pharmaceutical companies.
The FDA wrote to me:
“There is not, as you describe it, an FDA determined safe amount of a potentially allergenic ingredient contained in a vaccine. The FDA reviews vaccine composition in its entirety to ensure the safety and efficacy of the vaccine.”
Sanofi Pasteur wrote to me:
“There is no specification for residual egg protein (expressed as ovalbumin) for influenza vaccines in the United States, nor is testing of the final product required for ovalbumin content.”
In other words, anything goes! The FDA and the vaccine makers do not seem to be engineering a product, they are tinkering with it. And they are tinkering with our lives.
Survival guide until they make vaccines safer

  1. Avoid vaccines when possible. Example, life style changes to avoid HPV vaccine.
    Avoiding other vaccines may be dangerous.
  2. Find a vaccine that has the least number and amount of undesirable proteins and toxins.
  3. No more than one vaccine a month. Allow the body to deal with one set of allergens and toxins at a time.
  4. Avoid C-sections when possible. If a c-section is unavoidable, the baby may have to be artificially contaminated with the mother’s germs.
    Postnatal development of intestinal microflora as influenced by infant nutrition. J Nutr 138:1791S-1795S, 2008.;=/ajpregu/304/12/R1065.atom
    Without such contamination, the baby is more likely to be primed for vaccine induced allergies and other allergies as described here:
    The Impact of Caesarian Section On the Relationship Between Inhalent Allergen Exposure and Allergen-Specific IgE At Age 2 Years. DEFINE_ME
  5. Demand safe vaccines from the FDA/CDC and Congress.

I’m wondering what Macgyver thinks of this.

As for which type of Flu vaccine to use simply ask your doctor. I recently read a book by an infectious disease specialist who used only two words to define those who would not accept vaccinations (Damn Fools).

The FDA and Dr. Offit are unfortunately still trying to deny that the problem exists.
And why do you think they would do that?
The FDA and Dr. Offit are unfortunately still trying to deny that the problem exists.
And why do you think they would do that?
That would be a great question for the FDA and Dr. Offit. Perhaps they don't want to scare the public with the truth and risk losing herd immunity? But now, they have lost public trust and are losing herd immunity.
As for which type of Flu vaccine to use simply ask your doctor. I recently read a book by an infectious disease specialist who used only two words to define those who would not accept vaccinations (Damn Fools).
It all started when my son developed food allergies and his doctors could not tell us why. When I asked his immunologist about vaccines, he replied that his area was immunology, not vaccine safety. Most doctors will not do their own research. They will parrot the FDA/CDC. For decades, the pharmaceutical companies have not been able to develop a better pain medicine. When the FDA approved Vioxx, it turned out to be better at killing people than it was at killing pain. Congress has protected vaccine makers with a law. So vaccine safety becomes an even lower priority. Given all the evidence I have provided, do you still want to blindly trust the FDA/CDC?
As for which type of Flu vaccine to use simply ask your doctor. I recently read a book by an infectious disease specialist who used only two words to define those who would not accept vaccinations (Damn Fools).
It all started when my son developed food allergies and his doctors could not tell us why. When I asked his immunologist about vaccines, he replied that his area was immunology, not vaccine safety. Most doctors will not do their own research. They will parrot the FDA/CDC. For decades, the pharmaceutical companies have not been able to develop a better pain medicine. When the FDA approved Vioxx, it turned out to be better at killing people than it was at killing pain. Congress has protected vaccine makers with a law. So vaccine safety becomes an even lower priority. Given all the evidence I have provided, do you still want to blindly trust the FDA/CDC? If doctors had to do their own research on everything they do they would have no time to do anything else, including offering injections. Take a group of 10 doctors and you will get at least 11 opinions. The only thing we, as consumers, can do is read the research with a rational eye and not be taken in by panic induced by people with a conflict of interest or with a poor understanding of the issues. (Even trained doctors are susceptible to this.) Sometimes not doing something (like taking an injection) is more dangerous than doing it, despite the contraindications. Take your choice. There are no guarantees. If you look hard enough you can find a flaw in everything and you will have advanced not at all, you will have become immobilized. A little information can be a dangerous thing. Keep in mind that when it comes to flu it can be deadly--deadlier than any potential problem with a vaccine. LL

This is a busy season so I don’t really have the time to fully engage another vaccine denier but APV is using all the traditional tools of flawed science that vaccine opponents employ. Comments about “toxic components or ingredients” in vaccines is one of the oldest tools and flawed for lots of reasons not the least of which is that toxic is a dose dependent term. Everything is toxic in sufficient doses or under the right conditions but that doesn’t mean they are harmful in small amounts or when used in the body instead of a petri dish.
This thread started off as a question ( insincere as it was) about what flu vaccine to take so for anyone who really needs an answer to that I will summarize quickly

  1. Standard Trivalent vaccine protects against three strains of the flu virus ( two type A’s and one Type B) and comes in two forms. Multidose vial which uses thimerisol as a preservative and single dose vial which does not. There is no real difference here since thimerisol has been conclusively shown not to cause autism as some tried to claim. Doctors often prefer the mutidose vial because its less expensive and since vaccines are a major cost to most practices ( and one we often lose money on).
  2. Quadravalent vaccine protects again 4 strains of the flu ( Two A and Two B) and there for may offer more protection in some seasons. It is more expensive and may not be available everywhere so if its not available its best to get the Trivalent since the difference is not critical.
  3. Nasal Spray Flu Vaccine - Unlike other flu vaccines this is a live attenuated virus vaccine so there is a small but not zero chance that immune compromised individuals could catch the flu if they got this vaccine. This is the preferred vaccine for children age 2-8 yrs old but is not approved for anyone under 2 yrs old or over 50 yrs old. It may offer slightly better protection than the standard trivalent vaccine
  4. FluBlok - This is another trivalent vaccine approved for patients 18-49 yrs old. This vaccine is manufatured using a new technique which does not require the use of eggs so it is a good alternative for patients who are allergic to eggs.
  5. High Dose Vaccine - This vaccine uses a higher dose fo the antigens to produce greater immunity It is useful in older patients since they do not respond as well to vaccines. It seems to increase protection by about 25%
    To answer APV. You can site all the studies and fear reports you like but the bottom line is that the vast majority of doctors vaccinate themselves their children and their extended families and due so without fear or reservation. We sacrifice our time and income to educate patients and increase vaccination rates. That alone should tell you more than all the fear mongering from ill informed internet trolls.
Survival guide until they make vaccines safer 1. Avoid vaccines when possible. Example, life style changes to avoid HPV vaccine. Avoiding other vaccines may be dangerous. 2. Find a vaccine that has the least number and amount of undesirable proteins and toxins. 3. No more than one vaccine a month. Allow the body to deal with one set of allergens and toxins at a time. 4. Avoid C-sections when possible. If a c-section is unavoidable, the baby may have to be artificially contaminated with the mother's germs. Postnatal development of intestinal microflora as influenced by infant nutrition. J Nutr 138:1791S-1795S, 2008.;=/ajpregu/304/12/R1065.atom Without such contamination, the baby is more likely to be primed for vaccine induced allergies and other allergies as described here: The Impact of Caesarian Section On the Relationship Between Inhalent Allergen Exposure and Allergen-Specific IgE At Age 2 Years. 5. Demand safe vaccines from the FDA/CDC and Congress.
Wow. I didn't have a chance to read through all of your stuff earlier. Perhaps you should refrain from giving medical advice until you actually have a degree in medicine and know what you are talking about 1) This is dangerous advice. Vaccines are extremely safe and have saved more lives than any other innovation in the field of medicine. Your example regarding HPV vaccine is a case in point. 10's of millions of doses of this vaccine have been administered without any serious side effects. HPV is THE cause of cervical cancer. Telling everyone to be celibate until marriage is not going to work and condemning women to the risk of HPV and cervical cancer because you have unjustified fears of a well studied vaccine is a foolish, arrogant, and naive position to take. 2) I have no idea what you are talking about in regard to "undesireable protiens" and have already made my position clear about your comments on toxins. Educate yourself in the science not the nonsense regarding these subjects. 3) Where did you come up with the idea that one vaccine a month should be the limit?? What evidence do you have that vaccinating more frequently is unsafe? What evidence do you have that one vaccine a month is safer? Where did you come up with that magic number? The medical community uses science to make recommendations. Apparently the engineering community just pulls theirs out of a hat ( or from a portion of their anatomy somewhere lower down on their body). 4) Avoid c-sections?? Duh. I am an internist. My wife is an Ob/Gyn. Its not up to the patient to decide when a c-section is to be done. This is a medical decision based on what is safest for the mother and the baby at the moment. Physicians always prefer to deliver a baby vaginally for a whole host of medical reasons but if the indications are that the baby is in distress or labor has gone on so long that there is a risk of infection or the mothers life may be at risk then the doctor does what is best for both. You really should stop posting on subjects you are ill informed about and not qualified to discuss.

My contribution here is purely anecdotal as I’m no physician but I do have the common sense to trust one, especially my own. I’ve been taking flu shots for the last twenty years as has my wife at the urging of our doctors with no side effects and and have had no flu or flu like symptoms. Our daughter who incidentally had two C-sections birthing both of our very healthy granddaughters also gets an annual shot as does her husband, a pharmacist. Both of our grandchildren are inoculated annually, equally with no side effects. I’ve had two very compenent doctors, both of whom have identical advise on vaccines, namely take 'em. My current doctor just returned from the mountain communities of Honduras where he and his son (also a doctor) volunteered their time inoculating the local population who were grateful that their kids won’t die of the flu. If anyone wants to keep up with this antivax woo read Offit’s book Do You Believe in Magic:The sense and Nonsence of Alternative Medicine. He devotes a chapter to the master of woo himself, Dr. Oz. Even people with impressive titles can manufacture a “medical conspiracy” and play on the ignorance of the public when it comes to medicine.
Cap’t Jack

I think the answer to this whole thing is for APV not to take any vaccines or provide them for anyof his family members. He will always be able to come up with some arcane “danger” to any vaccine, so he and his family should remain unvaccinated and be vulnerable to the diseases. I think that would make him happy. I know that’s not what McGyver or any medical professional would say, but since I am not a medical professional, I can say what suits me without contradicting the accepted medical view. APV, stay unvaccinated and shut up. You are the perfect example of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing.
If APV or anyone in his family has the misfortune to be exposed to Ebola, they should remain untreated. You never know, APV, what kind of danger there might be in the treatment. Same with all other diseases, though everyone should be quarantined to prevent the spread of disease along with gross stupidity.

The FDA and Dr. Offit are unfortunately still trying to deny that the problem exists.
And why do you think they would do that?
That would be a great question for the FDA and Dr. Offit. Perhaps they don't want to scare the public with the truth and risk losing herd immunity? But now, they have lost public trust and are losing herd immunity. So you accept that vaccines do work and herd immunity is an important part of how they work?
As for which type of Flu vaccine to use simply ask your doctor. I recently read a book by an infectious disease specialist who used only two words to define those who would not accept vaccinations (Damn Fools).
It all started when my son developed food allergies and his doctors could not tell us why. When I asked his immunologist about vaccines, he replied that his area was immunology, not vaccine safety. Most doctors will not do their own research. They will parrot the FDA/CDC. For decades, the pharmaceutical companies have not been able to develop a better pain medicine. When the FDA approved Vioxx, it turned out to be better at killing people than it was at killing pain. Congress has protected vaccine makers with a law. So vaccine safety becomes an even lower priority. Given all the evidence I have provided, do you still want to blindly trust the FDA/CDC? If doctors had to do their own research on everything they do they would have no time to do anything else, including offering injections. Take a group of 10 doctors and you will get at least 11 opinions. The only thing we, as consumers, can do is read the research with a rational eye and not be taken in by panic induced by people with a conflict of interest or with a poor understanding of the issues. (Even trained doctors are susceptible to this.) Sometimes not doing something (like taking an injection) is more dangerous than doing it, despite the contraindications. Take your choice. There are no guarantees. If you look hard enough you can find a flaw in everything and you will have advanced not at all, you will have become immobilized. A little information can be a dangerous thing. Keep in mind that when it comes to flu it can be deadly--deadlier than any potential problem with a vaccine. LL I already wrote that the flu kills 3000-40000 people a year. I performed this research to find the safest flu vaccine. If I did not want a flu vaccine, why waste my time researching? The key point is not all flu vaccines are the same. Some are safer than others. 100% of the subjects in the study below who received the Fluzone IIV developed anti-influenza IgE (allergy to the influenza virus - of course a desirable outcome). The Fluzone IIV contains 15 mcg of the viral protein. Some flu vaccines contain as much as 1 mcg of ovalbumin or egg protein. That means as much as 1 in 15 people who receive these flu vaccines could develop anti-ovalbumin IgE (life-threatening allergy to egg - very undesirable outcome). Chance of dying of the flu: 40000*100/316000000=0.012%. Chance of getting egg allergy 1*100/15 = ~6%. Neither can be ignored. Smith-Norowitz TA, Wong D, Kusonruksa M, Norowitz KB, Joks R, Durkin HG, Bluth MH. Long Term Persistence of IgE Anti-Influenza Virus Antibodies in Pediatric and Adult Serum Post Vaccination with Influenza Virus Vaccine. Int J Med Sci 2011; 8(3):239-244. doi:10.7150/ijms.8.239. Available from The intradermal flu vaccine only contains 0.02 mcg of ovalbumin. So you have a 50 fold reduction in the risk of developing allergy to eggs compared to a flu vaccine that has 1 mcg. Why would you not choose the better one?

Thank you for your detailed response.
a) “flawed science”: Could you please specifically point out the flawed science in my posts?
b) Thiomersal is classified as very toxic by the EU. It targets the CNS and kidneys.
If some people are comfortable risking their CNS and kidneys to save a few dollars, that’s fine by me.
But please don’t take away that choice from people.
c) “You can site all the studies and fear reports you like…”
Could you please tell me what is wrong with the peer-reviewed published studies I cited and why they should be dismissed?
2) Undesirable proteins: Apart from desirable viral and bacterial proteins, vaccines contain the following undesirable proteins. Egg proteins, casein (milk proteins), Polysorbate 80 (which can be contaminated with unspecified vegetable oils, peanut, tree nut, sesame, soy etc.), canine kidney cell proteins, pancreatic proteins, insect proteins etc… May not even be a complete list.
It is all listed here:

Please tell me what science education I am missing?

  1. HPV: The HPV vaccine contains Polysorbate 80 (containing unspecified food proteins described above) and an aluminum containing adjuvant. As you know an adjuvant is used to increase immunogenicity of the viral proteins.
    But it also increases the immunogenicity of the food proteins.
    In the laboratory, food allergy is induced in mice in exactly the same way. Injecting food proteins + alum as an adjuvant.
    Birmingham N., Thanesvorakul S., Gangur V. Relative immunogenicity of commonly allergenic food versus rarely allergenic and non-allergenic foods in mice. J. Food Prot. 2002;65:1988–1991.
    Could you please point to any safety studies regarding the development of food allergies following administration of HPV vaccines or any other vaccine?
  1. It takes a few weeks for the body to create anti-bodies to a vaccine. Injected viral proteins are cleared quickly and the immune system may not have time to develop anti-bodies (weakly immunogenic antigens). Adjuvants prolong the presence of the viral proteins.
    “The medical community uses science to make recommendations.”
    Yes, now could you please point me to the science that shows that a kid can safely receive 5 vaccinations in one sitting?
    Taking into account the various undesirable proteins and various adjuvants that are injected simultaneously?
    The point is not whether a month is better or five weeks is better. The point is even one vaccine is enough for you to develop a food allergy. Five at once is a disaster. Why invite Murphy’s law?
    Kuno-Sakai H, Kimura M. Removal of gelatin from live vaccines and DTaP-an ultimate solution for vaccine-related gelatin allergy.Biologicals 2003;31:245-9. [PubMed]
    4.C section: C-section rates are going up. Factors driving them up include elective c-sections and older moms having natural delivery complications. Both are avoidable. I wrote avoid C-sections WHEN POSSIBLE.
    The price you pay may be a kid who develops life-threatening food allergies. I paid the price because I learnt this too late.
    Dr. Offit invented the Rotateq vaccine which has saved many lives. However, Dr. Offit admits he does not know why it works.
    “The exact immunologic mechanism by which RotaTeq protects against rotavirus gastroenteritis is unknown [see Clinical Studies (14.6)]. RotaTeq is a live viral vaccine that replicates in the small intestine and induces immunity”
    Well it’s complicated and understandable that the inventor himself may not understand how it works. If that is the state of the knowledge on the subject, how can the FDA claim here:
    that “Only if a vaccine’s benefits are found to outweigh its potential risks does the FDA grant a license for the vaccine, allowing it to be used by the public.”
    Over a hundred years ago, Charles Richet discovered that injecting proteins into mammals will cause them to develop an allergy. He won the Nobel Prize for his finding. The FDA has not done a single study to find out how much of the undesirable proteins can be safely injected into humans. Where is the science, the data demonstrating the benefit outweighing the risk? The FDA and Dr. Offit are speculating that vaccines do not cause allergies. They don’t have the data. Please prove me wrong by pointing to the studies.
    Your signature seems apt:
    “For every complex problem there is a solution that is simple, obvious,… and just plain wrong”
    Vaccines are a complex problem. There is a solution that is simple and obvious - blindly trust the FDA/CDC …
    and I think its just plain wrong.
    Thank you once again.

A detailed rebuttal of the pseudoscientific, anti-vaccine nonsense in this thread would be just like a detailed rebuttal of all the arguments for the existence of God–good sport for some, a tedious exercise for others, and ultimately pointless since APV isn’t going to be swayed by mere facts anyway.
There are plenty of web sites that talk about the thimerosal myth], the myth that vaccines are a major cause of allergic disease], and other vaccine myths]. Having those same tired old futile arguments doesn’t sound like fun.
But with regards to the flu vaccine specifically, here’s something that is fun! :slight_smile:
A Budget of Dumb Assess]

A detailed rebuttal of the pseudoscientific, anti-vaccine nonsense in this thread would be just like a detailed rebuttal of all the arguments for the existence of God--good sport for some, a tedious exercise for others, and ultimately pointless since APV isn't going to be swayed by mere facts anyway. There are plenty of web sites that talk about the thimerosal myth], the myth that vaccines are a major cause of allergic disease], and other vaccine myths]. Having those same tired old futile arguments doesn't sound like fun. But with regards to the flu vaccine specifically, here's something that is fun! :-) A Budget of Dumb Assess]
Good post. Thanks for the links (the 'budget' one is a paywall) What I can't figure out is that someone who obviously understands basic math and understands that multiple studies are required to determine the safeness or dangers of anything, manages to only use data that confirms what they believed before they started researching. In the last five years I've changed my mind about GMOs, God, Honey Bees, cars that run on water and a few other things. There's not much more to it than attempting to make your case and being honest about the quality of your argument and weight of the data.